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First year procedures, rules and administrative deadlines
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Change of Language
Starting in the 2018-2019 a.y., the first compulsory language for all students in all Master of Science programs will be English, with the exception of DSBA.
Through the yoU@B Diary by accessing Punto Blu-Study Plan>Language Choice/Change from 09 to 22 January 2024:
- students enrolled in DSBA and AI program can change the choice of the language made during pre-enrollment;
- students enrolled in the other MSc programs can change the choice of the second language made during pre-enrollment.
Then, when enrolling in the second academic year, students can confirm/change the choice they made previously.
For information on the choice of languages and possible modifications and language courses offered, see "Languages" or check the website at www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter.
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Languages: application for exemption
Students who completed a Bachelor program at Bocconi can apply to have the mark that is recorded in the student's undergraduate Bocconi academic career validated, only in the first year of the program, in order to be exempted from the MSc language exam, during the period 2 October 2023 - 10 July 2024 by submitting a written request through B in Touch > Languages > Requesting language exemption.
More information is available in "Languages".
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Curricular choices, first year courses: AI, M, GIO, ACME, EMIT, ESS, DSBA
Curricular choices for students enrolled in the MSc in AI
From 28 August - 3 September 2023, through the yoU@B student diary by accessing Punto Blu > Study Plan, students enrolled in the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence (AI) must choose one of the following compulsory courses:
- Mathematical methods in computer science;
- Analysis of algorithms and data structures
Curricular choices for students enrolled in the MSc programs in M, GIO, ACME, EMIT, ESS, DSBA
From 9 - 22 January 2024, through the yoU@B, by accessing the Punto Blu>Study Plan, students enrolled in some Master of Science programs must choose the curriculum or courses chosen by the students in the second semester, first year, for each Master of Science program following the indications below:
Management (M)
Students enrolled in the Master of Science in Management (M) choose between the two curricula in which the course is divided:
- Percorsi di Management (Majors of Management), held in Italian and in English, or
- Organizzazione e gestione delle risorse umane (Organization and Human Resourse Management), held in Italian only.
Students enrolled in the English class group who wish to continue the educational path by selecting the major Organizzazione e gestione delle risorse umane (Organization and Human Resource management) must send a request to change to the Italian class group through B in Touch > Study Plan > Study plan change. In order to make the request, they must have one of the prerequisites recognized as valid for enrolling in a program taught in Italian.
Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations (GIO)
Students enrolled in the GIO MSc program choose a free track major or one of the following recommended majors:
- Healthcare;
- International organizations;
- Public management and business-government relations;
- Sustainability.
Economics and Management in Arts, Culture, Media and Entertainment (ACME)
Students enrolled in the ACME Master of Science Program choose one of the majors available. Based on the major chosen, the two workshops worth 6 credit points provided for the major will automatically be included in the study plan. Below please find the majors available and the relating workshop:
Major Workshops associated with the major
Design thinking and business innovation
Managerial issues in made in Italy industries
Publishing, audiences and platforms
Two-sided markets in entertainment: the case of music
Live Performances
Two-sided markets in entertainment: the case of music
Digital innovations in tourism
Tourism industry and sustainable destinations
Contemporary art markets and systems I - Foundations
Contemporary art markets and systems II - Global economics
Economics and Management of Innovation and Technology (EMIT)
Students enrolled in the EMIT Program choose a free-track Major or one of the recommended Majors from:
- Big data and business analytics;
- Green Management & Sustainability;
- IT consulting;
- Technology and Innovation Management.
Economic and Social Sciences (ESS)
Students enrolled in the ESS Master of Science program choose:
- 1 compulsory course from among:
- 3 electives (specifying the language when they are taught in Italian and English) or
- 2 electives and 2 in-depth studies worth 3 credit points each. Please note that only one in-depth course is associated to a course for a maximum worth of 3 credit points.
Such choices can be modified when enrolling in the following academic year; please note that in this case the courses changed will be included in the second year study plan in order to allow students to attend lectures.
Therefore sitting exams for these courses can take place only after the end of the semester in which second year courses are held.
Before choosing electives, students are advised to check the list of courses available, course profiles, class timetables, and the tables of "Incompatible" and "Banned" courses published on the website (Italian version) and Subject Groups available in the course profiles (www.unibocconi.eu/courses).
Allocation of electives takes into account the progressive sign-up position registered when choosing/changing courses.
