Guides to the university

2019-2020 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

10.3. Format specifications


Last change 01/06/2019 08:00

10.3.1. Format specifications for the thesis definitive file

The thesis must be uploaded in a single file, PDF format created with the Adobe Acrobat program. The name of the file must be TS, followed by the student ID number, e.g., if the student ID number is 1234567, the name of the file will be TS1234567.pdf.
No personal information of the student (name, student ID, etc.) must be entered in the thesis content.
The definitive file, in PDF format, must have the following as the first four pages:
  • 1st page: a blank page
  • 2nd page: a blank page
  • 3rd page: dedication or acknowledgements or a blank page
  • 4th page: a blank page

The text of the work (table on contents, introduction, body, etc.) MUST start AFTER the 4 above described pages, page numbering included. The body of the thesis must not include a title page or abstract as it will be printed automatically and it will include the information on the title entered by the student online.

In addition, the following parameters must be respected:
  • File size: maximum 10 MB
  • Paper size: cm 29X21 (A4);
  • Right and left margin: 2.5 cm;
  • Lines per page: from 26 to 30 lines;
  • Recommended font: Arial/Tahoma/Verdana;
  • Front size (body): 12 points;
  • Numbered pages.

The thesis must start on the right page (odd), because it will be printed on both sides.

The Bocconi University seal may not be used on the cover sheet or within the Thesis.

Last change 01/06/2019 08:00

10.3.2. Format specifications for any support materials to the thesis oral defense

If the student intends to prepare any materials supporting the thesis defense (e.g. a presentation), he/she is encouraged to follow the indications below, in compliance with sustainability principles applied by the University.

  • print two-sided sheets,
  • if possible, print two slides per each sheet;
  • if possible, use recycled paper;
  • collate presentation slides using stapling and do not use covers or a title page, plastic spirals or other non-recyclable materials;
  • print copies at most equal to the number of Degree Assessment Board members.

Last change 01/06/2019 08:00