2019-2020 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

10.3. Format specifications

The Final Paper must be uploaded in one complete file only in PDF format created with the Adobe Acrobat program. The name of the file must be LF followed by the student ID, e.g. if the student ID will be 1234567 the name of the file will be LF1234567.pdf.
In the content of the final paper, no personal reference of the student can be included (name, student ID number).

The definitive file of the final paper, in PDF format, must include as its first pages, 4 pages ordered as follows:
  • 1st page: a blank page
  • 2nd page: a blank page
  • 3rd page: dedication or acknowledgements (if not included, a blank page)
  • 4th page: a blank page.

The text of the final paper (numbering, table of contents, introduction, body, etc.) must start after the 4 pages above, page numbering included. In addition, the final paper file must not include a title page or abstract, which will be automatically generated with the title information entered by the student on Punto Blu.

In addition, the Final Paper must respect the following formatting specifications:
  • Maximum size of the file: 10 MB
  • Paper size: cm 29x21 (A4)
  • Lines per page: from 26 to 30 lines
  • Wright and Left Margins: 2.5 cm
  • Recommended font: Arial/Tahoma/Verdana
  • Font size (body): 12 points
  • Numbered pages

The Bocconi University seal may not be used on the cover sheet or within the Final Paper.

Last change 01/06/2019 08:00