As a general rule, each class group of elective courses must not have more than 110 attending students.
Data Science and Business Analytics (DSBA)
Students enrolled in DSBA choose between the two tracks in which the course is divided:
- Business Analytics
- Data Science
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Procedures,rules and administrative deadlines for second year of studies
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Access to program years following the first
Students enrolled in the first year of an MSc program are admitted to the second year regardless of the number of credit points earned. After the first year of the program, students can enroll in the second year or in the first year as repeating students ("ripetente" or "fuori corso intermedio"). After the second year, students who have not yet completed their studies generally enroll as "fuori corso"; however they may still enroll as "ripetente". Only students who are enrolled in the academic year as "regular" or "repeating" are allocated a class group for lectures.
In addition, all enrolled students:
- are allowed to sit exams;
- are granted access to the various services offered by the University (Library, IT labs, etc);
- can request enrollment certifications for the academic year in which they are enrolled.
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Administrative procedures and deadlines for enrolment in the second year
Enrollment must be carried out during the 24 July - 25 August 2023 period, by accessing 'Renew Enrollment in 2023-24 a.y.' from the left-side menu of the yoU@B Student Diary.
The enrollment procedures are as follows:
- select the "Enrollment in academic year" option;
- enter the enrollment data requested.
After selecting "Enrollment in the academic year", the procedure gives second-year students the option to choose a major (if any) and electives. If the elective is taught in both Italian and English then students are asked to specify the language (see "Choice of Electives").
The system will then require students to confirm both their enrollment in the academic year and choice of major (if any) and elective courses. Enrollment in the academic year is completed once the advance payment of the first installment of tuition and fees has been paid and recorded in the student's academic career.
If the advance payment to the first installment of tuition and fees is not paid by 7 September 2023, students will not be able to carry out any administrative or learning activities or make use of any services offered to students.
Students who do not enroll by 25 August 2023 for whatever reason, can enroll during the 26 August - 31 December 2023 (*) period on payment of a late-enrollment fee (for detailed information check the website www.unibocconi.eu/fees) and on the understanding that the possibility of choosing electives may be reduced (see following paragraphs).
After 31 December 2023 enrollment is only possible as repeating students ("fuori corso" or "fuori corso intermedio") and, students will have to pay the penalty fees (www.unibocconi.eu/fees).
(*) Since 31 December 2023 is a bank holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (3 January 2024).
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Choice of electives
When enrolling in the second year of studies in the 2023-2024 academic year (24 July - 25 August 2023) students must:
- where applicable, choose their major;
- choose both first and second semester electives to be included in the study plan, selecting the language of instruction.
During this period students can also change the major and electives previously chosen.
ESS students are reminded that in order to allow them to attend lectures, if they make any changes to their first year study plan during 24 July - 25 August 2023 the new elective courses are positioned in their second year study plan. For this reason exams can be taken after the end of the semester in which second year courses are held.
Before choosing the major and electives, students are advised to check the list of courses available, course profiles, class timetables, and the tables of "Incompatible" and "Banned" courses and Subject Groups available in the course profiles (www.unibocconi.eu/courses).
When enrolling in the academic year, where applicable, Bocconi students participating in an international program should choose elective courses coherent with their interests in case they have to sit for some exams at Bocconi (*). They will be given the opportunity to change their study plan after they have completed the conversion and recording in the academic career of exams take abroad (see 9.2.7 Study Plan Change for Students Participating in International Programs). In addition to the periods for all students (24 July - 25 August 2023 and 09-22 January 2024), they will have one additional opportunity through yoU@B (see “Allocation of Electives”).
Students who include even one exam without correspondence in the study plan as an elective course are required to change to a free track or Global experience (for students enrolled in M and ACME), if they had previously chosen a different track.
The educational offer for the 2023-2024 academic year includes also an e-learning class group for some courses already taught in the same semester using traditional methods.
If required, when students are asked to choose their elective courses, they must specify the learning method (either traditional or e-learning) as well as language of instruction of electives offered both in Italian and in English.
(*) For students enrolled in M and ACME MSc Programs: the “Global Experience” major can be selected ONLY after having had the recognition of courses passed abroad.
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Allocation of electives and numerical limits
After enrollment in the academic year allocation of first and second semester electives will take place for all students except those who have chosen the "free track" major. For them, the allocation of electives is subject to the official approval of the MSc Program Director to the Academic Services.
