Guides to the university

2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)



Last change 01/06/2023 08:00

12.1. Other costs

Contributions for enrolment in final exams and fees for administrative services

Starting with 24 July 2023, contributions for enrolment in final exams and fees for administrative services are defined as follows:

Final exams

Degree exams for Masters of Science programs: € 365

covers: 2 binding copies of final thesis for MSc candidate, graduation photos (no more than 15), various state taxes;
to be paid at least one month before registering for graduation

Administrative services

  • for each university transfer application: € 100 
  • for each duplicate or replacement of Bocconi ID card: € 26 (service is free if card has demagnetized)
  • for each duplicate of original degree diploma: € 100
  • for certifications issue:
    - € 16,00 duty stamp 'imposta di bollo' for certification request;
    - € 16,00 duty stamp 'imposta di bollo' for each certification included in the request;
    - € 2,00 for administration fees.



Last change 01/06/2023 08:00