Guides to the university

2024-2025 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)



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9.1. Continuing studies


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9.1.1. Rules

Students enrolled in the first year of a Bachelor of Science program are admitted to the second year only if they have earned at least 24 credit points by the exam period of:

  • July 2024 for students enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year;
  • July 2025 for students enrolled in the 2024-2025 academic year.

Please note that such credit points refer to the courses included in the first year study plan only and they also include the credit points earned when passing each single module if applicable to the course. At the end of the July exam period, credit points needed to move on to the second year are verified.

Students who have not fulfilled this requirement are unable to take part in the September exam period and must continue their studies by enrolling as repeating students ("ripetente") in the first year of studies.

Enrolling as "ripetente" gives students the right to attend lectures and does not give them access to exams before the end of the lectures for the semester in which the course is held.

Students regularly enrolled in the academic year as regular ("in corso") or repeating students “ripetente”:

  • are allocated a class group for the lectures;
  • are allowed to sit partial and general exams;
  • are granted access to the various services offered by the University (Library, IT rooms, etc.);
  • can obtain enrollment certifications for the academic year in which they are enrolled.

There are no restrictions for enrollment after the second year of studies.

After the third year, students who have not yet completed the study plan usually enroll as repeating students "fuori corso". However students can also enroll as repeating students "ripetente".

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9.1.2. Administrative procedures and deadlines for enrolment as repeating students ('ripetente') in the first, second and following years

Enrollment must be carried out during:

  • 26 July - 26 August 2024 for enrollment in the first year repeating student “ripetente” and in the second year of studies;
  • 29 July- 26 August 2024 for enrollment in the third year of studies and as repeating students ‘fuori corso'

-starting on the first day of enrollment: Renew Academic Year Enrollment 2024-2025 must be selected through the yoU@B Diary > left side menu; 

-starting from 1 August: this must be accessed through the yoU@B Diary in the Punto Blu > Administrative Area, by selecting the "Academic Year Enrollment" function.

The enrollment procedures are as follows:

  • select the "Enrollment in Academic Year" option;
  • enter the enrollment data requested.

After selecting "Enrollment in the academic year", the system automatically allows

  • first year students to enroll in the "regular" second year of studies if they have earned 24 credit points by the July exam period and the choice of the second language;
  • first year students to enroll as first year repeating students ("ripetente") if they HAVE NOT earned 24 credit points by the July exam period;
  • students already enrolled in the second year of studies, enrollment in the third year, the choice of electives (when taught in both Italian and English, specify the language chosen) and, if requested, the semester or the teaching method (traditional or e-learning).

Enrollment in the academic year via the appropriate procedure is completed once the advance payment of the first instalment of tuition and fees has been paid and recorded in the student's academic career. If the first advance payment is not paid by 6 September 2024 students will not be able to carry out any administrative or learning activities or make use of any other services.

Students who do not enroll by 26 August 2024, for whatever reason, can enroll during the 27 August - 31 December 2024 (*) period, upon payment of a late-enrollment fee (for detailed information check the website at

After 31 December 2024 enrollment is only possible as students enrolled beyond the standard duration of the program, ("fuori corso" or "fuori corso intermedio") and with the payment of the penalty fees duly made (for detailed information, please see

(*) Since 31 December 2024 is a holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (3 January 2025).

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9.1.3. Choice of Major for students enrolled in the BIEF program

From 8 to 21 January 2025, by using the Punto Blu, that can be accessed via yoU@B, BIEF students enrolled in the second year of studies must choose from among the following majors:

  • Economics
  • Finance

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9.1.4. Choice of Major for students enrolled in BGL program

When registering for the third year of the program, students must select their desired track. At the same time, they must also choose the track compulsory courses and elective exams/activities.

The Bachelor in Global Law’s standard and characteristic track is the Global track.

Students who would like to continue their studies with the Integrated Master of Arts in Law (CLMG) can select the Domestic track (that allows them to join the CLMG after obtaining the BGL degree). Admission to this track is allowed in limited cases authorized in advance by the CLMG Program Director. After selecting the Domestic track option, students must request an interview with the CLMG Program Director. The interview will take place once the enrollment period for the academic year has ended and prior to the start of classes. Possible admission is subject to the existence of special motivation and fluency in Italian.  Students admitted to the Domestic track who graduate by the October graduation session may then move on to the fourth year of the five-year program to then take the exams still required to earn the Integrated Master of Arts.

