Internationalization at Bocconi University has been a strategic priority pursued since 1974, the year in which the first international agreements were put into place. Over the years these programs have developed an extensive network of relations and exchanges with prestigious academic and cultural institutions all over the world, which means there is constant collaboration with the foreign universities on research and joint teaching projects, thus providing Bocconi students and teaching staff with invaluable international experience.
Thanks to its network of international relations, Bocconi University is able to offer its students several opportunities to acquire the kind of business training which is necessary for dealing with global economic developments.
Study abroad programs:
- Long programs with the selection process during the first year (Exchange Programs, Free-Mover Semester Programs, Double Degree Program);
- Long programs with the selection process at the time of admission (CEMS-MIM, China MM, Essec-Bocconi DD, LSE-Bocconi DD, Science Po-Bocconi DD, Yale-Bocconi DD)
- Short programs (Study Tour).
Additional opportunities are also available that include attending a course – in virtual mode – at several of the partner schools that participate with Bocconi in the GNAM network.
The study abroad opportunities promoted by the University are presented in detail during ad hoc initiatives throughout the academic year.
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Long programs
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Exchange Program
The Bocconi University Exchange Program (including the Erasmus Programs) deals with student exchanges under bilateral agreements with over 287 universities in about 55 countries across 5 continents, giving students the opportunity to attend courses for which they can receive credit as part of their Bocconi degrees. The international universities included in the program are some of the most renowned institutions in the world in the fields of management, political science and law. In fact, Bocconi University belongs to some of the most prestigious international networks: CEMS (The Global Alliance in Management Education), PIM (Partnership in International Management), GULF (Global University Leaders Forum), GNAM (Global Network for Advanced Management), CIVICA (The European University of Social Sciences), THEMIS (Network in International Business Law), APELIA (The Asia-Pacific and Europe Law Institutes Alliance), U7 (Alliance of world Universities), and ECOL (European Consortium for Online Learning).
The agreements are based on reciprocal arrangements that allow students from both institutions involved to complete a period of study abroad without paying extra university tuition and fees to the partner institution. Students are, however, responsible for travel, board and lodging expenses.
Eligibility and requirements
The semester abroad takes place during the second year of the program. All students regularly enrolled in the first year of MSc programs can apply.
Students are allowed to attend courses for a semester at one of the partner universities abroad only after passing the selection which is based on merit and language skills.
Application and deadlines
Students are advised to check the application procedures and deadlines released in Study Abroad office publications and on the website at www.ir.unibocconi.eu/exchange.
Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.
The credit approval procedure is explained in "Credit for exams passed at universities abroad"
For Exchange Program details, updated information on eligible students, admissions procedures, deadlines and available destinations, check the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/exchange.
In the same area you can also check comments by students who have been abroad in previous years, along with detailed information on partner universities.
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Free-Mover Semester Program
Students interested in attending a semester abroad outside the Exchange Program can enroll at a number of universities abroad where they can study for one semester in their second year of the program as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program (fee-paying Visiting Students or Independent Students).
The Free-Mover Semester experience is incompatible with both participation in the Exchange program and participation in long study abroad programs.
Students are responsible for tuition and fees for both Bocconi University and the foreign university, as well as travel, board and lodging expenses for the period abroad.
Students are required to take out health insurance for the entire period of study abroad.
Bocconi University has identified a number of schools, mainly from among its international network, that have accepted such students in previous years. The number of students allowed at each University abroad is limited. The list of universities abroad is available on the website http://www.ir.unibocconi.eu/. This is the only list considered valid for the recognition of exams taken as part of the Free-Mover Semester in schools abroad.
Any other options must be authorized in advance, on a case-by-case basis, by the Study Abroad office. The application, accompanied by a motivational letter and information on the chosen university, must be presented before enrolling in the Free - Mover Semester Program at the university abroad, and submitted to the Study Abroad office.
Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.
The credit approval procedure is explained in "Credit for exams passed at universities abroad"
Students should check detailed information and requirements on the website http://www.ir.unibocconi.eu/. In the reserved area of the website, you can also check comments by students who have been abroad as part of the Exchange program.
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Double Degree Program
The Double Degree Program gives MSc students the opportunity to study abroad for one academic year and obtain both an Italian Master of Science degree from Bocconi University and a foreign Graduate degree from the partner University at the end of their studies.
Application procedure
The Program is addressed to students enrolled in the first year of an MSc Program with a undergraduate graduation grade equal or more than 100/110 (or equivalent grades for students who were awarded a bachelor degree abroad) and who meet specific language requirements that may differ according to the destination. The Program is generally held in the second year of studies. Students who confirm participation in the Double Degree Program cannot participate in the following international programs: Exchange Program and Free-Mover. Students who are selected for more than one program must choose one, withdrawing participation in the other programs.
Participation in these programs is subject to the payment of an administrative fee in addition to regular Bocconi tuition and fees.
