Last change 01/06/2022 08:00
Bocconi University's School of Law offers, a five-year Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG) program. The CLMG program is taught in two class groups made up of an average of 140 students each.
The study plan is expressed with credit points. A credit point is the unit of measurement which determines the workload students are required to fulfil. It is assumed that students are adequately prepared from the start to carry out the educational activities required by the degree program. The workload includes both classroom activities (lectures, exercises, seminars) as well as group work and individual study.
Credit points are given for all educational activities which are part of the program requirements.
In accordance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), on average one credit point is equivalent to 25 hours of work, about 8 of which are spent in the classroom.
The average workload for a full-time student is set at 60 credit points per year, as per agreement.
In order to receive the Integrated Master of Arts in Law degree, students must earn at least 300 credit points.
The credit points assigned to each educational activity are earned when students pass an exam or its equivalent.
Last change 01/06/2022 08:00
Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG)
Program Director:
Mariateresa Maggiolino
Assistant to the Program Director:
Enrico Basile
Field of study:
Law LMG/01 (DM 25/11/2005)
Last change 05/09/2022 16:50
Educational Objectives
The Integrated Master of Arts in Law program aims to prepare jurists qualified to operate efficiently in the current economic-social context, which requires not only possession of “traditional” legal knowledge and skills but also an ability to cope with the challenges posed by internationalization and technological development. In particular, the program aims to:
- provide a broad and solid preparation of a legal knowledge foundation in terms of “content” and “methods of critical analysis” both in the areas that make up the “fundamentals” of the program (philosophy of law; history of law, from Roman law to the modern era; private law, constitutional law; comparative legal systems) and in those making up the “supporting structure” of the jurist’s preparation (civil law and civil procedure; business law; tax law; employment law; administrative law; European Union and international law; criminal law and criminal procedure);
- complement basic preparation with quantitative, economic and corporate knowledge so as to enable graduates to interact competently within the economic context in which the modern jurist works; also, to provide qualified computer expertise enabling them to operate by means of cutting-edge tools and techniques;
- provide specialized and advanced preparation in the legal disciplines through exhaustive monographic study of the basic subjects as well as through a broadening of the range of subjects addressed, allowing personalization of the program with majors and elective subjects;
- develop skills in the use of English and a second EU language so as to promote studies therein and for subsequent effective and efficient functionality in a professional context;
- promote the supranational dimension of legal studies, both by the offering of compulsory and elective courses in English on topics of European and international relevance and by giving an incentive to outgoing and incoming students to use their international mobility;
- develop skills (know-how) in addition to knowledge through teaching activities that promote the student’s active participation in the classroom and interaction with the instructor (e.g. case studies, testimonials from qualified representatives of the professional world, etc.), and with seminars for the development of professional skills, as well as through the acquisition of on-the-field expertise (learning by doing) via internships, pro bono legal clinics and moot court competitions
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Career Opportunities
The main career opportunities for graduates are:
Role in a work setting
The lawyer provides legal advice and assistance, both in judicial and extrajudicial contexts.Lawyers operate on the mandate of private citizens, businesses, organizations and public or private bodies with the aim of ensuring that the laws in force are applied to solve specific problems of their clients or to defend their interests, also by representing them in the courts.
With reference to consultancy, lawyers provide advice and suggestions on how to exercise and claim clients’ rights: for example, they inform clients about legal obligations, explain the practical application of codes and regulations, and suggest the best actions to be taken in compliance with legal procedures.
With reference to legal assistance, lawyers represent their clients in a court, supporting them before the judge for matters of public or private law: they present evidence and arguments in favor of the assisted party, trying to convince the judging bodies to express a favorable opinion on the client’s position.
To carry out consultancy and assistance activities, the lawyer studies and re-elaborates the law and jurisprudence to correctly prepare the specific case and draws up, if necessary in English, legal documents and opinions.
Skills associated with the role
Having expert knowledge of legal systems (national and supranational), as well as the principles governing the operation of companies, markets and society in general, law graduates can search for what is required to place cases brought to their attention in the proper legislative and case law context. In other words, they can consult legislation, jurisprudential sources and case law (including by means of digital tools) in order to identify not only the legal problems present in a given concrete case but also certain possible solutions, and to do so while placing the issues thus encountered in their proper economic-social perspective.
Furthermore, with the technical skills acquired during the program, law graduates can write drafts of opinions and writs in Italian and English.
Career opportunities
Firms where the profession of Lawyer may be practiced, after completing the traineeship period and passing the national bar exam in accordance with legislative provisions. For purposes of access to the profession, graduates may also enroll in the Law School in order to prepare for the national bar exam. In this phase, as stated in the Code of Conduct for Italian Lawyers, trainees should, however, also continue studying for the qualifying exam.
Role in a work setting
The notary (public official) draws up the notarial deeds which have the purpose of attributing "public faith" and legal efficacy to significant events from an economic and social point of view. For example, notaries prepare deeds of real estate sale, swaps, mortgages, mortgages, testaments, donations of successions, deeds of corporate and commercial law such as the establishment of new companies, deeds for the establishment of associations, foundations, and non-profit organizations. In addition, the notary: transcribes, records and deposits the notarial deed in public registers, when required by law (for example, the business register); issues certificates, copies, and extracts; collects taxes connected to deeds signed or authenticated on behalf of the State and carries out anti-money laundering checks; archives and maintains the records in computer registers and repositories and transmits them to the district notarial archive.
Skills associated with the role
Graduates possess the legal knowledge and linguistic skills required for providing material support to notaries receiving documents for acts between living persons, wills and company documents. Graduates must therefore have expert knowledge of national and also supranational legal systems, especially when having to interface with matters such as acquisitions and purchases abroad, transnational succession and non-domestic corporate transactions.
Career opportunities
Notary offices where the profession of Notary may be practiced, after completing the traineeship period in a professional firm and passing the competitive exam in accordance with legislative provisions. For the purposes of access to the profession, graduates may also enroll in the Law School in order to prepare for the notary exam.
Role in a work setting
The magistrate (public official) enforces and applies the current state law by conducting a trial in all its phases. Magistrates exercise jurisdictional power, i.e. the power to condemn those who violate the laws (criminal jurisdiction) and to resolve disputes between citizens (civil jurisdiction) or between citizens and the state (administrative jurisdiction). They work individually or in a collegiate context (according to the matter and functions assigned). Magistrates can carry out the activity of Judge and Public Prosecutor: in the first case, they carry out "judicial" activities, that is, they decide on disputes or pronounce on affairs within their competence; in the second case, they carry out "requisitioning" activities, that is, they promote the suppression of crimes by coordinating investigative activities in view of the decisions that the judging bodies must take.
Skills associated with the role
Graduates possess deep knowledge of substantive and procedural law indispensable for the resolution of individual cases and for the drafting of judicial acts (orders, writs, rulings).
Career opportunities
Magistrate at a Public Prosecutor’s Office or a court, after passing the national competitive exam and completing the training period at a public prosecutor’s office or a court. For access to the profession graduates must, as a requirement for participating in the magistrate exam, enroll in the Law School in order to prepare for said exam.
Legal expert
Role in a work setting
Legal experts are confronted daily with many legal aspects in connection with carrying out the activities of a company (whether in Italy or abroad) and/or public service. In other words, they deal with identifying and understanding the legal issues which complex organizations, such as national and international companies and public authorities, must face in order to complete their activities.
Skills associated with the role
Having expert knowledge of legal systems (national and supranational), as well as the principles underlying the operation of companies, markets and society in general, law graduates can place cases brought to their attention in the proper legislative and case law context. Furthermore, owing to their economic-quantitative knowledge, experts can also place legal aspects in connection with business activities and/or public service in the correct economic-social perspective. For such purposes, legal experts can also draft opinions, writs and contracts in Italian and English.
Career opportunities
With companies, public bodies, non-profit institutions, international and supranational organizations as internal counsel or external consultants (both in Italy and abroad).
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Program Requirements Breakdown
For students initially enrolled starting from the 2018-2019 academic year, the requirements study plan includes 300 credit points divided as follows:
Educational activities
Credit points
25 compulsory courses
From 2 to 4 elective courses:
- at least 2 courses must be chosen among the 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to an internship;
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to 2 seminars for the development of professional skills or legal clinics
or participation in a moot court competition
English language
Second foreign language
Computer skills
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Program Structure
Last change 01/06/2022 08:00
Students initially enrolled in the 2018-2019 Academic Year
The program structure is valid for the students initially enrolled in the academic years of reference for this section.