CLMG exams placed in different prior program years will then need to be made up, resulting in difficulties in accommodating the class and exam timetables. Considering this, students wishing to switch to the Integrated Master of Arts in Law are recommended to opt for a "change of program", which should be completed at the end of the 1st or 2nd year. This will simplify their educational path.

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9.1.5. Choice of course for second year BGL students

From 8 to 21 January 2025, students enrolled in the second year of the program are required to choose one course among 30636 Microeconomics and 30637 Public finance. This must be completed via the yoU@B student diary > Punto Blu > Study Plan.

This choice can be changed during the same period.

The course will be assigned according to the order of registration recorded at the time of course choice/change.

No more than 30 students can be assigned to each course class group.

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9.1.6. Choice of modules for second year CLEACC students

When enrolling in the second year of studies (26 July- 26 August 2024) students must carry out the choice of two modules, one for the first semester and one for the second semester, relating to the course Metodo, critica e ricerca nelle discipline artistiche [Critical Approches to the Arts] (see chapter 2 Program structures of the 3-y degree programs).

From 8 to 21 January 2025, via yoU@B Student Diary > Punto Blu > Study Plan, the module previously chosen in the second semester can be changed with another module held in the second semester of the current academic year. Such changes must be made in compliance with numerical limits described in Elective course allocation.

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9.2. Languages

The study plan for all 3-y degree programs, with the exception of BAI and BGL, includes:

  • First year: first language
  • Second year: second language

The study plans for BAI (the Bachelor of Science in Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence) and BGL (the Bachelor in Global Law) include only one language in the second year, whose rules coincide with those of the second language for the other 3-y degree programs.

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9.2.1. Changing the first language

First-year students who are not native English speakers and are enrolled in class groups taught in Italian will have English assigned automatically as their first compulsory language.
First-year students who are not native English speakers and are enrolled in class groups taught in English who are automatically assigned English as first language can make the first language change via Punto Blu after the finalization of enrollment by 13 September 2024.
First-year students who are native English speakers are invited to change their first language after the finalization of enrollment via Punto Blu by 13 September 2024.
Any language changes can be made between 8 - 21 January 2025 via the yoU@B Diary - Punto Blu function.

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9.2.2. Choice of second language for second year

Students must choose the second language when enrolling in the 2nd year (26 July - 26 August 2024); BAI and BGL students must choose a language when enrolling in the 2nd year of program during the same period.

Students can change the 1st and/or 2nd language, by entering Punto Blu, accessed by the yoU@B student Diary, in the period 29 July - 13 September 2024 and between 8 - 21 January 2025.
Information regarding language choice and courses on offer is available in the chapter "Languages".

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9.3. Choice of elective courses


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9.3.1. Choice of Elective Course Rules

When students enroll in the third year of their programs (29 July - 26 August 2024) they must choose their elective courses for both the first and second semesters, for inclusion in their study plan. The positioning of elective courses in the first or the second semesters is merely a suggestion. Students can choose how to allocate these activities along the two semesters.
During this period students can also change the electives they chose when enrolling in the current academic year. In addition BIEF students can also change the major chosen in the second year of studies.

Before choosing elective courses students are advised to check the list of courses available, course programs, class timetables, and the "incompatible" and "banned" courses.

Electives may be freely chosen from the courses available, from the general list following the instructions below for each Bachelor of Science Program.


3 elective courses

Electives must be chosen according to the following criteria:

  • at least 1 elective must be chosen from those taught in English (with the exception of BEMACS and CLEF, which do not have this requirement), for students involved in semesters abroad, e.g. Exchange program or Free-Mover semester and who validate at least one course this requirement is not applied;
  • a maximum of 2 of the 3 electives can be chosen from among the compulsory courses characteristic of the other 3-y degree programs;
  • a curricular internship may replace 1 elective taught in Italian.

4 major compulsory courses chosen from among the 5 proposed;

in addition

  • 2 elective courses;

Elective courses must be chosen following the criteria below:

  • they may be chosen from the remaining courses of the Major;
  • they can be selected from among the compulsory courses characterizing other 3-y degree programs;
  • a curricular internship may replace 1 elective.