Allocation of electives takes into account the progressive sign-up position registered when choosing/changing courses.
As a general rule, each class group of elective courses must not have more than 110 attending students, except for incoming Exchange program and incoming Double Degree.
Bocconi students participating in international programs can include courses which have already reached the maximum number of students enrolled in their study plan only for the purposes of recording exams taken abroad.
Students who enroll in the academic year after 25 August and especially during the 26 August - 31 December 2023 period(*), can choose their first and second semester electives from the list of electives that are still available at the time of enrollment in the academic year.
(*) Since 31 December 2023 is a bank holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (3 January 2024).
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Language: changes
Second-year students can change the previously-chosen language by using Punto Blu, after accessing yoU@B, during the periods from 24 July - 25 August 2023 and 9 - 22 January 2024.
Information on curricular languages is available in "Languages".
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Changing first and second semester courses with second semester courses
During the 9 - 22 January 2024 period students can change their first and second semester electives included in their study plans with other second semester electives as long as they refer to the current academic year.
These modifications must meet the numerical limits specified in "Allocation of Electives".
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Change of study plan for students participating in international programs
Students participating in international programs can change their study plan in the periods scheduled for all students (24 July - 25 August 2023 and 9 - 22 January 2024) and only one extra time (see 9.2.3 Choice of Electives and 9.2.4. Allocation of Electives) through the yoU@B student Diary.
Once the recognition procedure of exams taken abroad has been completed and only after they have been recorded in the student’s academic career, the students will receive a message on their yoU@B Diary notifying them that they can change their study plan via the yoU@B>Punto Blu tab. In addition to the change for including the courses passed abroad in the student’s academic career, the students will be given the possibility of including only second semester courses to be taken at Bocconi as long as there are still places available.
Students who include even one exam without correspondence in the study plan as an elective course are required to change to a free track or Global experience (for students enrolled in M and ACME), if they had previously chosen a different track.
Please note that students enrolled in M and ACME MSc Programs: the “Global Experience” major can be selected ONLY after having had the conversion of courses passed abroad.
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Higher Level Courses for ESS, FINANZA/FINANCE, GIO and DSBA Students
NOTE: starting from the 2024/2025 a.y. edition, the Higher Level Courses program will be offered to the MSc in ESS, DSBA, FINANZA/FINANCE and GIO only. The selection process which starts in May 2024 will therefore only be available to students of the above-mentioned MSc Programs who meet the requirements for participation.
Some highly-motivated and deserving MSc students will be allowed to obtain academic credit from Higher Level Courses. That is, courses held as part of the following Bocconi PhD Programs: PhD in Economics and Finance, PhD in Business Administration and Management, PhD in Social and Political Science and PhD in Statistics and Computer Science.
This is a unique opportunity to enrich your academic curriculum with higher level courses.
This opportunity is offered to a limited number of students.
Considering the high level of complexity of PhD courses and the small number of students admitted, the selection procedures need to be rigorous. Assessment is based on a series of factors (described below) but it is necessarily comprehensive and qualitative depending on the applicant’s profile and the course requested in relation to the profiles of other candidates. It is not possible to challenge the final selection decisions made by the PhD School. Submitting an application for a higher level studies course implies acceptance of the assessment, whether positive or negative, given by the PhD School at the end of the selection.
At the same time, admission to PhD School courses implies acceptance of its rules.
Selection requirements
- Only students who have been awarded a graduation grade of the undergraduate program of at least 105 out of 110 can be admitted in the selection procedure;
- students enrolled in the first or second year of studies (as regular students 'in corso') for the 2023-2024 academic year can apply (applications from students enrolled as repeating students "reiscritti" and/or "fuori corso" will not be considered);
- students cannot apply for PhD courses taught in the same semester in which they have been selected for an Exchange or Free-mover Semester programs. However, students selected for such programs can apply for PhD courses held while they are attending lectures at Bocconi;
- students admitted to a Double Degree program are excluded from the selection; these programs include the attendance of the second year of studies at partner universities.
Number of PhD courses that can be selected
Students enrolled in ESS programs can choose up to 3 PhD courses. Of these, they can request recognition of 2 courses in place of MSc electives and 1 course as an additional course.
Students enrolled in DSBA can choose up to 3 PhD courses. Of these, they can request recognition of 1 course in place of an MSc elective and 2 courses as additional courses.
