2019-2020 A.Y.

Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)

6.5.2. Electives allocation and numerical limits

After enrolling in the academic year, the allocation of first and second semester elective courses is made.

The elective course allocation is made based on the progressive position recorded at the time of the course choice / change.

Class groups for elective courses may not have more than 110 students enrolled. Students coming from foreign universities participating in international programs are not included in the above-mentioned limits.

Bocconi students participating in international programs may have exams taken at universities abroad recorded in their academic career even if these courses have attracted the maximum number of students at Bocconi, only with the aim of recording exams passed abroad in their academic career.

Students enrolled in the fifth year of studies can choose 2 seminars of 3 credit points each in place of an elective course. Each single seminar cannot have more than 60 students. Also for seminars, the allocation is made in accordance with the progressive position recorded at the time of the course choice/change.

For more information on how to choose elective courses, see "Program Structure and Educational Activities".
Students who enroll in the academic year after 29 August 2019 and in the period from 30 August to 31 December 2019 (*) can make the choice of elective courses/seminars still available on the date of enrollment in the academic year.

(*) As 31 December 2019 is holiday, the deadline is postponed to the first subsequent working day (3 January 2020).

Last change 22/07/2019 10:01