Students must select 4 compulsory courses to be chosen in the list of their major (Economics or Finance);

in addition

  • 2 elective courses;

Elective courses must be chosen following the criteria below:

  • they may be chosen from the remaining courses of the Major chosen;
  • they can be selected from the courses included in the major not chosen, with the following exceptions:
    • students in the Finance major CANNOT select the course 30284 Empirical methods for economic
    • students in the Economics major CANNOT select the course 30285 Empirical methods for finance.
  • they can be selected from among the compulsory courses characterizing other 3-y degree programs;
  • a curricular internship may replace 1 elective.


All students must choose 1 course from among:

  • the workshops offered in the group of 6 workshops exclusively addressed to CLEACC students;
  • an internship;
  • an elective course exclusively if it has been passed abroad as part of the Exchange and Free mover semester programs.

4 elective courses.

The elective courses must be chosen in compliance with the following criteria:

  • at least 2 elective courses can be chosen as part of a specific list;
  • a maximum of 2 elective courses can be chosen as part of a list of elective courses on offer or from among the compulsory courses characterizing other 3-y degree programs;
  • 1 elective can be replaced by a curricular internship.

2 elective courses (if students participate in an Exchange or Free Mover program, they can include a third elective in the study plan as a replacement of the course 30466 Culture, institutions and development, as long as it is part of the Political economics [SECS-P/01] subject group.

Elective courses must be chosen in compliance with the following criteria:

  • they can be chosen from among the compulsory courses characteristic of other Bachelor of Science programs;
  • 1 elective may be replaced by a curricular internship.


2 slots - 6 credits each, as follows: 

  • I slot, 6 credit points, to be chosen from the "BAI basket" (see chapter Bachelor of Science in Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence (BAI));
  • II slot, 6 credit points, to be chosen from the "overall 3-y degree programs basket" which includes the “BAI basket” (provided they are activities not chosen in the first slot) or internship.

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9.3.2. Electives allocation and numerical limit

After enrolling in the academic year students are allocated the elective courses chosen for both the first and the second semester. The courses chosen are therefore immediately viewable in the students’ study plan.

The allocation of elective courses is made on the basis of the sign-up positions when students made the course choice/change.

As a general rule, each course class group must not have more than 110 students.

Except for:

  • third year CLEACC workshops whose maximum limit of 35 enrolled students is set;
  • the modules relating to the course Method and research in arts of the CLEACC second year program structure. The limit of 60 participating students is set;
  • very rare cases of elective courses for which a different limit is set.

In the limit of 110 students, the following categories of students are not included:

  • students participating in international programs who come from foreign universities;
  • students who have already graduated from Bocconi and have been admitted to the third year of studies.

Bocconi students participating in international programs may include courses that at Bocconi have reached the maximum number of students enrolled in their academic career only with the purpose of recording exams passed abroad in their academic career.

Students who enroll in the academic year after 26 August 2024, and especially during the period from 27 August to 31 December 2024(*), can choose their first- and second-semester electives from the list of electives still available at the time of enrollment in the academic year.

(*) Since 31 December 2024 is a holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (3 January 2025).

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9.3.3. Changing first and second semester elective courses with second semester elective courses

During the 8 - 21 January 2025 period students can change the first- and second-semester electives included in their study plan via Punto Blu with other second-semester electives, as long as they refer to the current academic year.

Changing electives is always subject to the limited numbers as described in "Electives allocation".

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9.3.4. Change of study plan for students participating in international programs

When enrolling in the academic year, students participating in an international program should choose elective courses coherent with their interests in case they have to sit for some exams at Bocconi when they return. They will be given the opportunity to change their study plan after they have completed the conversion and recording in the academic career of exams taken abroad. In addition to the periods for all students (from 29 July to 26 August 2024 and from 8 to 21 January 2025) they will have one additional opportunity (see paragraph 9.3.2 Electives Allocation) through Punto Blu, via the yoU@B Diary.

When the exams taken abroad have been recorded in the student’s academic career, the student receives a message on his/her yoU@B Diary stating that the study plan can be changed. In addition to the study plan change for entering the courses taken abroad, students can include courses to be taken at Bocconi as long as there are still places available.

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9.4. Additional educational activities

Additional educational activities are those whose credit points provide more than the credit points needed to fulfil the degree requirements. They can be included in the study plan, for a maximum number of three, after students have passed all course exams of the first 3 semesters of their Bachelor of Science program. Such activities can be selected from among:

  • the elective courses offered in their Bachelor of Science;
  • language courses;
  • a second internship.

