2019-2020 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

7.1. Exam Program

Exams, like lectures, are based on the topics described in the course program, available in 2 versions: the course profile and the course syllabus.

The course profile includes the main topics dealt with in the course and is divided into following sections: Course Mission and Course Content Summary, Intended Learning Outcomes, Teaching Methods, Assessment Methods, Teaching Materials and, where applicable, prerequisites. Students can access the course profiles on the Bocconi website (at page To help students choose courses on the basis of the course contents, the course profiles are published on the site well before the start of lectures. Substantial variations to the course profiles are not expected during the year, except for some changes to the textbooks that may be made as a consequence of new publications or updated material that were not available when the profile was finalized.

The purpose of the course syllabus together with the information published online is to explain in more detail the topics covered. For every learning session of the course, if possible the reference materials necessary for an in-depth consolidation of the concepts dealt with in the lessons and assessment methods are specified and tutors are available (see "Teaching Assistants"). The course syllabus is prepared by the Course Director in conjunction with the views of the Program Director. The syllabus is generally distributed during lectures and is generally also available online (BBoard, in the course profile, in the yoU@B student Diary).

Last change 22/07/2019 16:51