First year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of Instruction
Diritto romano - modulo 1
Roman Law - module 1
Istituzioni di diritto privato
Principles of private law
Filosofia del diritto
Philosophy of law
Metodi quantitativi preparatory
Quantitative methods - preparatory
First foreign language (lessons only) |
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of Instruction
Diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo
Italian and European constitutional law
Diritto romano - modulo 2
Roman law - module 2
Metodi quantitativi
Quantitative methods
Principi di economia (micro e macroeconomia)
Principles of Economics
First language (lessons and exam) |
Total credit points for first year of studies
Second year of studies
I semestre
Educational Activities
English translation
Language of Instruction
Storia della codificazione
History of codification
Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 1 (Economia aziendale)
Management and accounting - module 1 (Management)
Scienza delle finanze
Public finance
1 course to be chosen between:
Diritto comparato privato (50095)
Diritto comparato pubblico (50096)
1 course to be chosen between:
50095 Comparative private law
50096 Comparative public law
Informatica per Giurisprudenza
Computer skills for law
Inglese giuridico (solo didattica)
Legal English (lessons only)
II semester
Education activities
English Translation
Language of Instruction
Diritto commerciale
Company and business law
Teoria dell’argomentazione giuridica e analisi economica del diritto
Legal argumentation and economic analysis of law
Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 2 (Bilancio)
Management and accounting - module 2 (Accounting)
Storia giuridica delle istituzioni economiche
Legal history of economic institutions
Inglese giuridico (didattica ed esame)
Legal English (lessons and exam)
Total credit points for second year of studies
Third year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of Instruction
Diritto processuale civile - modulo 1
Civil procedure law - module 1
Diritto del lavoro - modulo 1
Labour law - module 1
Diritto penale - modulo 1
Criminal law - module 1
European union law
European union law
Second foreign language (lessons only) |
II semester
Educational activities
English Translation
Language of Instruction
Diritto ed economia dei mercati finanziari
Financial institutions and markets law and economics
Diritto processuale civile - modulo 2
Civil procedure law - module 2
Diritto processuale penale - modulo 1
Criminal procedure - module 1
Diritto tributario
Tax law
Second foreign language (lessons and exam) |
Total credit points for third year of studies
Fourth year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
1 course to be chosen between
Diritto amministrativo - modulo 1 (50243)
Diritto amministrativo italiano ed europeo - modulo 1 (50244)
1 course to be chosen between
50243 Administrative Law - module 1
50244 National European Administrative Law - module 1
Diritto commerciale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
Casi e questioni di diritto societario (50146)
Società quotate e mercati finanziari (50100)
Antitrust law (50101)
Advanced Company and Business Law - 1 course to be chosen among:
50146 Selected issues
50100 Listed companies and financial markets law
50101 Antitrust law
Diritto costituzionale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
Constitutional Justice (50098)
Diritto pubblico dell'economia (50097)
Transnational constitutional law and government policies (50145)
Advanced Constitutional Law - 1 course to be chosen among:
50098 Constitutional Justice
50097 Regulations in economics
50145 Transnational constitutional law and government policies
Diritto processuale penale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
Diritto dell'esecuzione penale (50201)
Processo penale agli enti (50149)
Procedura penale europea (50151)
Advanced Criminal Procedure - 1 course to be chosen among:
50201 Law on the execution of criminal sanction
50149 Criminal proceedings and corporate liability
50151 European criminal procedure
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto civile - modulo 1
Civil Law - module 1
Diritto del lavoro c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
Casi di diritto del lavoro (50157)
Istituzioni del mercato del lavoro (50245)
European social law (50161)
Advanced Labour Law - 1 course to be chosen among:
50157 Cases on employment law
50245 Labour market institutions
50161 European social law
Diritto penale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
Parte speciale del codice penale (50126)
Focus su criminalità economica (50102)
Paths of internationalization (50155)
Advanced Criminal Law - 1 course to be chosen among:
50126 Criminal code special part
50102 Focus on corporate and business crime
50155 Paths of internationalization
International law
International law
Total credit points for fourth year of studies
Fifth year of studies
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto amministrativo modulo 2 - 1 course to be chosen among:
50121 Diritto processuale amministrativo
50119 Environmental law
50198 Global administrative law
Administrative Law - module 2 - 1 course to be chosen among:
50121 Administrative Trial Law
50119 Environmental Law
50198 Global Administrative Law
Diritto civile - modulo 2 - 1 course to be chosen among:
50115 Appalto
50113 Garanzie del credito
50186 Diritto europeo dei contratti
Civil Law - module 2 - 1 course to be chosen among:
50115 Contract
50113 Credit Guarantees
50186 European Contract Law
From 2 to 4 elective courses:
- at least 2 courses must be chosen among the 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- 1 elective course or internship;
- one elective course or 2 workshops for the development
of professional skills or legal clinics or participation in
a moot court competition.
From 2 to 4 elective courses:
- at least 2 courses must be chosen among the 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- 1 elective course or internship;
- one elective course or 2 workshops for the development
of professional skills or legal clinics or participation in
a moot court competition.
Total credit points for fifth year of studies
- Code 50054 ‘Diritto romano Module 1’ [Roman law - module 1] and cod. 50055 ‘Diritto romano - Module 2’ [Roman law - module 2] are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50053 ‘Diritto romano’ [Roman Law];
- Code 50013 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio - Module 1’ (Economia aziendale) [Management and accounting - module 1 (Management)] and 50014 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio -Module 2’ (Bilancio) [Management and accounting - module 2 (Accounting)] are respectively the first and the second module of the 50012 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio’ course [Management and accounting];
- Code 50016 ‘Diritto processuale civile - Module 1’ [Civil procedure law - module 1] and 50017 ‘Diritto processuale civile - Module 2’ [Civil procedure law - module 2] are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50015 ‘Diritto processuale civile’ [Civil procedure law];
- Code 50024 'Diritto penale - Module 1’ [Criminal law - module 1] and ‘Diritto penale - Module 2’ [Criminal law - module 2] course chosen by the student are respectively the first and the second module of course code 50023 the ‘Diritto penale’ [Criminal law];
- Code 50029 ‘Diritto del lavoro - Modulo 1’ [Labour Law - module 1] and ‘Diritto del lavoro - Module 2’ [Labour Law - module 2] course chosen by the student are respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50028 ‘Diritto del lavoro’ [Labour Law];
- Code 50033 ‘Diritto processuale penale -Module 1’ [Criminal procedure - module 1] and ‘Diritto processuale penale - Modulo 2’ [Criminal procedure - module 2] course chosen by the student are respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50032 ‘Diritto processuale penale’ [Criminal procedure];
- Code 50243 ‘Diritto amministrativo Modulo 1’[Administrative Law - module 1] and 50244 ‘Diritto amministrativo italiano ed europeo - modulo 1 [National European Administrative Law - module 1] and Diritto amministrativo modulo 2 [ Administrative Law - module 2] - course chosen by the studentare respectively the first and the second module of the course code '50037 ‘Diritto amministrativo’ [Administrative Law];
- Code 50045 ‘Diritto civile modulo 1’ [Civil Law -module 1] and ‘Diritto civile modulo 2 [Civil Law -module 2] - course chosen by the studentare respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50044 ‘Diritto civile’ [Civil Law].
The courses subdivided in modules are considered passed, and may be recorded in the student academic career and certified, only after passing both exams of which it is made up. The final grade is obtained by the grade point average of the two marks compared to the credits of each module and rounded up if decimals are equal or higher than 5, rounded down if they are lower than 5.
It is furthermore specified that the credit points and the grades earned for the individual modules passed (even if the exam is not yet registered) will be taken into account for rankings within the University (e.g. Bocconi Scholarship, selection for International Programs, etc.) and they can be viewed by printing the unofficial academic transcript at Punto Blu.
Exam sequence and progress requirements
In order to guarantee that students acquire advanced knowledge, it is essential that they have a solid preparation. Prerequisites are therefore required for some courses. Exam sequence indicates the sequence that must be followed in preparing exams and requires students to pass some exams before sitting for others. For more specific information, please see paragraph 4.13 Exam sequence and progress requirements.
Studying abroad
Bocconi University promotes international mobility among students by activating many study abroad opportunities and initiatives. Details are available in Chapter 2.5 “Studying abroad.”
Program structure
Please note that the positioning of the elective courses in the first or second semester is only an indication; this will depend on choices made by the student.
This educational path was designed for students who have a basic knowledge of English and Computer Science.
For more information, see Foreign Languages and Computer Skills.
The code of the course chosen by the student changes depending on the course chosen when enrolling in the fourth and fifth years.
In accordance with the educational objectives of the program and the ministerial tables, the program structure may be subject to variations decided by the Academic Bodies.
Last change 21/07/2022 10:29
Students initially enrolled in the 2019-2020 Academic Year
The program structure is valid for the students initially enrolled in the academic years of reference for this section.