To calculate the grade point average, only two additional exams may be considered (those for which students received the highest marks, if grades achieved are the same, courses with the highest number of credit points are considered).

Students can choose additional activities from the third year of studies by filling in the form "Additional courses request" available in yoU@B student diary during the period from:

  • 29 July - 26 August 2024 for courses in the first semester;
  • 8 - 21 January 2025 for courses in the second semester

Please note that allocation of elective courses entered as additional exams is subject to the limit of places available; if there is availability, they are included in the study plan before the start of classes.

Additional courses may be eliminated by submitting a request via B in Touch.
It is not possible to eliminate an activity from the study plan which has been passed and registered.

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9.5. Program changes

For program changes from Bachelor programs to the Integrated Master of Arts program in Law, please see the specific Guide to the University for the Integrated Master of Arts program in Law.

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9.5.1. Rules

Rules for changing programs will consider the following elements:

  • the language of instruction of the program;
  • whether or not there is a common foundation of the two programs.

A change in 3-y degree program can therefore be requested:

  • In case the language of instruction is the same: changes between Bachelor programs or between Bachelor programs and the Integrated Master of Arts program can be made at the end of the first, second or third year. If the change is made between programs within the "common foundation" (CLEAM, CLEF, BIEM, BIEF) (see chapter 2.1), the change can also be requested at the end of the third semester.
  • In case of different language of instruction: at the end of the first year, no matter whether or not the change is within programs with a common foundation.

As for exceptional cases, it is possible to allow the change of 3-y degree programs taught in a different language also at the end of years following the first year, on the condition that the student has not yet earned more than 60 credit points (relating to compulsory and elective educational activities) of the program structure of the new 3-y degree program.

For changes between programs taught both in Italian and English (CLEACC) changing class groups is of an exceptional nature and its reasons should be explained in writing by the student via a motivational letter to be attached to the application. For changes to the Bachelor of Science in Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence (BAI), due to the specific subject matter that is substantially different from that normally offered by the University, the student should write a motivational letter to be attached to the application. The Direction will evaluate each single letter of reasons identifying, in this way, the students who can be admitted.

In order to submit an application to change Bachelor of Science program, students must be enrolled in their original Bachelor of Science program for the incoming academic year (in the first year as a repeating student or in years after the first year).

In case of changing towards programs taught in English, please note that admission is dependent on having acquired the English language knowledge prerequisite, either one of the language prerequisites (Table - Italian version only) valid for enrollment in a program taught in English or the internal English Bocconi exam at level B2 (minimum grade: 26/30) or level C1.
Please note that, during the same academic year, only one 3-y degree program change can be requested. Therefore students who have obtained a 3-y degree program change in July-August 2024 CANNOT request a 3-y degree program change again at the end of the third semester (December 2024).

The year of admission is decided by the 3-y degree Program Director, considering the student’s academic career. For 3-y degree program changes towards the BSc of International Politics and Government (BIG – curriculum in Politics and Policy Making) and the BSc in Mathematical and Computing Sciences for Artificial Intelligence (BAI) admission will be possible only in the first or second year of studies, while for changes to the Bachelor in Global Law (BGL), admission is usually in the first year. 

Please note that only the second and third year of the BSc in Economia e Finanza (CLEF) will be offered in the 2024-2025 academic year. Therefore, program changes to the first year of CLEF will not be allowed.

Program changes to and from the World Bachelor in Business and the BSc in International Politics and Government (BIG - curriculum in Data, Society and Organizations) are not possible in any way.

When changing from one Bachelor of Science program to another, the following applies:

  • exams taken for courses in the original degree program that have the same title, code and credit point values as those in the new degree program are considered to be equal (same exams in common);
  • exams are to be integrated if they are exams for courses belonging to the same subject group in both the original and new degree program. Courses may have significantly different course profiles but are worth the same credit point value, or the original program's courses may be worth less credit points than those of the new program. In this case, the exam mark is based on a weighted average of the marks obtained in both degree programs;
  • any exams included in the original degree program that are not included in the program structure of the new degree program are considered to be in excess. In this case, compulsory courses passed as part of the original degree program, not included in the study plan of the new degree program may be recognized as additional courses and also as elective courses upon approval from the Program Director of the new degree program.

