2019-2020 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

5.4. Internship recognition (authorization and final validation)

All internship experiences must be approved in advance in order to ensure their consistency and coherence with the educational objectives of the study program the students are enrolled in. At the end of the internship, this experience is validated in order to obtain credit points. To obtain recognition of the internship, the steps described below must be followed.

Advance authorization

  1. Before the beginning of the experience and after viewing the internship on JobGate and confirming it, the student must request advance authorization by accessing the area ‘My internships’ and clicking on ‘Request internship recognition’.
  2. The request is made viewable to the Internship Office which can give approval, reject it or, for more information, ask the student to schedule a meeting. 
  3. The student views the request outcome in the ‘My internships’ area of the JobGate portal. 
  4. The assessment of the Internship Office is final. In case of any doubts the Internship Office will interact with the Program Director.


Note: without advance authorization, the internship is not started as a curricular internship.

Final validation

  1. Once the internship has ended, the Internship Office views the evaluation forms filled out by the trainee and company tutor (end-of-internship documentation). If more information is needed, the Internship Office can ask the student to schedule a meeting.
  2. Once final recognition has been obtained from the Internship Office, the student can check the credit points recording in his/her academic career via the Punto Blu.

    The University will carry out checks during the student’s internship in order to verify that the internship is actually taking place. In case the student is repeatedly missing, the internship will be annulled and the annulment communication will be forwarded to the student, the Program Director and the host company.

    In case of behavior contrary to the Honor Code or Regulations for University internships during the experience, the Internship Office may report students to the Disciplinary Board.
  3. The Study Plan Office (Academic Affairs) records the internship credits by the graduation deadline set for the completion of the study plan. Generally, the internship needs to be completed by that date.

Uncompleted internships which have met the minimum duration of time indicated above can still be recognized in the student's academic career. The recognition is possible only if:

  • the student has to graduate before the end of the internship;
  • the student requests enrollment in a Bocconi Master of Science program, in order to obtain an additional point in the ranking;
  • if the student applies for a scholarship.

In these cases, at least one week before the deadline set for the completion of the study plan or the other deadlines indicated above, the student must:

  • complete the end-of-internship documents within the time needed to record the internship in the student’s academic career;
  • make an explicit request for recognition for early ending of the internship via the Help&Contact procedure.

For purposes of the recognition of curricular internships carried out after the end of teaching of the first year and before the beginning of the second year, in addition to meeting the requirements of duration, location, content and positioning, students must meet the following academic requirement: have earned the credit points of the first year by the end of the moth July except for, at maximum, one exam.

Checks on exam completion in the set timelines is made ex-post. If successful, the student can apply for recognition of the internship within three months, by accessing the JobGate area "My internships" in the "Internship data" and clicking" Request internship recognition".

The internship is recorded in the student’s study plan of the third year, despite being immediately viewable as ‘in the study plan’.
If the student completes more internships with potential curricular value in the years following the first year, the internship already registered in the study plan will be valid. Students cannot choose which internship to be recognized as curricular at the end of the study program.


Last change 03/07/2019 16:16