First year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto romano - modulo 1
Roman Law - module 1
Istituzioni di diritto privato
Principles of Private Law
Filosofia del diritto
Philosophy of Law
Metodi quantitativi preparatory
Quantitative Methods - Preparatory
First foreign language (lessons only)
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo
Italian and European Constitutional Law
Diritto romano - modulo 2
Roman Law - module 2
Metodi quantitativi
Quantitative Methods
Principi di economia (micro e macroeconomia)
Principles of Economics
First foreign language (lessons and exam)
Total credit points for first year of studies
Second year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Storia della codificazione
History of Codification
Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 1 (Economia aziendale)
Management and accounting - module 1 (Management)
Scienza delle finanze
Public Finance
1 course to be chosen between:
Comparative private law (50242)
Diritto comparato pubblico (50096)
1 course to be chosen between:
Comparative private law (50242)
Comparative public law (50096)
Informatica per Giurisprudenza
Computer Skills for Law
Inglese giuridico (solo didattica)
Legal English (lessons only)
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto commerciale
Company and Business Law
Legal argumentation and economic analysis of law
Legal Argumentation and Economic Analysis of Law
Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 2 (Bilancio)
Management and accounting - module 2 (Accounting)
Storia giuridica delle istituzioni economiche
Legal History of Economic Institutions
Inglese giuridico (didattica ed esame)
Legal English (lessons and exam)
Total credit points for second year of studies
Third year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto processuale civile - modulo 1
Civil Procedure Law - module 1
Diritto del lavoro - modulo 1
Labour Law - module - 1
Diritto penale - modulo 1
Criminal Law - module 1
European Union law
European Union law
Second foreign language (lessons only)
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto ed economia dei mercati finanziari
Financial Institutions and Markets Law and Economics
Diritto processuale civile - modulo 2
Civil Procedure Law - module 2
Diritto processuale penale - modulo 1
Criminal Procedure - module 1
Diritto tributario
Tax Law
Seconda lingua straniera (didattica ed esame)
Second foreign language (lessons and exam)
Total credit points for third year of studies
Fourth year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
1 course to be chosen between:
50243 Diritto amministrativo - modulo 1
50244 Diritto amministrativo italiano ed europeo - modulo 1
1 course to be chosen between:
50243 Administrative Law - module 1
50244 National European Administrative Law - module 1
Diritto commerciale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
50146 Casi e questioni di diritto societario
50100 Società quotate e mercati finanziari
50101 Antitrust law
Advanced Company and Business Law - 1 course to be chosen among:
50146 Selected Issues
50100 Listed companies and financial markets law
50101 Antitrust law
Diritto costituzionale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
50098 Constitutional justice
50097 Diritto pubblico dell'economia
50145 Transnational constitutional law and
government policies
Advanced Constitutional Law- 1 course to be chosen among:
50098 Constitutional Justice
50097 Regulations in economics
50145 Transnational constitutional law and government policies
Diritto processuale penale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among::
50201 Diritto dell'esecuzione penale
50149 Processo penale agli enti
50151 Procedura penale europea
Criminal Procedure - module 2 - 1 course to be chosen among:
50201 Law on the execution of criminal sanctions
50149 Criminal proceedings and corporate liability
50151 European criminal procedure
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto civile - modulo 1
50045 Civil Law - Module 1
Diritto del lavoro c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
50157 Casi di diritto del lavoro
50245 Istituzioni del mercato del lavoro
50161 European social law
Labour Law - module 2 - 1 course to be chosen among:
50157 Cases on employment law
50245 Labour market institutions
50161 European social law
Diritto penale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen among:
50126 Parte speciale del codice penale
50102 Focus su criminalità economica
50155 Paths of internationalization
Criminal Law- module 2 - 1 course to be chosen among:
50126 Criminal code special part
50102 Focus on corporate and business crime
50155 Paths of internationalization
International law
50239 International law
Total credit points for fourth year of studies
Fifth year of studies
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto amministrativo - modulo 2 (I semestre) - 1 course to be chosen
Administrative Law - module 2 (I semester)- 1 course to be chosen
Diritto civile - modulo 2 (I semestre) - 1 course to be chosen
Civil Law - module 2 (I semester) - 1 course to be chosen
From 2 to 4 elective courses:
- at least 2 courses must be chosen among the 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to an internship;
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to 2 seminars for the development of professional skills or legal clinics
or participation in a moot court competition
From 2 to 4 elective courses:
- at least 2 courses must be chosen among the 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to an internship;
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to 2 seminars for the development of professional skills or legal clinics
or participation in a moot court competition
Thesis |
Total credit points for fifth year of studies
- Code 50054 ‘Diritto romano modulo 1’ [Roman Law - module 1]e cod. 50055 ‘Diritto romano - modulo 2’ [Roman law - module 2] are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50053 ‘Diritto romano’[Roman law];
- Code 50013 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio modulo 1 (Economia aziendale)’ [Management and accounting - Module 1 (Management)] e cod. 50014 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 2’ (Bilancio)’ [Management and accounting - Module 2 (Accounting)] are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50012 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio [Management and accounting];
- Code 50016 ‘Diritto processuale civile - Module 1’ [Civil procedure law - module 1] and 50017 ‘Diritto processuale civile - Module 2’ [Civil procedure law - module 2] are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50015 ‘Diritto processuale civile’ [Civil procedure law];
- Code 50024 'Diritto penale - Module 1’ [Criminal law - module 1] and ‘Diritto penale - Module 2’ [Criminal law - module 2] - course chosen by the student respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50023 ‘Diritto penale’ [Criminal law];
- Code 50029 ‘Diritto del lavoro - Modulo 1’ [Labour Law - module 1] and ‘Diritto del lavoro - Module 2’ [Labour Law - module 2] - course chosen by the student are respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50028 ‘Diritto del lavoro’ [Labour Law];
- Code 50033 ‘Diritto processuale penale -Module 1’ [Criminal procedure - module 1] and ‘Diritto processuale penale - Modulo 2’ [Criminal procedure - module 2] - course chosen by the student are respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50032 ‘Diritto processuale penale’ [Criminal procedure].
The courses subdivided in modules are considered passed, and may be recorded in the student academic career and certified, only after passing both exams of which it is made up. The final grade is obtained by the grade point average of the two marks compared to the credits of each module and rounded up if decimals are equal or higher than 5, rounded down if they are lower than 5.
It is furthermore specified that the credit points and the grades earned for the individual modules passed (even if the exam is not yet registered) will be taken into account for rankings within the University (e.g. Bocconi Scholarship, selection for International Programs, etc.) and they can be viewed by printing the unofficial academic transcript at Punto Blu.
Exam sequence and progress requirements
In order to guarantee that students acquire advanced knowledge, it is essential that they have a solid preparation. Prerequisites are therefore required for some courses. Exam sequence indicates the sequence that must be followed in preparing exams and requires students to pass some exams before sitting for others. For more specific information, please see paragraph 4.13 Exam sequence and progress requirements.
Studying abroad
Bocconi University promotes international mobility among students by activating many study abroad opportunities and initiatives. Details are available in Chapter 2.5 “Studying abroad.”
Program structure
Please note that the positioning of the elective courses in the first or second semester is only an indication; this will depend on choices made by the student.
This educational path was designed for students who have a basic knowledge of English and Computer Science.
For more information, see Foreign Languages and Computer Skills.
The code of the course chosen by the student changes depending on the course chosen when enrolling in the fourth and fifth years.
In accordance with the educational objectives of the program and the ministerial tables, the program structure may be subject to variations decided by the Academic Bodies.
Last change 21/07/2022 10:33
Students initially enrolled starting in the 2020-2021 a.y.
The program structure is valid for the students initially enrolled in the academic years of reference for this section.
First year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Istituzioni di diritto privato - modulo 1
Principles of Private Law - module 1
Diritto romano - modulo 1 (Istituzioni di diritto romano)
Roman law - module 1 (Principle of Roman Law)
Filosofia del diritto
Philosophy of law
Critical thinking
Critilcal Thinking
Metodi quantitativi preparatory
Quantitative methods - preparatory
First foreign language (lessons only)
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo
Italian and European Constitutional Law
Principi di economia - 1 course to be chosen between:
50240 Economia
50241 Scienza delle finanze
Principles of Economics - 1 course to be chosen between.
50240 Economics
50241 Public finance
Metodi quantitativi
Quantative Methods
Istituzioni di diritto privato - modulo 2
Principles of private law - module 2
First foreign language (lessons and exam)
Total credit points for the first year of studies
Second year of studies
I semestre
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Storia del diritto - modulo 1 (Introduction to European legal history)
History of law - module 1 (Introduction to European legal history)
Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 1 (Economia aziendale)
Management and accounting - module 1 (Management)
Legal argumentation and economic analysis of law
Legal argumentation and economic analysis of law
Diritto comparato - 1 course to be chosen between:
50242 - Comparative private law
50096 - Diritto comparato pubblico
Diritto comparato - 1 course to be chosen between:
50242 - Comparative private law
50096 - Comparative public law
Informatica per Giurisprudenza
Computer Skills for Law
Legal English (lessons only) |
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto commerciale
Company and business law
Storia del diritto - modulo 2 (Storia giuridica dell’età moderna e contemporanea)
History of law - module 2
Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 2 (Contabilità)
Management And Accounting - module 2 (Accounting)
Roman Law - modulo 2 (Roman foundations of European law)
Roman Law - module 2 (Roman foundations of European law)
Total credit points for the second year of studies
Third year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto processuale civile - modulo 1
Civil Procedure Law - module 1
European Union law
European Union law
Diritto penale
Criminal Law
Diritto contabile e fiscale - modulo 1
(Disciplina giuridica del bilancio)
Second foreign language (lessons only)
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto del lavoro
Labour Law
Diritto processuale civile - modulo 2
Civil Procedure Law - module 2
Diritto processuale penale
Criminal Procedure
Diritto contabile e fiscale - Modulo 2
(Diritto tributario)
Second foreign language (lessons and exam)
Total credit points for the third year of studies
Fourth year of studies
I semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
1 course to be chosen between:
Diritto amministrativo - modulo 1
Diritto amministrativo italiano ed europeo - modulo 1
1 course to be chosen between:
Administrative law- module 1
National and European administrative law - module1
Diritto commerciale c.p. -1 course to be chosen
Advanced Company and Business Law- 1 course to be chosen
Diritto costituzionale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen
Advanced Constitutional Law - 1 course to be chosen
Diritto processuale penale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen
Advanced Criminal Procedure - 1 course to be chosen
II semester
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto civile c.p. - 1 course to be chosen
Advanced Civil law - 1 course to be chosen
Diritto del lavoro c.p. - 1 course to be chosen
Advanced Labour Law - 1 course to be chosen
Diritto penale c.p. - 1 course to be chosen
Advanced Criminal Law - 1 course to be chosen
International law
Total credit points for the fourth year of studies
Fifth year of studies
Educational activities
English translation
Language of instruction
Diritto amministrativo c.p. - 1 course to be chosen
Advanced Administrative Law - 1 course to be chosen
Diritto civile c.p. - 1 course to be chosen
Advanced Civil Law - 1 course to be chosen
From 2 to 4 elective courses:
- at least 2 courses must be chosen among the 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to an internship;
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to 2 seminars for the development of professional skills or legal clinics
or participation in a moot court competition
From 2 to 4 elective courses:
- at least 2 courses must be chosen among the 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to an internship;
- 1 elective can be chosen as an alternative to 2 seminars for the development of professional skills or legal clinics
or participation in a moot court competition
Thesis |
Total credit points for the fifth year of studies
Code 50212 ‘Diritto romano modulo 1’ (Istituzioni di diritto romano) [Roman law - module 1 (Principle of Roman Law)] and code 50213 ‘Diritto romano - modulo 2 (Roman foundations of european law)’ [Roman law - module 2 (Roman foundations of european law)] are respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50053 ‘Diritto romano’ [Roman law];
Code 50210 ‘Istituzioni di diritto privato - modulo 1’ [Principles of Private Law - module 1] and code 50211 ‘Istituzioni di diritto privato - modulo 2’ ] Principles of Private Law - module 2] are respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50056 ‘Istituzioni di diritto privato [Principles of Private Law].
