Guides to the university

2015-2016 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

5.5. Postponement, Suspension, Withdrawal/Interruption

It is possible to request, by the end of the internship, request a postponement for a limit of 6 months of duration of the internship. The Internship Office carefully evaluates the reasons for the request.

In case of internship carried out by a student, only if the company demonstrate that more time to reach the educational objective for the complexity of the project is needed, the University will evaluate the possibility to postpone the internship. In case of internship carried out by graduates, it is not possible (no way) postpone the internship over the 6 month the internship duration in the same company.

The postponement period must be communicated in advance by the company to the Internship Office through the JobGate portal in the "Internship duration change" section and the trainee must access the portal to confirm the postponement entered by the company.

In agreement with Università Bocconi, a period of temporary suspension of the internship experience can be admitted (e.g. company closure, holiday) to be recovered at the end of the internship if this affects the minimum duration of the curricular internship.

This period cannot be more than one month and must be communicated in advance by the company to the Internship office thorugh the JobGate in the section ‘Internship duration changes’ in case it reaches 3 subsequent working days.

The withdrawal/interruption of the internship can be requested only for serious and/or certified reasons. Without serious reasons there will be limitations for accessing to a new internship (the new internship cannot be started before a month from the date of interruption of the previous internship).

The interruption, with relating reasons, must be immediately communicated by the trainee via the JobGate. The interruption, with the relating reasons, must be immediately communicated by the company to the University through the JobGate in the section ‘Internship duration changes’. The trainee must access to the portal and confirm the interruption entered by the company.

In case of curricular internship, the in-advance interruption not authorized in advance by the Internship Office, can cause that the internship is not recognized even if the minimum duration has been fulfilled.

The advance authorization is given on the basis of the evaluation of all internship characteristics, including the duration.

The student forwards the request of authorization to the advance interruption to the Internship Office through the messaging function available on the yoU@B.

Last change 01/06/2015 08:00