2024-2025 A.Y.
World Bachelor Business (3-y)
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Renewing enrollment
Students who decide to attend the last year of studies at Bocconi University must renew enrollment in the 2024-2025 academic year from 29 July to 26 August 2024:
The enrollment procedures are as follows:
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Change of second language
Students can change the second language using Punto Blu, which can be accessed through the yoU@B student Diary, in the Administrative Area (Language choice/change) in the period 29 July - 13 September 2024 and between 08-21 January 2025. Last change 01/06/2024 08:00 |
Choice of destionation for the fourth year of studies
From 15 January to 14 February 2025 students enrolled in the third year of the WBB must choose, by filling out the appropriate form, the University where they intend to attend the fourth year from among:
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Choice of elective courses
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Choice of tracks and elective courses
Upon enrollment in the fourth year of studies (29 July - 26 August 2024), from the left-hand menu of the yoU@B Student Diary Renewing Enrollment in the 2024-2025 Academic Year, students must choose one of the proposed tracks:
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Changing the first and second semester courses with second semester courses
From 08 to 21 January 2025 via yoU@B > Punto Blu students can change elective courses of the first and second semester included in the study plan with other courses included in the chosen track, as long as they are taught in the second semester of the current academic year. Last change 01/06/2024 08:00 |
Additional courses
Additional courses are those whose credit points provide more than the 180 credit points needed to fulfil the Italian degree requirements. WBB students who choose to spend the fourth year of studies at Bocconi University can include a maximum of three additional activities in their study plan, provided that they have passed all course exams of the first two and a half years (only academic activities having an equivalent in the Bocconi study plan will be taken into account).
Please note that:
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Temporary interruption
During the academic year, students who are carrying out military service or civil service duties, female students in the year of birth of each child and students who are forced to interrupt studies because of serious illness and certified prolonged medical conditions can apply to temporarily interrupt their studies in accordance with Italian DPCM 09/04/2001. Last change 01/06/2024 08:00 |
Deadlines for completing the program
Students are encouraged to graduate within the official duration of the program. The student status expires in case students do not renew enrollment for eight consecutive academic years, or in case they renew enrollment but do not pass exams/other assessments. Any periods of “temporary interruption” of studies in accordance with Italian D.P.C.M. (Ministerial Decree) of 09/04/2001 (military service, civil service, year of birth of each child and duly certified serious and prolonged illness) are not taken into account in the calculation of the eight years. Students whose student status has expired may obtain certificates related to the academic career pursued and credits previously acquired and may re-enroll. In that case:
Students who do not want their student status to expire must submit a specific application through B in Touch > Administrative Procedures in order for their academic career to be evaluated for non-obsolescence by the Program Director. Last change 15/07/2024 12:54 |
Withdrawing from university studies
Students can withdraw from their studies at any time, ending their academic career at this University. Their intention to withdraw must be communicated in a written, clear and concise form. To apply for a withdrawal from studies, students must:
Please note: Students who are unable to purchase a revenue stamp (e.g. because they are abroad) can make the €16 payment by credit card using the following link, and attach the payment receipt to the withdrawal application: https://uni.bocconistore.it/buy_it/ (select "Revenue stamp for administrative records") Students must pay tuition and fees up to the submission of the withdrawal form according to the payment deadlines defined by the Fees Founding and Housing Office. Last change 01/06/2024 08:00 |
Concurrent enrollment in two study programs
Law no. 33 of 12/04/2022 allows enrollment in two study programs at the same time, as long as:
In addition, for Bocconi only:
Because any concurrent enrollments must necessarily be communicated to the two Universities, students in this situation are encouraged to fill out the self-declaration form available in the yoU@B student diary > Concurrent Enrollment. The responsible offices will then be able to carry out the appropriate checks or contact the interested parties for further details, if necessary. The university will collect information regarding concurrent enrollment at the beginning of each academic year. Last change 01/06/2024 08:00 |