2012-2013 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

10.1.6. Format specification for the submission of the thesis

1.The thesis must be uploaded in a single file, PDF format and the name of the file will be TS, followed by the student ID number e.g., if the student ID number is 1234567, the name of the file is TS1234567.pdf. Students are requested to include 2 white sheet  after the title page of the thesis and the special thanks, in order to obtain a correct formatting of the PDF document/file.

Formatting specifications suggested:

  • Paper size: cm 29X21 (A4);
  • Right and left margin: 2.5 cm;
  • Lines per page: from 26 to 30 lines;
  • Recommended font: Arial/Tahoma/Verdana;
  • Front size (body): 12 points;
  • Pages numbered;
  • Title page carrying on it, in the following order:
    • Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
    • School
    • Master of Science
    • Thesis' title
    • Advisor
    • Any second advisor
    • Discussant
    • Master of Science Thesis of: name, surname and student ID
    • Academic Year
  • The thesis must start from the right page (odd), because it will be back-and-front printed.

It is not possible to include any personal detail (name, student ID...) in other sections of the thesis (headings or notes at the bottom of the page) other than the front page.

It is not possible to use the Università Bocconi seal on the cover sheet or within the Thesis.

Last change 03/05/2013 14:47