2012-2013 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

10.3. Graduation Reservation

NOTICE: the first graduation session available for students enrolled in the third year of studies in the 2012-2013 academic year will be held in July 2013.

Students can make the graduation reservation via Punto Blu function "Graduation>Graduation-Application Procedure>Graduation Reservation" by reserving a graduation session from the Graduation Calendar.

Students can sit exams during this period. Students do not need to have passed all exams in order to make the graduation reservation. Therefore they are advised to apply in advance than the sumbission of their final papers.

When making the graduation reservation, the system will check online that both the student's financial and administrative positions comply with the graduation session.

In addition, the system also checks that students:

  • have submitted a valid final paper title;
  • have paid the graduation fee* (using  the MAV payment slip available on the Punto Blu in Administrative Area>Financial status>Payments);
  • have valid qualifications for admission to the University.

*Students are suggested to pay the graduation fee around one month before making the graduation reservation.

In addition, third-year students enrolled in the 2011-2012 a.y. who intend to graduate:

  • by the graduation session of December 2012, are not obliged to enrol in the 2012-2013 a.y.;
  • in the 1st graduation session after December 2012, are obliged to enrol in the 2012-2013 a.y. and to pay the 1st installment of University fees and tuition;
  • in the 2nd graduation session after December 2012, are obliged to enrol in the 2012-2013 a.y. and to pay the 1st and 2nd installments of University fees and tuition;
  • from the 3rd graduation session after December 2012 on, are obliged to enrol in the 2012-2013 a.y. and pay the total amount of university fees and tuition.

Third-year students enrolled in the 2012-2013 a.y. who intend to graduate by the graduation session of December 2013, are not obliged to enrol in the 2013-2014 a.y.

After making the graduation reservation students are asked to fill in the following forms in the yoU@B student Diary:

  • the placement form which goes into a "CV Book". Following graduation this CV Book   will be sent to Bocconi contacts which include companies, public and private organizations as well as professional studios, with the aim of enhancing recruitment opportunities;
  • the evaluation of university experience questionnaire, that forms part of a nation-wide survey aimed at gathering feedback on university study from graduating students.

Students who have carried out the graduation reservation for the graduation session but who do not want to graduate in the chosen session anymore can, by the set deadlines scheduled for the graduation sessions, cancel their graduation reservation via Punto Blu by using the function "Graduation>Graduation Application procedures>Cancel Application".

Last change 30/08/2012 15:56