In addition, students are considered to have attended the lectures for courses taken in the years before the change included in the program structure of the new degree program. Therefore, students can register for the exams for the courses included in the program structure of the new degree program in the years before the change, starting from the first available exam session.

Some of the English certifications already recognized with B2 exit level may be validated in the higher level C1 with a grade adaptation out of thirty. Students interested in such validation should contact the Language Center.

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9.5.2. Numerical limits

In order to regulate changes from one degree program to another, for the 2024-2025 academic year applications will be accepted as follows:

  • First year: a maximum of 5 students per class group will be admitted
  • Second and third year: applications will be accepted as long as the balance between entering and exiting students, added to those students who make up the class groups, is at most equal to:
    • 135 students for each class group for the 3-y degree programs taught in Italian;
    • 115 students for each class group for the 3-y degree programs taught in English (with the exception of BAI, to which a maximum of 5 students will be admitted).

If the number of applications is greater than the number of places, students will be selected according to a ranking list for each new Bachelor of Science program based on merit, which is determined by the weighted average of exam marks and credit points received compared with those to be received.

For 3-y degree program changes made in the summer (July-August 2024) the ranking will be made upon considering the exams passed by 19 June 2024 for BSc students, by 12 June 2024 for IMA in Law students.

For 3-y degree program change of programs taught in the same language and sharing a common foundation made at the end of the third semester (December 2024) the ranking is made, as already applied, upon considering the exams passed by 30 November 2024.

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9.5.3. Administrative procedures and deadlines

In order to submit an application to change Bachelor of Science program choice, students must be enrolled in their original Bachelor of Science program for the 2024-2025 academic year.
Students can submit an application to change the Bachelor of Science program choice through the procedure available in yoU@B by specifying the preference for a maximum of 2 programs (first and second choice), in the following periods:

  • 29 July - 20 August 2024 (i.e. at the end of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd year): for all 3-y degree programs;
  • 2 - 20 December 2024 (i.e. at the end of the 3rd semester): between programs sharing a common foundation and with the same language of instruction.

The same deadline applies for cancelling or modifying any applications previously submitted.
Students will receive the results of the application via yoU@B, along with details on the class group assigned, within the following dates:

  • 4 September 2024, for applications submitted in July/August;
  • 17 January 2025, for applications submitted in December.

After the application outcome, students admitted to a year of the program other than the year requested who wish to withdraw from the change made have 5 days from the publication of the outcome to submit a written withdrawal via B in Touch in Academic Career - Change of the program or review of the 3-y degree program choice.


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9.6. Transferring to another university

Bocconi students may transfer to another university by submitting an application to transfer form that can be downloaded here.
The form must be:

  • correctly completed with details of the new university they intend to transfer to, the legal email address (PEC) of the University of destination and the Program they wish to attend;
  • accompanied by the documentation listed below (*),
  • sent by registered mail/courier to the following address: Università Commerciale "Luigi Bocconi" Academic Services - Study Planning Office - Room 213, Piazza Sraffa 11, 20136, Milan.

Students should check with the new university regarding the deadline for submitting transfer documents in order to submit the application in time for the paperwork to be processed.

Students who present a transfer request during the 24 July - 30 September 2024 period do not have to enroll in the 2024-2025 academic year; students who present a transfer request from 1 October 2024 and no later than 31 December 2024(**) must enroll for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Enrolled students who have submitted a transfer application should contact the Fees, Funding and Housing service for information regarding tuition and fees.

(*) The transfer application form must be accompanied by:

  • duty stamp of 16.00 euros;
  • the unofficial academic transcript and Bocconi ID card (except for the student IDs which can be enabled for banking operations);
  • receipt for payment of fees for issuing the transfer document, which must be made via the Bocconi procedure for payment (;
  • declaration from the Bocconi Library that the student does not have any overdue books;
  • authorization from the Fees, Funding and Housing service.

Students who transferred to another University cannot come back to Bocconi University during the same academic year they applied for transfer, except for students who have not completed any administrative acts at the University of destination.

Students who apply for readmission to Bocconi University after being enrolled in programs at other universities, in Italy or abroad, may be admitted after passing the entrance exams. If the student is admitted, the credits obtained at Bocconi during their initial program will not be automatically recognized in the new program, but rather, will be subject to assessment to determine if they are still valid. The assessment is carried out by the Program Director, by delegation of the Study Program Committee.