Detailed information on the Double Degree Program and updated information related to eligibility and requirements, application methods, deadlines and available destinations are posted on the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/doubledegree. For any questions, please email doubledegree@unibocconi.it.
Reports by students who have spent time abroad in previous years and details on the opportunities dedicated to each individual program are available in the Restricted Area.
Exam recognition
For information on recognition of exams taken abroad as part of a Double Degree, see paragraph 7.14.2 in Exams.
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Long programs with the selection process at the time of admission
Application procedure
Admission to the long programs with the selection process at the time of admission listed below occurs at the same time as admission to the Master of Science program which these programs belong to. Access criteria can be found in the section of the website dedicated to the specific programs.
Participation in these programs is subject to the payment of an administrative fee in addition to regular Bocconi tuition and fees.
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CEMS-MIM Master in International Management
During the second year of the Master of Science, the program includes an exchange semester at a university partner, an internship abroad and supplementary educational activities (Skill Seminars, Block Seminars, Business Project).
CEMS-MIM Program Structure
Bocconi students participating in the CEMS-MIM program are required to include all the CEMS-MIM courses they will attend during the semester at Bocconi in their second-year Bocconi study plan, in order to meet the second-year Bocconi program structure requirements. These courses may be included in the Bocconi study plan as electives or additional electives (within the maximum limit of 3), in compliance with the rules valid for additional courses.
Due to the special nature of the program, students selected for CEMS-MIM must refer to the program structure indicated in the Guide they receive.
For more information, please contact: cems@unibocconi.it. If you would like to make an appointment to discuss your study plan, please do so through yoU@B.
Exam recognition
For information on recognition of exams taken abroad as part of CEMS-MIM please see paragraph 7.14.1 in Exams chapter.
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China MIM Master in International Management
The China MIM Double Degree is a Master offered by Bocconi in cooperation with Fudan University (Shanghai). The objective of this Double Degree is to create managers who have an in-depth knowledge of the main economic dynamics of China and Italy and the aspects of the two cultures determining business methods in Asia and in Europe.
China MIM program structure
The Program includes lectures at the School of Management of Fudan University in the first year of studies and the second year at Bocconi. Bocconi students participating in the China MIM program must make reference to the program structure of the Master of Science in International Management (with the only exception being the compulsory course Supply Chain Management, which, for China-MIM students only, is taught during the first semester of the second year at Bocconi). In addition, during the first year at Shanghai, students will attend a Chinese language course, beginner level only.
For more information on the program and the China-MIM program structure, see the Bocconi website www.unibocconi.eu/chinamim or email chinamim@unibocconi.it
Exam recognition
For information on recognition of exams taken abroad as part of China-MIM please see paragraph 7.14.3 in Exams.
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ESSEC-Bocconi Double Degree in Management
The ESSEC-Bocconi Double Degree is a Master offered by Bocconi in collaboration with the ESSEC Business School (Cergy). The aim of this Double Degree is to educate international managers with an in-depth knowledge of the main economic dynamics in both Europe (Italy and France) and Asia (Singapore), as well as aspects of the different cultures influencing business in Asia and in Europe.
ESSEC-Bocconi Double Degree program structure
The program is structured as follows:
- first semester of the first year at Bocconi (Milan)
- second semester of the first year at ESSEC Asia-Pacific (Singapore)
- first semester of the second year at Bocconi (Milan)
- second semester of the second year at ESSEC (Cergy)
Bocconi students participating in the ESSEC-Bocconi program must make reference to the program structure of the appropriate guide for ESSEC.
For more information, see the Bocconi website www.unibocconi.eu/essec-dd or email: dd.bocconiessec@unibocconi.it
Exam recognition
For information on recognition of exams taken abroad as part of the ESSEC-Bocconi Double Degree please see paragraph 7.14.4 in Exams chapter.
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LSE-Bocconi Double Degree in European and International Public Policy and Politics
The LSE-Bocconi Double Degree combines the different and complementary expertise of LSE and Bocconi with a focus on quantitative methods and policy assessment in the first year at Bocconi and multidisciplinary and critical analysis of current topics of European and international governance in the second year at LSE.
LSE-Bocconi Double Degree Program Structure
The program requires participants to attend lectures at Bocconi during the first year and at LSE during the second year. After completing the compulsory courses in the first year for the Master of Science in Politics and Policy Analysis at Bocconi, students participating in the program will have the chance to attend courses in the Master of Science in European and International Public Policy offered at LSE and obtain a graduate diploma from both universities starting in the related graduation sessions in December after completing the two years.
After the first year at Bocconi, students must record 73% of first-year credits in their academic career, equal to 44 ECTS. Failure to meet this requirement shall prevent access to the second year at LSE.
For more information, contact the partner school and see the school’s program website. You can also check the Bocconi website www.unibocconi.eu/lse-dd or email: doubledegree@unibocconi.it.