Code 50013 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio modulo 1 (Economia aziendale)’ [Management and accounting - Module 1 (Management)] e cod. 50216 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio - modulo 2’ (Bilancio)’ [Management and accounting - Module 2 (Accounting)] are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50012 ‘Economia aziendale e bilancio [Management and accounting];
Cod. 50219 ‘History of law - module 1 (Introduction to european legal history)’ e cod. 50220 ‘Storia del diritto modulo 2 (Storia giuridica dell’età moderna e contemporanea)’ are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50218 ‘Storia del diritto;
Code 50016 ‘Diritto processuale civile - Module 1’ [Civil procedure law - module 1] and 50017 ‘Diritto processuale civile - Module 2’ [Civil procedure law - module 2] are respectively the first and the second Module of the course code 50015 ‘Diritto processuale civile’ [Civil procedure law];
Code 50024 'Diritto penale - Module 1’ [Criminal law - module 1] and ‘Diritto penale - Module 2’ [Criminal law - module 2] - course chosen by the student respectively the first and the second module of the course code 50023 ‘Diritto penale’ [Criminal law].
The courses subdivided in modules are considered passed, and may be recorded in the student academic career and certified, only after passing both exams of which it is made up. The final grade is obtained by the grade point average of the two marks compared to the credits of each module and rounded up if decimals are equal or higher than 5, rounded down if they are lower than 5.
It is furthermore specified that the credit points and the grades earned for the individual modules passed (even if the exam is not yet registered) will be taken into account for rankings within the University (e.g. Bocconi Scholarship, selection for International Programs, etc.) and they can be viewed by printing the unofficial academic transcript at Punto Blu.
Exam sequence and progress requirements
In order to guarantee that students acquire advanced knowledge, it is essential that they have a solid preparation. Prerequisites are therefore required for some courses. Exam sequence indicates the sequence that must be followed in preparing exams and requires students to pass some exams before sitting for others. For more specific information, please see paragraph 4.13 Exam sequence and progress requirements.
Studying abroad
Bocconi University promotes international mobility among students by activating many study abroad opportunities and initiatives. Details are available in Chapter 2.5 “Studying abroad.”
Program structure
Please note that the positioning of the elective courses in the first or second semester is only an indication; this will depend on choices made by the student.
This educational path was designed for students who have a basic knowledge of English and Computer Science.
For more information, see Foreign Languages and Computer Skills.
The code of the major course will be modified depending on the course chosen (see "Majors").
In accordance with the educational objectives of the program and the ministerial tables, the program structure may be subject to variations decided by the Academic Bodies.
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Compulsory Courses
The program structure is made up of compulsory courses corresponding to exams which all students must pass. In order to reach the degree program's educational goals and receive the Integrated Master of Arts in Law degree, students must pass the exams related to these courses.
According to current regulations, such educational activities are classified as: "basic", "characteristic" of the degree's field of study and "independently decided upon by the University" (D.M. 25 November 2005).
Compulsory courses, whose credit points and subject areas meet ministerial requirements, are divided into three categories:
- basic compulsory courses, which are the same for all students;
- compulsory courses included in the first/second year;
- advanced compulsory courses (a.c. - advanced courses), positioned in the fourth and fifth years of studies, which expand on topics dealt with in the basic courses taken in the first years of the program. Each advanced course has a specialized profile.
Course profiles are available on the website at www.unibocconi.eu/courses
Detailed programs (course syllabuses) are available online on the Blackboard platform in the section of each course.
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Choice of compulsory courses in the fourth/fifth year for students initially enrolled starting in the 2018-2019 a.y.
During the fourth and fifth year of the program, students must select the compulsory courses chosen by the student:
- 6 compulsory courses chosen by the student in the fourth year;
- 2 compulsory courses chosen by the student in the fifth year.
For each compulsory course chosen by the student, students have three alternative choices that are part of the three following tracks (no longer available):
- Business Lawyer
- International and European Regulation and Policy Making
- Litigation and Arbitration
Students can freely choose from among courses belonging to the same track or courses belonging to different tracks.
The choice of courses belonging to one track gives the student specialized skills related to the track itself.
The table below includes reference to these tracks (no longer available) for each compulsory exam.
Compulsory courses chosen by the student
Business lawyer
International and EU regulation and policy making
Litigation and arbitration
Dir. Costituzionale c.p. di IV anno [Advanced constitutional law, 4th year]
50097 Diritto pubblico dell'economia [Regulations in economics]
50145 Transnational constitutional law and government policies
50098 Constitutional justice
Dir. Commerciale c.p. di IV anno [Advanced company and business law 4th year]
50100 Societa' quotate e mercati finanziari [Listed companies and financial markets law]
50101 Antitrust law
50146 Casi e questioni di diritto societario [Selected issues]
Diritto processuale penale modulo II di IV anno [Criminal procedure module II 4th year]
50149 Processo penale agli enti [Criminal proceedings and corporate liability]
50151 Procedura penale europea [European criminal procedure]
50201 Diritto dell'esecuzione penale [Law on the execution of criminal sanction]
Diritto penale modulo II di IV anno [Criminal law 4th year]
50102 Focus su criminalita' economica [Focus on corporate and business crime]
50155 Paths of internationalization
50126 Parte speciale del codice penale [Criminal code special part]
Diritto del lavoro modulo II di IV anno [Labour law 4th year]
50245 Istituzioni del mercato del lavoro [Labour market institutions]
50161 European social law
50157 Casi di diritto del lavoro [Cases on employment law]
Diritto amministrativo modulo II di V anno [Administrative law 5th year]
50119 Environmental law
50198 Global administrative law
50121 Diritto processuale amministrativo [Civil procedure administrative law]
Diritto civile modulo II di V anno [Civil law module II 5th year]
50113 Garanzie del credito [Credit guarantees]
50186 Diritto europeo dei contratti [European contract law]
50115 Appalto [Contract]
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Elective Courses
Students must select elective courses in order to complete the program requirements regarding activities chosen by the student. An elective course is worth 6 credit points.
Course profiles of the elective courses are available on the website at www.unibocconi.eu/courses.
The detailed profiles of the courses (course syllabuses) are available online and in any case are usually distributed in class by the faculty when the course starts.
Before choosing their electives students should consult the table of "Incompatible courses". This table indicates the courses that cannot be chosen together in the same study plan because their course programs are either exactly or partly similar.
The exams related to electives can be taken at universities abroad as part of the programs offered by the International Relations Service. The criteria and credit approval procedure is indicated in "Credits for Exams Passed at Universities Abroad".
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Elective courses in the fifth year: how courses are selected
In the fifth year, students must choose between 2 and 4 elective courses, following these methods:
- 1 elective course from group A
- 1 elective course from group B
- 1 elective course from group B or 2 seminars for the development of professional skills or a legal clinic activity or participation in a moot court competition
- 1 elective course from group C or an internshipL
The groups are made up as follows:
Group A:
- 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS).
Group B:
- 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- Compulsory elective courses in the 4th and 5th years not previously chosen;
- Compulsory elective courses from economics and management MSc programs with juridical contents offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS).
Group C:
- 'Pure' IMA in Law electives offered by the Department of Legal Studies (IUS);
- Electives from economics and management MSc programs without juridical contents open to the Law program belonging to a different department than the Department of Legal Studies.