Students who intend to continue their studies at the Italian Military Academy and universities abroad must send a request via B in Touch in Academic Career > Transferring to another university.

(**) Since 31 December 2024 is a holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (3 January 2025).

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9.7. Temporary interruption

During the academic year, students who are carrying out military service or civil service duties, female students in the year of birth of each child and students who are forced to interrupt studies because of serious illness and certified prolonged medical conditions can apply to temporarily interrupt their studies in accordance with Italian DPCM 09/04/2001.
Temporary interruption of studies means that students will not be able to complete any administrative operations, participate in educational activities or make use of any university services. The years for which the student did not enroll do not count towards disqualification. For each year of temporary interruption students are required to pay a fixed sum set by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office.

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9.8. Deadlines for completing the program

Students are encouraged to graduate within the official duration of the program.

The student status expires in case students do not renew enrollment for eight consecutive academic years, or in case they renew enrollment but do not pass exams/other assessments.

Any periods of “temporary interruption” of studies in accordance with Italian D.P.C.M. (Ministerial Decree) of 09/04/2001 (military service, civil service, year of birth of each child and duly certified serious and prolonged illness) are not taken into account in the calculation of the eight years.

Students whose student status has expired may obtain certificates related to the academic career pursued and credits previously acquired and may re-enroll. In that case:

• If the program is no longer offered, they may complete their studies upon transfer to an offered program.

• If the study plan has undergone major changes, an ad hoc study plan with the list of activities to be completed will be arranged, consistent with the study plan in effect at the time studies are resumed.

• Regarding exams/other assessments passed before the expiry of student status, recognition is subject to verification of non-obsolescence. The assessment of non-obsolescence is carried out by the Program Director (by delegation of the Study Program Committee) with the support of the administrative office in charge.

Students who do not want their student status to expire must submit a specific application through B in Touch > Administrative Procedures in order for their academic career to be evaluated for non-obsolescence by the Program Director.

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9.9. Withdrawing from university studies

Students can withdraw from their studies at any time, ending their academic career at this University. Their intention to withdraw must be communicated in a written, clear and concise form.
The withdrawal form, which can be downloaded here.

To apply for a withdrawal from studies, students must:

1. request authorization from the Fees, Funding and Housing Office, as well as the Library, under the respective offices’ sections in B in Touch;
2. complete and sign the downloaded form above and affix a €16 revenue stamp (see note).
3. send the following by registered mail/courier:

  • a copy of a valid form of ID
  • the completed and signed form accompanied by a revenue stamp;
  • a copy of the responses containing the authorizations from the Fees, Funding and Housing Office, as well as the Library, to the following address: Università Commerciale "Luigi Bocconi" Academic Services - Academic Planning Office - Room 213, Piazza Sraffa 11, 20136, Milano.

Please note: Students who are unable to purchase a revenue stamp (e.g. because they are abroad) can make the €16 payment by credit card using the following link, and attach the payment receipt to the withdrawal application: (select "Revenue stamp for administrative records").

Students enrolled in the first year of studies in 2024-2025 who wish to withdraw must follow the timeline below:

  • by 1 December 2024: they must contact the Admissions Office;
  • later than such date: they must contact the Academic Services.

Students must pay tuition and fees up to the submission of the withdrawal form according to the payment deadlines defined by the Fees, Funding and Housing Office.

Students who submit the withdrawal form should contact the Fees, Funding and Housing Office in order to check any pending obligations with reference to any expired tuition and fees deadline.
Withdrawn students can obtain certifications regarding the previous academic career and credit points earned.

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9.10. Concurrent enrollment in two study programs

Law no. 33 of 12/04/2022 allows enrollment in two study programs at the same time, as long as:

  • the two study programs do not belong to the same field of study;  
  • the concurrent enrollment in the two study programs with different fields of study guarantees that at least 2/3 of the educational activities are different.

In addition, for Bocconi only: 

  • the two study programs are offered at two different Universities.  

Because any concurrent enrollments must necessarily be communicated to the two Universities, students in this situation are encouraged to fill out the self-declaration form available in the yoU@B student diary > Concurrent Enrollment. The responsible offices will then be able to carry out the appropriate checks or contact the interested parties for further details, if necessary.

The university will collect information regarding concurrent enrollment at the beginning of each academic year.

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