Students enrolled in other MSc programs (FINANZA/FINANCE and GIO) can choose up to 2 PhD courses: of these they can request recognition of 1 course in place of an MSc elective (*) and 1 course as an additional course.
When selecting PhD courses, students cannot express an alternative choice for any course. Decisions are final. This choice is unavoidable due to the complexity and non-mechanical nature of the selection procedure.
The list of available PhD courses for MSc program students includes the name of the PhD Course Director, the teaching period, the MSc program the course is offered in and the maximum number of places available for MSc students for each course. All courses are taught in English.
Some PhD courses and MSc courses may be incompatible courses in terms of content. Therefore, students cannot record both courses in their study plans. Students must verify any incompatible courses when choosing courses.
(*) Students in the MSc programs FINANZA/FINANCE and GIO who enter a PhD course in the study plan as an elective course are required to change to a free track major if they had chosen a different major in the past.
Selection procedure
The assessment of each student is based on his/her academic career and degree of motivation.
The list of candidates admitted is determined by the Dean of the PhD School. The decision is final.
If a student who has been selected wishes to stop attending the PhD course(s) for whatever reason, those slots will not be reassigned to other students.
The criteria for selection are the following:
- percentage of credit points earned (by the end of the February exam session) compared to the total number of credit points that can be earned
- grade point average (weighted on the credit points)
- letter of motivation
- CV
- any GMAT or GRE certification
- graduation grade of the undergraduate degree.
Deadlines and procedures
Detailed information on timelines and procedures for the 2023-2024 will be made available during the year.
- Students apply in May via the widget in the yoU@B Diary:
- specifying the courses they wish to attend
- attaching a brief letter of motivation, CV and any GMAT or GRE certification.
- By the first half of July students will receive an admission/non-admission message concerning the courses via yoU@B;
- In August students will include elective courses provided in the Master of Science program list only (they do not enter the PhD courses they applied for). If students pass PhD exams they can record up to 1 exam (up to 2 exams for ESS students) in place of one (two) of the MSc elective courses (*) previously included in the study plan. Should students, for whatever reason, not pass the PhD exams, then the study plan and elective courses selected in August will be considered. Students selected for one or more PhD exams are not given other chances to modify the MSc elective courses other than those usually provided for all students.
The class timetable may not be available when making the choice, and PhD classes and other MSc course lessons might overlap.
(*) Students in the MSc programs FINANZA/FINANCE and GIO who enter a PhD course in the study plan as an elective course are required to change to a free track major if they had chosen a different major in the past.
PhD Teaching and exam
Classroom activities consist of a limited number of students (usually 5 to 15).
Lectures are scheduled during quarters. Therefore, teaching for each course is generally not held during the entire duration of one semester. At the end of the course students have only ONE chance to sit the exam.
Students can attend the PhD course for the academic year to which he/she has applied. In other words, students applying in May 2024 for the PhD courses of the 2024-2025 academic year must sit the PhD exam for that academic year.
Recording in the student’s academic career
After passing PhD exams, students are contacted by the Study Planning Office (Academic Services) in order to define the composition of their study plan, therefore to evaluate the possibility of including the course in place of an elective course or as an additional course.
The exams passed are recorded in the student’s academic career as courses without Bocconi correspondence, taken as part of the Bocconi PhD School. Only for ESS students, can the PhD exam be recorded as a course with Bocconi correspondence in the student’s academic career. The exams passed are recorded in the student’s academic career with a grade out of thirty and they are calculated in the GPA.
The recording is automatic and students cannot refuse the grade. Assessment of the PhD exam is made fairly without special regard for students who access the exam as an MSc program student. This should be carefully weighed by each student when applying for a PhD course.
Each course is worth 6 credit points.
Students who pass a PhD course starting from the 2019-2020 edition of the HLC program and enroll in a Bocconi PhD program after graduation may recognize it as a replacement of a course in the PhD study plan.
Recording PhD courses in the academic career by students who have not been admitted to attend such courses through the procedure described above is absolutely not allowed.
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Additional courses
Additional courses, which are courses that students choose in order to achieve more than the number of credit points required to fulfil the MSc degree requirements, can be included in the study plan for a maximum of three courses* (see note) and they can be chosen from:
- Graduate level educational activities:
- electives of Msc Programs;
- languages;
- Enhancing Experience Activities - curricular supplementary activities (up to a maximum of two)*;
- in-depth studies - only for students enrolled in ESS, DSBA and PPA. Detailed info on in-depht studies are available in the paragraph Educational activities chosen by the student.
