2019-2020 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

5.1. Characteristics of Curricular Internships

Curricular internships must have the following characteristics regarding duration, objectives and content, location and positioning.


  • Minimum 8 full-time weeks, whether in Italy or outside Italy;
  • minimum of 11 weeks in the case of part-time internships, whether in Italy or outside Italy.

The number of weeks is understood as continuous and non-cumulative.
For variations on duration (postponement, suspension, withdrawal/interruption) see paragraph 5.5. 'Postponement, Suspension, Withrawal, Interruption'.

Objectives and contents
The internship is an in-the-field training experience and not an employment contract. Its regulations are valid in Italy and are set by law (national and regional law) and by the University. The main objective of internships is to educate.

They allow students to:

  • learn about the world of work,
  • developing professional skills and knowledge,
  • facilitate their professional choices.

The content of internships must be aligned with the educational objectives of the Program. The in the field experience includes a company tutor (professional expert) supporting the students.

The company tutor should be referred to for anything the student needs or the company needs within the University.

Internships may take place - in Italy and outside Italy - at companies, public and private institutions, professional firms, international organisms, diplomatic agencies, cultural institutions and other organizations (hereinafter company). Internships held on the premises of the participant's family property are not accepted. Internships whose activities are held remotely are not accepted. The University reserves the right to evaluate the eligibility of the internship location.

The University places such experiences after the completion of learning activities which are fundamental to gaining basic theoretical knowledge.
Students can therefore participate in an internship only after completing second-year lectures.

Internships are registered in students' academic careers as a third-year educational activity.

As an exception, a curricular internship experience may be completed between the end of the teaching period of the first year of the start of the teaching period of the second year as long as the experience does not overlap class activities.

The duration and content requirements for these internships remain unchanged compared to requirements for curricular internships with the standard time location (see the paragraphs on duration, objectives and content and location).
For more information on the recognition procedures, see paragraph 5.4 Internship recognition.

Last change 22/07/2019 16:25