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Elective courses in the fifth year
Upon enrollment in the fifth year the student must choose 4 elective courses, structured as follows:
a) 1 elective course to be chosen from among the following Group A:
Course Title
English Translation
Language of instruction
Chinese business law
Citizenship and migration law
Contratti pubblici, anticorruzione e sostenibilità
Public Procurement Law,
Anti-Corruption And Sustainability
Diritto dell’arbitrato interno e internazionale
Domestic and international arbitration
Diritto della crisi d’impresa (italiano ed europeo)
Bankruptcy law (Italian and European)
Diritto della proprietà intellettuale
Intellectual property
Dispute resolution in a globalized world
Emerging digital technologies and the law
EU private international law
Fundamental rights in europe
Gender law and women’s rights
International and comparative taxation
Internet law
International trade and investment law
Key issues in EU law
Sports law
White-collar crime
b) 1 elective course to be chosen from among the following Group B:
Course Title
English Translation
Language of Instruction
Administrative law - Global administrative law
Advanced companies and business law - Antitrust law
Advanced constitutional law - transnational constitutional law
and government policies
Chinese business law
Citizenship and migration law
Contratti pubblici, anticorruzione e sostenibilità
Public Procurement Law, Anti-Corruption And Sustainability
Criminal law (paths of internationalization)
Administrative law - Environmental law
Diritto amministrativo - Diritto processuale amministrativo
Administrative Law - Administrative Trial Law
Diritto civile - Appalto
Civil law - Contract
Diritto civile - Diritto europeo dei contratti
Civil law - European contract law
Diritto civile - Garanzie del credito
Civil law - Credit guarantees
Diritto commerciale (c.p) - Casi e questioni di diritto societario
Advanced company and business law - Selected issues
Diritto commerciale (c.p.) - Società quotate e mercati finanziari
Advanced Company and Business Law - Listed companies and financial markets law
Diritto costituzionale (c.p.) - Diritto pubblico dell’economia
Advanced Constitutional Law - Regulations in economics
Advanced constitutional law - Constitutional justice
Diritto del lavoro - Casi di diritto del lavoro
Labour law - Cases on employment law
Diritto del lavoro - Istituzioni del mercato del lavoro
Labour law - Labour market institutions
Diritto dell’arbitrato interno e internazionale
Domestic and international arbitration
Diritto della crisi d’impresa - italiano ed europeo
Bankruptcy law - Italian and European
Diritto della proprietà intellettuale
Intellectual property
Diritto penale - Focus su criminalità economica
Criminal law - Focus on corporate and business crimes
Diritto penale - Parte speciale del codice penale
Criminal law - Criminal code special part
Diritto processuale penale - Procedura penale europea
Criminal procedure - European criminal procedure
Diritto processuale penale - Processo penale agli enti
Criminal procedure - Criminal proceedings and corporate liability
Diritto tributario - corso progredito
Tax law - Advanced course
Dispute resolution in a globalized world
Emerging digital technologies and the law
EU private international law
Fundamental rights in Europe
Gender law and women’s rights
International and comparative taxation
International comparative business law
International trade and investment law
Internet law
Diritto processuale penale - Diritto dell’esecuzione penale
Criminal procedure - Law on the execution of criminal sanctions
Key issues in EU law
Labour law - European social law
Sports law
White-collar crime
c) 1 compulsory elective course from Group B, not chosen previously or the legal clinics activity or participation in a moot court competition or 2 seminars for the development of professional skills from among the following:
Course Title
English Translation
Language of instruction
Advocacy seminar - tools of persuasion for lawyers
Legal writing seminar
Seminario di atti giuridici nell'ambito del processo penale
Criminal Legal Proceedings Seminar
Seminario di negoziazione
Negotiation seminar
Seminario di atti giuridici nell'ambito del processo civile
Civil Legal Proceedings Seminar
d) 1 elective course from Group C, chosen from among elective courses in Group A not chosen previously, or 1 non-juridical MSc elective course open to IMA in Law from among those offered by all Departments, or an internship.
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Foreign languages
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Study plan: foreign languages and minimum exit levels
The study plan includes foreign languages in the first, second and third year.
Possible combinations are listed here below:
native language (1) |
1st language
1st year (2) |
minimum exit level |
1st language
2nd year |
minimum exit level |
2nd language (3) |
minimum exit level |
= ITA |
B2 general |
B2 legal |
B1 general |
= ENG |
B2 general |
B2 legal |
B1 general |
C1 general |
C1 general |
B1 general |
≠ ENG; ≠ ITA |
B2 general |
B2 legal |
B1 general |
C1 general |
(1) Students declare their native language during the admission process and can never change it during IMA in Law studies.
(2) Any students who are english native speakers MUST choose a language other than English and other than their native language. For these students, the second language chosen during the third year must be different from the language selected during the first year.
(3) Second language is not automatically assigned; it has to be chosen when enrolling in the 3rd year and must be different from the studen's native language.
Students are allowed to change languages included in their personal study plan (see conditions and deadlines in chapter 6 'Administrative procedures, regulations and deadlines').
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Curricular Educational Offer
The educational offer includes the following:
- ENGLISH (first year):
- Curricular course: B2 general
- LEGAL ENGLISH (second year):
- Curricular course: B2 legal
- SECOND LANGUAGE (third year):
- French, Spanish or German: curricular courses are offered for B1 general
For further details about courses, please see “course profiles” published on the website at the page www.unibocconi.eu/courses and “course syllabi” available on the Blackboard (accessible via the yoU@B student Diary).
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Knowledge assessment and recording in the academic transcript
Knowledge may be assessed through an internal exam or recognition of a language certificate. In both cases:
- the grade will be recorded as a score out of thirty and will be included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA);
- the level of competence acquired is mentioned in the exam report and in the student’s transcript;
- students must pass the English general exam of the first year in order to sit the Legal English exam in the second year.
After passing the internal exam, a certificate can be completed at a later date, but the certificate cannot be recorded in the student's transcript. However, after a certificate for a specific language is recorded on the transcript, the internal exam can no longer be taken.
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Bocconi internal exam
Regarding the exam for the first and second language (not including Legal English, whose exam does not include an oral part starting from the first exam session after course teaching), the assessment method consists of a Bocconi exam focused on assessing four skills, in line with international certifications:
- Reading comprehension
- Writing skills
- Listening comprehension
- Speaking skills
Students can sit the exam (“general” mode) as from the end of second semester (after the end of the teaching period: May-June).
5 exam sessions are scheduled, during the following periods:
- May-June
- June-July
- late August-September
- October
- January-February
With the exception of the Legal English exam, which will have only a written part starting from the first exam session after course teaching, the exam includes:
- a written part (focused on writing, reading, listening)
- an oral part (focused on speaking).
Students must register through the exam session booking tool in the yoU@B Student Diary.
Further details on exam methods and assessment criteria are available in the course syllabus posted on Blackboard.
Regarding the level of the exam:
- for general English - first year and for the second language, Bocconi internal exams are organized for the minimum exit level only;
- for Legal English - second year starting in the May-June 2023 exam session, the internal exam will be offered for the B2 legal level only.
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International certifications recorded instead of the internal exam
Recording a certificate in the academic transcript as an alternative to the internal exam can be completed for the first language (except from Legal English starting from 22 May 2023) or other languages.
It is specified that:
- credits for the first language - first year - shall be calculated in the number of credits required for enrolling in the second year, only if the certificate is submitted by 12 July 2023;
- in order for it to be recorded, students must submit the certificate to the Language Center (see submission methods at page www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter, 'Certification Recognition' section) and do not need to register for the Bocconi internal exam.
International certifications can be recorded in the academic curriculum provided that they are:
- officially recognized by the Language Center and have been taken at an officially recognized test center in Italy or abroad;
- equal to or higher than the minimum exit level requirement;
- submitted to Language Center for recording within 3 years after sitting the international certification exam (2 years for the TOEFL and for IELTS, according to the provisions of the certifying agency);
- submitted by the student: only original certifications or statement of results;
- verifiable by the University.
NB: Please note that for some certificates, the Language Center must be authorized to view the results in order to verify the authenticity of the certificate. Authorization must be requested before sitting the exam. If this authorization is not provided, the necessary verification operations cannot be completed and, as a result, the certificate submitted by the student will not be taken into consideration.
More detailed information (list of recognized certificates, conversion tables, etc.) is available on the website www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter, 'Certification Recognition' section.
Under his/her responsibility, the student must carefully check the certifications which can be recognized and the relating conversion rules, before forwarding the certification recognition request.
In order to support students who want to earn an international certification, the Language Center offers:
- courses to prepare for some certifications (details available on the website at www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter in the “Supplementary Activities” section);
- materials for preparing for certificates at the Language Lab (details on the website www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter in the ‘Self-Study’ section);
- test center service for some certificates:
- British Council/Cambridge English Language Assessment for English: IELTS Academic, BEC Vantage, BEC Higher, C1 Advanced (CAE), B2 First (FCE);
- Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de Paris Ile-de-France for French: DFP Affaires (levels B1 Business and B2 Business).
Detailed information is available on the page www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter in the “Certifications” section.
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In addition to attending lectures, learning foreign languages requires a constant commitment to self-study.
The Language Center offers:
- tutoring service with the language teaching staff to support individual learning; the service is available upon reservation;
- various materials for preparing certifications and the Bocconi exam.
A Language Exchange service for students is also organized, along with a film festival for movies in their original language.
For more information: www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter in the 'Self-Study' and 'Other Activities' sections.
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Foreign languages as additional courses
Curricular languages can be recorded as additional activities (see chapter 6 'Administrative Procedures, Regulations and Deadlines'), either by passing a Bocconi exam or through recognition of a certificate.
Moreover, also non-curricular languages (Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, and Portuguese) can be recorded in the academic transcript but only as additional activities.
As no internal exams are organized for such languages, it is possible to register only the result of a certification (score converted in a mark out of thirty).
For further detailed info on recognition of certifications, please see the website at www.unibocconi.eu/languagecenter in the 'Certification Recognition' section.
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Computer Skills
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Curricular Offer
Starting in the 2022-2023 academic year, the curricular course Computer Skills for Law (cod. 50019) will be managed by the new Department of Computing Sciences.
For more information, see the website www.unibocconi.eu/courses.
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Test Center for IT Certifications
Bocconi University is a Test Center issuing ECDL/ICDL Full Standard and Advanced (ECDL/ICDL Full Standard or ECDL Core), EPM (European Project Management) and Digital Marketing certifications. Exams are held each week according to a calendar which is regularly updated. Students can purchase ICDL products (at a discounted cost) online, view the calendar and sign up for the modules via the yoU@B student Diary, through the ICDL IT certifications box.
In order to register for the Computer Science for Law exam (second partial or general exam), students must first complete the full ECDL/ICDL certification (ECDL/ICDL Full Standard or ECDL Core) or one of the equivalent certifications recognized by the University.
For more information on IT certifications, see the website at www.unibocconi.eu/itec in the 'IT Certifications' section.
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Extracurricular IT Activities
To improve IT skills, students can attend extracurricular IT Skills courses organized by the IT Education Center, free of charge, which are part of the extracurricular activities (see chapter 5.1 of this Guide to the University).
These courses, held in English and/or Italian, have limited spots and a duration ranging from 8 to 24 hours. Participation is recognized through the issuance of an Open Badge, a digital certificate that can be shared online (LinkedIn) or on a CV.
