Guides to the university

2008-2009 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

5.1. Characteristics of curricular internships

Curricular internships must satisfy the following characteristics with reference to duration, objectives and contents, location and positioning.

Minimum 12 weeks, in Italy;
Minimum 10 weeks, abroad.

In particular circumstances, subject to the prior approval from the Master of Science Program Director, a part-time internship could be considered an option. However, it must last at least 16 weeks.

Objectives and contents
The main objective of internships is to educate. They allow students to acquire work  and professional experience while developing professional skills. They help students get their bearings in these areas, facilitating their professional choices. Students acquire  direct knowledge of the continuously evolving world of work. The internship is an opportunity that allows students to put  their studies into practice, to grow both professionally and on a personal level.
The  contents of the internship must be consistent with the educational objectives of the student's MSc program.  

During the internship each student is assisted by a university and a company tutor.
For Themis students the internship held as part of the Themis program, if completed by a clinic experience (see "Other activities recognized in lieu of internships"), is recognized as a curricular internship.

Internships may take place - in Italy and abroad - in firms, public and private institutions, professional studios, international organisms, diplomatic agencies, cultural institutions and other organizations.

Students may participate in internships during their second year.
Students may participate in an internship only after completing first-year courses.
Internships are registered in students' academic careers as a second-year educational activity. However it is possible to participate in an  internship in advance:

  • in the first year, in particular circumstances only and subject to prior approval from the MSc Program Director, following the normal authorization and validation procedures which are described below; however, internship activities must not clash with classroom activities;
  • before enrolment in MSc programs but after the undergraduate degree (except for CLG-LS students); in this case there are various authorization and validation procedures which are described below.

In both cases, the internship will be registered in the student's academic career as a first-year educational activity.

Last change 27/01/2009 10:12