- higher level courses (PhD). For detailed information on the procedures for including such courses see paragraph 9.2.8. Higher level courses.
Graduate level educational activities (not including curricular supplementary activities) can be included in the study plan only after the course exams of the first 2 MSc semesters have been passed.
Please note that
- allocation of elective courses entered as additional exams is subject to the limit of places available;
- allocation of elective courses entered as additional exams, if available, is made after the allocation of the elective courses included in the student’s academic career as choice/change of study plan, i.e. for first semester electives from 28 August 2023 to the start of first semester lessons; for second semester electives, from 23 January 2024 to the start of second semester lessons (see paragraph "Allocation of Electives").
Additional courses are included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average for a maximum of 2 courses; if students have taken more than 2, the best 2 marks are considered (if grades are the same, additional courses with more credit points are considered).
Students can choose additional courses by filling in the form available in yoU@B diary Additional courses request during the period from:
- 24 July - 25 August 2023 for first-semester courses;
- 9 - 22 January 2024 for second-semester courses
specifying the course code and name of the courses that the student wants to add to the academic career.
Additional courses that were not passed can be cancelled by sending a request through B in Touch. Any additional Enhancing Experience Activities - Curricular Supplementary Activities that were not passed will be cancelled automatically shortly before graduation.
Activities recorded with a passing mark cannot be eliminated.
*Please note that any additional curricular supplementary activities can be placed in the study plan as additions (and not as an alternative) to any additional courses.
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ENHANCING EXPERIENCE - Curricular Supplementary Activities: choice, assignment and placement in the Program Structure
Individual program structures for students enrolled in the first year of a Master of Science program, include 2 compulsory credit points dedicated to Enhancing Experience - curricular supplementary activities in the second year of the program. These credit points are part of the 120 credit points required to complete the degree.
Students in the DSBA, AI, Cyber and Transformative Sustainability programs may take part in Enhancing Experience - curricular supplementary activities by recording 2 credit points earned as additional courses.
These activities are positioned in the second year of the program, however, participation in the activities may be completed in advance during the first year of the program, as long as spots are available..
For detailed information on Curricular supplementary activities offered in the 2023-2024 a.y. see the paragraph Enhancing Experience - Curricular Supplementary Activities.
Choice of Activities and Assignment
Students have the opportunity to choose the Enhancing Experience - curricular supplementary activities through the yoU@B student Agenda during different periods (Calls for Applications) throughout the year in accordance with schedules that will be communicated during the year.
When choosing, the student can indicate the order of preference for a maximum of 3 activities and, based on a ranking, is assigned only to one of the selected activities.
The following elements have priority in establishing the ranking:
- Second year of enrollment;
- Participation in Double Degree or Joint Degree.
The ranking list takes into consideration also the following elements:
- Failure to pass a supplementary curricular activity already attended;
- At least one supplementary curricular activity already assigned and not yet successfully completed;
- At least one supplementary curricular activity already assigned and completed successfully.
In case of equal qualifications, the ranking priority will follow the chronological order of registration for the activities.
Placement and recording of Enhancing Experience - Curricular Supplementary Activities in the Program Structure
The two credit points that can be earned are subject to meeting the attendance requirements and passing a theory-based test (pass or fail); assessment methods will be defined ad hoc for the specific activity.
Students may record up to three curricular supplementary activities in their study plan: of these, one is placed in the academic career as part of the 120 credit points required; the other two will be additional courses.
Students enrolled in the MSc in DSBA, AI, CYBER and TRANSFORMATIVE SUSTAINABILITY can record up to two curricular supplementary activities as additional courses.
Please note that any additional curricular supplementary activities may be placed in the individual study plan in addition to (and not as an alternative to) other additional courses.
Any additional Enhancing Experience Activities - Curricular Supplementary Activities that were not passed will be cancelled automatically shortly before graduation.
The 2 credit points earned for each activity:
- are recorded in the academic career upon passing the final theory-based test (pass or fail);
- are not included in the calculation of the GPA;
- are not included for the purposes of Bocconi rankings for exchange programs (Exchange, CEMS);
- are valid for ISU Bocconi scholarship rankings.
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Changing Master of Science program
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Students cannot change their MSc program during the first year of studies.