Supplementary IT activities, which are optional and cross-curricular for all degree programs (BSc, MSc, IMA, Specialized Master, PhD) focus on a variety of topics, including:
- Microsoft Office at an advanced level;
- Applications for Mathematical, Statistical and Econometric Analysis;
- Programming in Visual Basic for Applications, Java and Python;
- Data Analysis, Business Intelligence and Big Data;
- Project Management;
- Social Media, Web Analytics, Website Creation;
- Bitcoin, Blockchain and Cyber Security.
Registration for courses must be completed through the yoU@B Student Diary, in the "Sign Up for Various Activities" box. Registration will be available approximately four weeks before the start of each activity.
For more information, see the website at www.unibocconi.eu/itec, ‘Supplementary Activities’ section.
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Curricular Internships
The Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG) allows students to include an educational experience of an internship/apprenticeship/training (hereinafter internship) or similar activity, worth 6 credit points, in their study plans. As an alternative to an internship, students can enter an elective course only. For the calculation of the graduation grade after participation in a curricular internship, see “Thesis and Graduation Session.”
In compliance with the same characteristics of curricular internships (see chapter 2.4.1. Characteristics of Curricular Internships), students may participate in a second experience worth 6 credits, which will be recorded as an additional internship (see 2.4.4. Internship Recognition). The credits for a curricular internship or an internship as an additional activity shall not contribute to the GPA. The first internship completed that complies with the characteristics of a curricular internship shall be recorded in the study plan within 300 CPs. Students therefore cannot choose which of the two experiences will be recognized within 300 CPs (see “Program Structure”).
Students may participate in other internship experiences (not worth credit points) during the program or after graduation, which do not have curricular value and for which the information in the following paragraphs and sections does not apply: 'Duration', 'Positioning', 'Internship Recognition', 'Activities Similar to Internships and Recognition'.
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Characteristics of curricular internships
Curricular internships must have the following characteristics regarding duration, objectives and content, location and positioning.
- minimum 8 weeks full-time whether in Italy or outside Italy;
- minimum 11 weeks in the case of part-time internships, whether in Italy or outside Italy.
The number of weeks is understood as continuous and non-cumulative.
For variations on duration, see paragraph 2.4.5. 'Postponement, Suspension, Withdrawal/Interruption'.
Objectives and content
The internship is an in-the-field training experience and not an employment contract. Its regulations are valid in Italy and are set by law (national and regional law) and by the University. The objective of internships is to educate. They allow students to:
- learn about the world of work,
- develop professional skills and knowledge,
- they facilitate their professional choices.
The content of internships must be aligned with the educational objectives of the degree program the student is enrolled in. The in-the-field experience includes a company tutor (professional expert) supporting students.
The company tutor should be referred to for anything the student needs or the company needs within the University.
Internships may be completed - in Italy and outside Italy - in professional firms, companies, public and private institutions, international organisms, diplomatic agencies, cultural institutions and other organizations (hereinafter company).
Internships held on the premises of the participant's family property are not accepted.
The University reserves the right to evaluate the eligibility of the internship location and any mixed (in-person/remote) or remote (distance) modes, according to the regulations.
Students may participate in curricular internships during their fifth year of studies.
Students may participate in an internship only after completing fourth-year lectures.
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Finding internships and application
Internships can be found through one of the following channels:
- Market & Partners Organizational Unit (see below);
- Found by the student, at highly qualified companies only. In this case, the Program Director and the Internship Office will carefully monitor the internship request. Students should ask the company to get in touch with the University at least three weeks before the start of the internship, by accessing the JobGate Portal.
The Market & Partners Organizational Unit promotes and makes available internship opportunities in Italy and abroad. For more information, please see the Bocconi website: Campus and Services > Current Students > Career Services.
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Activating an Internship
In order to activate an internship, its must be formalized, i.e. governed by a document that regulates its aims and content and must be approved before the beginning of the experience. The document is the Internship Agreement, and it contains the internship’s training project.
Activation requires the following steps:
As the sole promoter of curricular internships, the University prepares all the necessary legal documentation, checks the quality of the training project, and provides insurance coverage. This means that internships activated in Italy with host institutions other than Bocconi cannot be recognized as curricular.
Once the student (hereinafter, trainee) has been selected and the internship details have been agreed, the company fills out the internship document (entering information and content) on JobGate, by the Monday preceding the start of the internship. Internships always start on a Monday. The information relating to the internship will be visible by the trainee on JobGate, in the area “My Internships” of the yoU@B Diary, so that he/she can check that the content agreed upon by with the company during interviews are coherent with the specified content. The confirmation is valid as internship acceptance.
The Internship Office checks the training project and, after checking the coherence and its quality in accordance with current laws, confirms the internship. The University can negotiate the content and conditions of the internship with the company and, in case of no agreement, may refuse to start the internship.
Before starting the internship, the student must request advance authorization from the University and wait until it has been granted.
On the first day of the internship, the company downloads the internship document from JobGate and it is signed by the trainee along with a company legal representative or delegated party. The original document, with a duty stamp when required (duty stamp at the expense of the company), is promptly sent by the company to the Internship Office so it can be signed by the University.
The trainee must ensure that the company sends the original copy of the document to the University. If it is not returned, the internship cannot be considered valid. The internship document, completed with all signatures, is uploaded on JobGate in the area “My Internships - Attachments” by the University to be used by the company and by the trainee.
To activate an internship outside Italy, it also needs to be formalized through an Internship Agreement, in compliance with the procedure described above.
However, such internships can also be run with an internship contract between the trainee and the company or another document demonstrating practical educational experience according with the local laws where the internship experience is held. This documentation, together with a description of the internship's activities and the company tutor's contact information, must be sent by the student at least two weeks before the start of the internship to the Internship Office via the procedure laid out in the dedicated FAQ in B in Touch in the yoU@B student diary. Experiences without such documentation that are not communicated in advance to the Internship Office cannot be assessed or recognized as a curricular internship. Experiences communicated after the start date will therefore not be accepted.
For internships completed outside Italy, student trainees must verify with the company regarding the methods for obtaining, if requested, the appropriate visa and any other required documents so that the internship can be carried out in compliance with the law of the host country.
For internships completed outside Italy, the trainee must:
- view the “Bocconi Students Travel Risk Policy” (available on the yoU@B Diary);
- sign the “Student Responsibility Declaration” document on JobGate. With this document, the student declares to be aware that the University cannot ensure the security and solvency of the institution and the country in which he/she has freely decided to carry out the internship;
- comply with the measures for mitigating risk suggested in the Travel Risk Policy. It is the student’s responsibility to take out healthcare insurance through a suitable international medical policy valid in the country where the internship will be completed for the entire duration of the stay, in particular in counties not covered by the European Health Insurance Card.
Students can also refer to International SOS to receive assistance in the areas of health, safety, logistics and legal issues in emergency situations.
For some typologies of internships, the trainee and the company tutor are invited to complete the mid-term online evaluation, indicatively three weeks after the start of the experience. In the “My Internships” area of the yoU@B Diary, the trainee can view the evaluation completed by the company tutor and can decide whether to authorize the tutor to view the completed evaluation.
Shortly before the end of the internship, the following end-of-internship documents are required for validation purposes:
- final evaluation completed by the student via the yoU@B student Diary;
- final evaluation by the company tutor. The evaluation by the company tutor includes the skills acquired.
The student has the responsibility to make sure that the tutor has completed the evaluation. All end-of internship documents are available starting ten days before the end of the internship and must be completed within the end of the experience.
At the end of the internship and upon request of the trainee, the company must issue an internship certification.
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Internship recognition (advance authorization and final validation)
All internship experiences must be approved in advance so as to guarantee the quality and consistency with the educational objectives of the Program the student is enrolled in. Internships are validated when completed so that credit points can be allocated.
In order to obtain recognition of the internship, please follow the instructions below.
Advance authorization
- Before the beginning of the experience and after viewing the internship in yoU@B and confirming it, the student must request advance authorization, by accessing the area ‘My internships’ and clicking on ‘Request advance authorization’.
- The request is automatically made viewable to the Program Director or his/her delegate who can give his/her approval, reject it or, for more information, ask the student to schedule a meeting.
- The student views the request outcome in yoU@B in the ‘My internships’ area.
Note: without advance authorization it will not be started as a curricular internship.
Final validation
- Once the internship has ended, the Program Director views the evaluations completed by the trainee and company tutor (end-of-internship documentation). The evaluation forms will be analyzed carefully. If more information is needed, a meeting with the student may be scheduled.
- Once final recognition has been obtained from the Director, the student can check the credit points recording in his/her academic career via Punto Blu.
The University will carry out checks during the student’s internship in order to verify that the internship is actually taking place. In case the student is repeatedly missing, the internship will be annulled. The internship annulment communication will be forwarded to the student, the Program Director and the host company. In case of behavior contrary to the Honor Code or University regulations during the experience, ì the Internship Office may ì report students to the Disciplinary Board.
- The Study Planning Office (Academic Services) records the internship credits by the deadline for the study plan completion set for graduation. Generally, the internship needs to be completed by that date. Recognition in the student's academic career may also be requested for uncompleted internships which have met the minimum duration requirement, only if:
- the student has to graduate before the end of the internship;
- the student applies for a scholarship.
In these cases, to make sure the credits are present in the study plan before the deadlines, at least two weeks before the related deadline, the student must:
- make an explicit request for early recognition by writing to the Internship Office through B in Touch;
- complete the end-of-internship documents within the time needed for final recognition.