Exam recognition
For information on recognition of exams taken abroad as part of the LSE-Bocconi Double Degree, please see paragraph 7.14.2 in Exams chapter.
The official LSE transcripts will be sent in the fall at the end of the second year, then the Bocconi graduation can be completed starting from the December session.
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Sciences Po-Bocconi Double Degree in Public Affairs
The Sciences Po-Bocconi Double Degree combines the different and complementary expertise of Sciences Po and Bocconi, with a focus on quantitative methods and policy assessment in the first year at Bocconi and a critical analysis of decision-making processes 2.0 (Master in Public Policy) or current issues of European governance (Master in European Affairs) in the second year at Sciences Po.
Sciences Po-Bocconi Double Degree Program Structure
The program requires participants to attend lectures at Bocconi during the first year and at Sciences Po during the second year. After completing the compulsory courses in the first year for the Master of Science in Politics and Policy Analysis at Bocconi, students participating in the program can attend courses offered as a part of the Master in Public Policy or the Master in European Affairs at Sciences Po and obtain a graduate diploma from both universities.
At the end of the first year at Bocconi, students must record 100% of first-year credits by July. Failure to meet this requirement shall prevent access to the second year at Sciences Po. For more information, contact the partner school and see the school’s program website.
You can also check the Bocconi website www.unibocconi.eu/sciencespo-dd or email: doubledegree@unibocconi.it.
Exam recognition
For information on recognition of exams taken abroad as part of the Sciences Po-Bocconi Double Degree, please see paragraph 7.14.2.
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Yale-Bocconi Double Degree in Global Business and Society
The Yale-Bocconi Double Degree combines the different and complementary expertise of Yale and Bocconi, to provide and integrate tools from various management subjects used for critical analysis of the complex problems at the core of business and contemporary society.
Yale-Bocconi Double Degree Program Structure
The program requires participants to attend lectures at Bocconi during the first year and at Yale during the second year. After completing the compulsory courses in the first year for the Master of Science in in International Management or Management at Bocconi, students participating in the program can attend courses offered as a part of the Master in Global Business and Society at the Yale School of Management and obtain a graduate diploma from both universities.
Students participating in the program must record 100% of first-year credits in their academic career by July. They must also complete a minimum 12-week internship/work experience by the program start date at Yale. Failure to meet these requirements shall prevent access to the second year at Yale.
For more information, contact the partner school and see the school’s program website or email: doubledegree@unibocconi.it.
Exam recognition
For information on recognition of exams taken abroad as part of the Yale-Bocconi Double Degree, please see paragraph 7.14.2 in Exams chapter.
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Short Programs
The short programs offered by Bocconi University give students the opportunity to spend a brief period of time abroad, combining educational activities with the exploration of new cultural, social and economic environments.
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Study Tour
Study Tours have a duration of approximately one week, during a period in which lectures are not held. They are organized by Bocconi University in collaboration with international partner schools. The goal of the experience is to expose students to an international context, through academic focus on a specific topic and a series of “country specific” activities (seminars and visits to local institutions and companies). Students are required to have health insurance coverage for the period abroad.
Study Tours are part of the pool of curricular supplementary activities worth 2 credit points.
Eligibility and Requirements
For details on which students can apply, see the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/studytour
Students are admitted following a selection based on merit, language skills and motivation.
Detailed information on the Study Tour experience and any updates regarding eligibility and requirements, admission methods, deadlines and available destinations are posted on the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/studytour
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Scholarship for International Programs
To encourage student participation in international mobility programs organized by the University, Erasmus Plus scholarships are available from the European Union for students chosen for the Exchange Program, Themis and Double Degree Law who attend a period of study at a university that is part of the Erasmus Program. For details, see www.ir.unibocconi.eu/erasmus.
Need- and merit-based integrations to the ISU Bocconi scholarship are also available (subject to availability of funds to be verified annually -www.unibocconi.eu/funding).
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Certifications and documents
To request certifications specifying the admission and/or participation in a program of international mobility (Exchange program, Study Tour, Double Degree, China MIM, CEMS MIM and ESSEC Bocconi DD) the cert@B procedure available on the yoU@B Diary must be used (see chapter 11 Certifications, self-declarations and Diploma Supplements), except for the documents described in the paragraphs below.
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Documents for the participation in the exchange program, Double Degree, CEMS-MIM
The Study Abroad Office (Exchange program) or the Global Alliances Office (Double Degree, CEMS MIM) must be contacted by the selected student if, as part of the application procedure or participation, the foreign partner university requests a document for admission to the program and/or information relating to enrollment at Bocconi along with the student's academic career. The same procedure is applicable in case the document of admission to the program is required to obtain a visa. Any procedure changes will be communicated to the interested students.
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Documents for Participation in the Study Tour Program
For admission documents that may be requested by a foreign Consulate for the purposes of obtaining a visa, please contact the Study Abroad Office.
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