After completion of the first year, students who apply to change their MSc program may be admitted to the first year of the new MSc program.
Eligibility for the new MSc program is subject to meeting the curricular requirements related to the first-level studies carried out (i.e. a Bachelor degree belonging to certain "ministerial degree classes" or having a certain minimum number of credits in a set of disciplinary sectors).
For MSc programs that are taught in both Italian and English, changing from a class group taught in English to a class group taught in Italian (and vice versa) is the same as changing MSc Program and therefore can only be done at the end of the first year. Requests for changing class group must be considered as exceptional cases and must be accompanied by written motivation by the student. In addition to the reason provided by the student, acceptance of the request depends on meeting the minimum language requirements specified below and the student’s academic curriculum, and the number of applications, on the basis of the information available in the application period, of the class group of destination. In these cases, the admission decision and the year of admission will be defined by the MSc Program Director after approval given by the Dean of the Graduate School.
In case of changing from a Master of Science taught in Italian to a Master of Science taught in English, one of the language prerequisites recognized as valid for enrolling in a Master of Science in English is required. In case of change from a program taught in English to a Program taught in Italian, one of the language prerequisites recognized as valid for enrolling to a Master of Science in Italian is required.
The MSc Program Director of the new program evaluates all the changing MSc program requests submitted and decides on the possible admittance of students on the basis of a global assessment of the student’s curriculum.
When changing from one MSc program to another, the following applies:
- exams taken for courses in the original degree that have the same title, code and credit point value as those included in the new MSc Program are considered to be equal (some exams in common for the two MSc Programs);
- exams are to be integrated if they are for courses belonging to the same subject group in both the original and new degree program. Courses may have significantly different course profiles but are worth the same credit point value, or the original program courses may be worth less credit points than those of the new program. In this case the exam mark is based on a weighted average of the marks obtained in both degree programs;
- any exams included in the original degree that are not included in the program structure of the new degree are considered to be in excess. Note that compulsory courses taken as part of the original MSc Program which are not included in the program structure of the new MSc Program can be recognized as additional and also elective courses if approved by the MSc Program Director.
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Numerical limits and merit criteria to changing MSc program
For the 2023-2024 academic year the following numerical limits have been set: 3 students for each class group of each MSc program.
Requests are evaluated by the MSc Program Director who carries out a global assessment of the student’s curriculum and decides upon the possible admittance/non-admittance in a new MSc Program.
In cases where the number of students who could be possibly admitted is greater than the number of places, a single ranking list is made based on students weighted averages and the number of credit points earned will be taken into account.
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Administrative procedures and deadlines
Students can submit an application to change MSc program using the procedure available in the yoU@B Diary during the 28 July - 21 August 2023 period. The same deadline applies for cancelling or modifying any applications previously submitted.
In order to submit the application to change the MSc program, students must be enrolled in the 2023-2024 academic year in their original MSc Program.
On 5 September 2023, via their yoU@B, students will receive the results of the Master of Science change, admitted students receive this message together with the new program details and the class group assigned.
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Transferring to another university
Bocconi students may transfer to another university by submitting an application to transfer form that can be downloaded here.
The form must be:
- correctly completed with details of the new university they intend to transfer to, the legal email address (PEC) of the University of destination and the Program they wish to attend;
- accompanied by the documentation listed below (*),
- sent by registered mail/courier to the following address: Università Commerciale "Luigi Bocconi" Academic Services - Study Planning Office - Room 213, Piazza Sraffa 11, 20136 Milan.
Students are advised to check the deadline for receiving transfer documents with the university they intend to transfer to, to make sure they have enough time to submit the application to complete the transfer procedure.
Students who present a transfer request during the 24 July - 29 September 2023 period do not have to enroll in the 2023-2024 academic year; students who present a transfer request after 2 October 2023 and no later than 31 December 2023(**) must enroll for the 2023-2024 academic year.
Enrolled students who have submitted a transfer application should contact the Fees, Funding and Housing service for information regarding tuition and fees.
(*) The transfer application must be accompanied by:
- duty stamp of 16.00 euros;
- unofficial academic transcript and Bocconi ID card (except for the student ID which can be enabled for banking operations);
- receipt for payment of fees for issuing the transfer document which must be made via the Bocconi procedure for payments (https://uni.bocconistore.it/buy_en/);
- declaration from the Bocconi Library that the student does not have any books still out on loan;
- authorization from the University Fees Funding and Housing Service.