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Postponement, suspension, withdrawal/interruption
Before the end of the internship, a postponement may be requested for a limit of 6 months of the duration of the internship. The Internship Office may grant a postponement after carefully evaluating the reasons for the request and only if the company demonstrates that more time to reach the educational objective for the complexity of the project is needed. The postponement period must be communicated in advance by the company to the Internship Office through JobGate in the 'My Internships' area - 'Internship Duration Changes', and the trainee must access yoU@B to confirm the postponement entered.
In agreement with Bocconi University, a period of temporary suspension of the internship experience of a maximum of 30 days can be admitted (e.g. company closure, holiday), to be recovered at the end of the internship if this affects the minimum duration of a curricular internship. Suspensions must be communicated in advance by the company to the Internship Office through the JobGate in the “My Internships” area - ‘Internship Duration Changes’.
Without serious and justified reasons, there will be limitations for accessing a new internship (a new internship cannot be started before two weeks from the date of withdrawal/interruption of the previous internship). Withdrawals, with related reasons, must be immediately communicated by the trainee in the “My Internships” area - ‘Internship duration changes’. Interruptions, with related reasons, must be immediately communicated by the company through the JobGate in the 'My Internships' area - ‘Internship duration changes’. The trainee must access yoU@B and confirm the interruption entered.
In case of curricular internships, early interruptions that are not authorized in advance by the Internship Office, even if the requirement of the minimum duration has been met, the internship may not be recognized. Early authorization is given on the basis of evaluation of all internship characteristics, including the duration.
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Curricular internships are not compensated. At their discretion, companies may grant an allowance (monetary contribution).
For unpaid internships carried out abroad, for which no allowance is provided, scholarships may be given by Bocconi University.
Depending on the specific internship requirements, the following may be provided:
- ERASMUS+ scholarship;
- Contribution for internships at the MAECI institutions (Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation);
- Contribution for internships at international organizations.
For more information: dedicated FAQ available in B in Touch.
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Activities similar to internship and recognition
Though internships are the principal and priority educational activities for students to put their studies into practice, as an alternative to internships, other activities defined as “similar activities” can also be recognized. These include:
1. Specialized work experiences which have contracts that are different from those of internships. For example, temporary and permanent work positions (occasional work is therefore not included). The rules already set for internships regarding duration, positioning and channels for finding such opportunities are applied to these experiences. The Internship Office will assess the actual educational value of the experience in relation to the student’s study path. In order to request recognition students must take the following steps:
- at least three weeks prior to the start of the experience, students must send - via the procedure available in the dedicated FAQ in B in Touch - a copy of the contract signed with the company to the Internship Office. The minimum information that must be on the contract, or provided additionally if not included, can be verified online.
- The Internship Office, having verified that the experience is in line with the student’s study path and the University’s quality standards, enters the information relating to the activity similar to an internship on JobGate and the student must request advance authorization, by entering ‘My internships’ area - ‘Training Project’ and clicking on ‘Request internship recognition’.
- At the end of the minimum of the duration for the internship recognition, students must upload, on ‘My internship’ in the ‘Attachments area’, a short report including information on the type of experience and a declaration by the company certifying the presence of the student at the company in the period specified on the request of recognition. After this has been completed, students should inform the Internship Office by writing via B in Touch, available in the yoU@B Student Diary.
- After appropriate assessment, the Program Director will proceed with the final recognition in accordance with the procedure specified in paragraph 2.4.4. Internship Recognition.
2. Research field project. Activity promoted by a faculty member where the student is involved exclusively in a research activity to be carried out at a research center or a Department at the University. Assuming that this activity is considered a part-time experience, the minimum duration for internship recognition is 11 weeks and the maximum is 6 months. A research field project can be completed only as a curricular activity for credit; it cannot be activated in any other form. The procedure for authorization and recognition is the same as for internships (see 2.4.4. Internship Recognition) except for a final report on the activity carried out with papers or reports to be uploaded to JobGate at the end of the experience.
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Early traineeships
6 of the 18 total months of the traineeship required by regulations for gaining access to the bar examination can be completed during the last year of studies.
Requirements for applying for an early traineeship
Students who meet the following requirements can apply for an early traineeship:
- enrolled in the fifth year (not enrolled beyond the duration of the program) of the Integrated Master of Arts in Law;
- have earned credits in the following subject groups: Diritto privato [Private Law] (IUS/01), Diritto processuale civile [Civil Procedural Law] (IUS/15), Diritto penale [Criminal Law] (IUS/17), Diritto processuale penale [Criminal Procedural Law] (IUS/16), Diritto amministrativo [Administrative Law] (IUS/10), Diritto costituzionale [Constitutional Law] (IUS/08), Diritto dell’Unione Europea [European Union Law] (IUS 14);
- have earned credits for all the educational activities in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years and recorded them in their academic career.
In addition:
- in the event that the student did not complete a study abroad experience in the fourth year: have earned credits for educational activities in the fourth year and recorded them in their academic career;
- in the event that the student completed a long study abroad period in their fourth year (at least one semester): have earned at least 60 credits for educational activities in the fourth and fifth years and recorded them in their academic career.
Terms and conditions of validity
In order for the early traineeship to be valid, the following conditions must be met:
- attainment of initial authorization;
- duration of at least 6 calendar months and at least 288 hours and student participation in at least 12 hearings.
If the student graduates before the end of the six months, the early traineeship shall be valid if it lasted at least 5 months and, in any case, at least 288 hours;
- attainment of final validation;
- graduation within 12 months after the end of the early traineeship;
- confirmation of enrollment in the register of trainee lawyers within 90 days after graduation (the graduation certificate or equivalent document must be submitted to the Bar Association).
In addition, the traineeship must be formalized as an internship (see paragraph 2.4.4. Internship recognition).
Detailed information on the regulations and procedures to follow for an early traineeship (admission requirements, conditions, roles, responsibilities, finding and formalizing a traineeship, documentation to submit to the Bar Association for authorization and steps for validation) are included in the Application Guide (Italian version only) available on the Bocconi website.
notary EXAM
Thanks to an Implementation Agreement Bocconi University has signed with the Milan Notary Council, the internship for access to the notarial profession can be moved up by one semester during the last year of a Master of Arts program in Law.
Requirements for applying for an early traineeship
Students who meet the following requirements can apply for an early traineeship:
- enrolled in the fifth year of the Master of Arts program in Law (or possibly enrolled beyond the duration of the program);
- have earned credits for all educational activities in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years and recorded them in their academic career.
In addition:
- in the event that the student did not study abroad during the 4th year: have earned credits for educational activities in the 4th year and recorded them in their academic career;
- in the event the student did study abroad during the 4th year: have earned at least 60 credits for educational activities in the 4th or 5th years and recorded them in their academic career.
Terms and conditions of validity
In order for the early traineeship to be valid, the following conditions must be met:
- student enrollment in the register of trainees at the Notary Council of Milan;
- “normal” duration of 6 calendar months and at least 200 hours, with at least 8 hours per week, spread over at least two days a week. Detailed scheduling of the weekly timetable can be modified based on specific study needs and university attendance. If the duration lasts longer than six months, only six months are counted for the purposes of the early traineeship. If, on the other hand, the duration is less than six months, the missing time must be integrated into the post-graduation period;
- the total period of the traineeship (meaning the sum of the pre-graduation period - counted as no more than six months - and the post-graduation months) must be completed within thirty months of enrollment in the register. If the aforementioned deadline expires, the period completed before graduation is not counted;
- both the pre-graduation and post-graduation periods must be continuous. At the end of the pre-graduation traineeship period, the trainee must deliver to the Council a certificate from the notary certifying the actual duration of the experience and the beginning of any suspensions. The trainee must also communicate the graduation date to the Council to receive instructions regarding the post-graduation traineeship period, ending the suspension period;
- interruptions of traineeships are not possible unless for reasons not attributable to the trainee, who is required to communicate any changes relating to the experience to the Council. In any case, attendance to the notary firm cannot be interrupted for a period equal to or greater than two months in the post-graduation period, even if not continuous.
In addition to activating the traineeship at the district Notary Council, the University recommends activating the experience as an internship on the University JobGate portal. If the experience meets all the requirements, it can be recognized as a curricular internship and recorded in the study plan.
Detailed information on the regulations and procedures to follow for an early traineeship and activating it with the Notary Council and on JobGate are included in the Application Guide (Italian version only) available on the Bocconi website.
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Certifications and declarations
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To request certifications specifying participation in a curricular internship for credit recorded in the academic career, you must use the cert@B procedure available on the yoU@B Diary (see chapter 8 Certifications, Self-Declarations and Diploma Supplements), except for the documents described in the following paragraphs.
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Declaration of completed internship: interns must provide the contact information of the recipient to whom the declaration will be made out.
In order to obtain such declaration, the internship needs to have already been recorded on JobGate with all the supporting documentation and, in the case of curricular internships for credit, it needs to have been recorded on the academic career.
To support a visa application or request: the student must provide the name and address of the company/intuition/diplomatic office/immigration office to address the declaration and the characteristics of the declaration.
These declarations are exempt from duty stamp fees. Requests for the above declarations must be sent to the Internship Office through B in Touch, available in the yoU@B Student Diary.
Market & Partners Organizational Unit
Internship Office
Piazza Sraffa, 11 - 20136 Milan
Tel: +39 02 5836 2478
B in Touch: available in the yoU@B Diary
Career Service Infopoint
Piazza Sraffa 11 - 20136
Ph. +39 02 5836 2711
Last change 08/07/2022 14:34
Studying Abroad
Internationalization at Bocconi University has been a strategic priority pursued since 1974, the year in which the first international agreements were put into place. Over the years, these programs have developed an extensive network of affiliations and exchanges with prestigious academic and cultural institutions all over the world, including the recent formation of a special network of partner institutions in the field of law. Constant collaboration between Bocconi and foreign universities on research and joint teaching projects provide Bocconi students and teaching staff with invaluable international experience also in prestigious networks like Themis -The Joint Certificate in International Business Law- and APELIA - Asia-Pacific and Europe Law Institutes Alliance
Thanks to its network of international affiliations, Bocconi University is able to offer law students opportunities on a global scale.