Students who transferred to another University cannot come back to Bocconi University during the same academic year they applied for transfer except for students who have not completed any administrative acts at the university of destination.
Students who apply for readmission to Bocconi University after being enrolled in programs at other universities, in Italy or abroad, may be admitted after passing the entrance exams. If the student is admitted, the credits obtained at Bocconi during their initial program will not be automatically recognized in the new program, but rather, will be subject to assessment to determine if they are still valid.
Students who intend to continue their studies at universities abroad must send a request through B in Touch > Academic Career.
(**) Since 31 December 2023 is a bank holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (3 January 2024).
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Temporary interruption
During the academic year, students who have military service, civil service, female students in the year of birth of each child and students who are forced to interrupt studies because of serious illness and certified prolonged medical conditions can apply to temporarily interrupt their studies in accordance with Italian D.P.C.M. 09/04/2001.
Temporary interruption means that those students will not be able to complete any administrative operations, participate in educational activities or make use of university services offered to students. The years for which the student did not enroll do not count towards disqualification. For each year of temporary interruption students are required to pay a fixed sum for each year as set by the Fees Funding and Housing Office.
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As a rule, students lose student status eight academic years after the end of the normal duration of the program.
Calculations are made starting from the first enrollment in an MSc program in the university system; periods of temporary interruption requested according to Italian D.P.C.M. (Ministerial Decree) 09/04/2001 are not taken into account (military service, civil service, year of birth of each child and duly certified serious and prolonged illnesses).
Disqualification does not apply to those students who have passed all exams and are only missing the final degree exam.
Students who do not intend to be disqualified must submit a specific application through B in Touch > Academic Career so that their academic career can be subjected to assessment by the Program Director.
If the outcome of the assessment is positive, the Director shall define the new deadline within which educational activities must be completed, normally corresponding to the normal duration of the program.
Students who have been disqualified can obtain certifications attesting to their university career and the number of credit points previously earned.
Last change 01/06/2023 08:00
Withdrawing from university studies
Students can withdraw from their studies at any time, ending their academic career at this University. Their intention to withdraw must be communicated in a written, clear and concise form.
The withdrawal form can be downloaded here.
To apply for a withdrawal from studies, students must:
- request authorization from the Fees, Funding and Housing Office, as well as the Library, under the respective offices’ sections in B in Touch;
- complete and sign the downloaded form above and affix a €16 revenue stamp (see note);
- send the following by registered mail/courier:
- a copy of a valid form of ID
- the completed and signed form accompanied by a revenue stamp;
- a copy of the responses containing the authorizations from the Fees, Funding and Housing Office, as well as the Library, to the following address: Università Commerciale "Luigi Bocconi" Academic Services - Academic Planning Office - Room 213, Piazza Sraffa 11, 20136, Milano.
Please note: Students who are unable to purchase a revenue stamp (e.g. because they are abroad) can make the €16 payment by credit card using the following link, and attach the payment receipt to the withdrawal application: https://uni.bocconistore.it/buy_it/ (select "Revenue stamp for administrative records")
Students enrolled in the first year of studies 2023-2024 who wish to withdraw must follow the timeline below:
- by 1 December 2023: they must contact the Admissions Office;
- later than such date: they must contact the Academic Services.
Students must pay university fees and tuition up to the submission of the withdrawal form according to the payment deadlines defined by the Fees Funding and Housing Service.
Students who submit the withdrawal form should contact the Fees Funding and Housing Service in order to check any pending obligations with reference to any expired tuition and fees deadline.
Withdrawn students can obtain certifications regarding the previous academic career and credit points earned.
Last change 04/07/2023 17:11
Concurrent enrollment in two study programs
Law no. 33 of 12/04/2022 allows enrollment in two study programs at the same time, as long as:
- the two study programs do not belong to the same field of study;
- the concurrent enrollment in the two study programs with different fields of study guarantees that at least 2/3 of the educational activities are different.
In addition, for Bocconi only:
- the two study programs are offered at two different Universities.
Because any concurrent enrollments must necessarily be communicated to the two Universities, students in this situation are encouraged to fill out the self-declaration form available in the yoU@B student diary > Concurrent Enrollment. The responsible offices will then be able to carry out the appropriate checks or contact the interested parties for further details, if necessary.
The university will collect information regarding concurrent enrollment at the beginning of each academic year.
Last change 12/07/2023 12:55