Study abroad programs:
- Long programs (Exchange; Themis; Double Degree Law; Free-Mover Semester Programs);
- Short programs (Free-Mover Summer; Moot Court Competition - MCC).
The study abroad opportunities promoted by the University are presented in detail during ad hoc initiatives throughout the academic year.
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Long programs
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Exchange program
The Bocconi University "Exchange Program" (including the LLP-Erasmus Program) deals with student exchanges under bilateral agreements with many universities around the world, giving students the opportunity to attend courses for which they can receive credit as part of their Bocconi degrees.
There are around 60 Schools of Law included in the network which are specially addressed to the Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza [Law] and they are some of the most renowned institutions in the field of law.
These agreements are based on reciprocal arrangements that allow students from both institutions involved to complete a period of study abroad without paying extra university fees and tuition to the partner institution. Students are, however, responsible for travel, insurance, board and lodging expenses.
Eligibility and requirements
Students can take the semester abroad just one time during their fourth and fifth years. Therefore students regularly enrolled in the third or fourth year of the Integrated Master of Arts Program can apply.
Students are allowed to enroll in a semester abroad at one of the partner universities only if they pass the selection, which is based on merit and language skills.
The Exchange Program is incompatible with participation in the Themis and Double Degree Law programs and the Free Mover Semester experience.
In addition, Moot Court Competitions may NOT overlap with study abroad periods.
Given that some MCCs are “in line” with semesters (both preparation and debate) and some MCCs are not “in line” with semesters as they are held over two semesters:
- For MCCs “in line” with semesters: fourth- and fifth-year students selected for a study abroad period in the 1st semester may participate in the selection process for an MCC taking place in the 2nd semester and vice versa.
- For MCCs not “in line” with semesters: fourth- and fifth-year students selected for a study abroad period may participate in the selection process for an MCC that takes place in a different academic year than the study abroad year e.g.:
- 4th-year MCC and 5th-year exchange or
- 4th-year exchange and 5th-year MCC.
Application and deadlines
Students are advised to check the application procedures and deadlines on the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/exchange
Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 5 courses.
For the credit approval procedure, see Credit for exams passed at Universities Abroad.
For Exchange Program details, updated information on eligible students, admissions procedures, deadlines and available destinations check the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/exchange.
In the same area, you can also check comments by students who have been abroad in the past.
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Free-Mover Semester
Students interested in attending a semester abroad outside the Exchange Program can enroll at a number of universities abroad where they can study just one time during the last year of their degree as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program (fee-paying Visiting Students or Independent Students).
The Free-Mover Semester experience is incompatible with participation in the Exchange Program and participation in the Themis and Double Degree Law.
Moot Court Competitions may NOT overlap with study abroad periods.
Given that some MCCs are “in line” with semesters (both preparation and debate) and some MCCs are not “in line” with semesters as they are held over two semesters:
- For MCCs “in line” with semesters: fifth-year students enrolled to Free-Mover in the 1st semester, may participate in the selection process for an MCC taking place in the 2nd semester and vice versa.
- For MCCs not “in line” with semesters: MCC and period abroad can be reconciled only if done in different years; thus:
- 4th year moot and 5th year Free-Mover.
Students are responsible for payment of tuition and fees for both Bocconi University and the foreign university, as well as for travel, board and lodging expenses for the period abroad.
Students are required to take out health insurance for the entire period of study abroad.
Bocconi University has identified a number of schools, mainly members of its international network, that have accepted such students in the past. The number of students allowed at each University abroad is limited. The list of universities abroad will be published on the webpage at www.ir.unibocconi.eu. This is the only list considered valid for the recognition of exams taken in schools abroad as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program.
Any other applications for alternatives must be examined individually beforehand by the Study Abroad office. The application, accompanied by a motivational letter and information about the chosen university, must be submitted to the Study Abroad office before enrolling at the foreign university for a Free-Mover Semester Program.
Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 5 courses.
For the credit approval procedure, see Credit for exams passed in foreign Universities Abroad.
Students should check the detailed information and requirements published on the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu. In addition, in the restricted area of the website you can find the reports from students who spent a study period abroad in the previous years as part of the Exchange program.
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Themis Program
Opportunities offered to students enrolled in the last years of studies include the Themis Program Joint Certificate in International Business Law promoted within the Themis network. Bocconi is a founding member of the network.
The program curriculum includes an exchange experience lasting one semester at one of the partner institutions, a joint seminar completed at one of the network european universities and an international internship. Upon curriculum completion, the Joint certificate in International Business Law is issued after graduation.
Eligibility and requirements
It is possible to participate in the program only once, in the fourth or fifth year of studies; students regularly enrolled in the third or the fourth year of studies can apply. Students are admitted only after passing a selection based on merit, language skills and motivation.
The Themis program is incompatible with participation in the Exchange Program, the Double Degree Law Program and the Free-Mover Semester study abroad experience.
For compatibility with Moot Court Competition (MCC), see the dedicated chapter 6.9.
Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 5 courses.
For the exam recognition procedure, please see Credit for Exams Passed at Universities Abroad.
For dates, deadlines, requirements, more information or any updates, see the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/themis or send an email to themis@unibocconi.it
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Double Degree Law Program
The Double Degree Law allows 5th-year students to attend an academic year abroad, receiving both an Italian Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza and a Master-level degree issued by a foreign partner university at the end of studies. The program is based on bilateral agreements that allow students from both institutions to complete a study abroad period without paying any kind of university tuition to the host institution.
Eligibility and requirements
Students can participate in the program only once, during the fifth year of the degree program. Students who are duly enrolled in the fourth year of the program can apply.
Students shall be admitted to the program only after successfully completing the selection process based on merit, language skills and motivation.
The Double Degree Law program is incompatible with participation in the Exchange Program, the Themis Program and the Free-Mover Semester experience abroad. In addition, during the year of participation, the experience is not compatible with the Moots offered.
Exam recognition
For the exam recognition procedure, please see Credit for Exams Passed at Universities Abroad.
For dates, deadlines, requirements, more information or any updates, see the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu/ddlaw
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Short programs
The short programs offered by Bocconi University give students the opportunity to spend a brief period of time abroad, combining educational activities with the exploration of new cultural, social and economic environments.
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Free-Mover summer
Bocconi University has identified a number of its international network partner schools that offer Summer Programs which can be interesting and valid from the educational point of view. Summer Programs last 2/3 weeks and are held in the summer months, during which students can follow curricular courses which can then be recognized at Bocconi. The list of foreign universities specified on the website is the only valid list in terms of recognition of courses offered in the Summer Program at foreign institutions.
Other options will be examined in advance, on a case by case basis, by the Study Abroad office; applications must be submitted before enrollment in the Free Mover Summer.
The Free Mover Summer can take place only once in the summer between the third and fourth years or the summer between the fourth and fifth years and is addressed to students who meet the requirements and are enrolled in the third or fourth year of studies. (Please note: A Summer Program held in the summer of the first or second year, or earlier will not be recognized).
The student is responsible for the costs of travel, board and lodging during the period abroad, as well as the payment of fees related to courses taken at a foreign school. It is compulsory for the student to subscribe to health insurance coverage for the period abroad.
Exam recognition
The Free-Mover Summer allows the recognition of maximum one exam. For the procedure for recognition of exams, see "Credit for Exams Passed at Universities Abroad".
We recommend that you review the requirements and methods of participation on the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu
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Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot (VIS Moot)
This moot is a law arbitration and international commerce competition in which teams coming from hundreds of universities around the world simulate a process of arbitration on a dispute relating to a contract of international sale.
The competition is divided into two phases. The first one, a written part, includes the elaboration of a Memorandum for Claimant and a Memorandum for Respondent based on a legal problem assigned in advance. In the second phase, the oral part, the participating teams compete at a hearing and play the role of lawyers, arguing and discussing the case in front of arbitration structured in academicians and experts in the subject.
We suggest you to check the requirements and application procedures on the website at https://vismoot.pace.edu/
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European Law Moot Court
The European Law Moot Court is an international competition involving university teams of students interested in European Union Law topics. It is addressed to graduate law students and consists in the simulation of legal proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
It is organized by the ELMC Society and it has been held since 1988. The latest editions have involved teams coming from 80 European and American universities.
After the publication of the case in September, teacms must submit two memorandums by November. If a team is selected for the Regional Finals, it must prepare for the oral pleadings which will be presented before the European judges.
Check requirements and the selection procedure at https://www.europeanlawmootcourt.eu/
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Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition (HS MCC)
The Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition (HS MCC) is an initiative created by five labor law experts. The aim of the HS MCC is to deepen and improve the knowledge of employment and labor law at the European level. It offers an opportunity to experience the operation of the European labor law in an as realistic setting as possible. It is yearly returning event hosted in a different country every year. The first HS MCC took place in Amsterdam in 2016. In the 2018 the competition took place on 14-16 June 2018 and was hosted by the University of Cassino, Italy. The 2019 edition was held in Hasselt, on 13-15 June 2019.
During the moot, teams from various European countries compete before a board composed of experts in Labor Law at an international level, who listen to the two sides and then ask a few questions. The competition is highly engaging and educational.
For information on requirements and the selection process, please see the website https://aias-hsi.uva.nl/en/hs-mcc/hs-mcc.html?cb
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Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition (JESSUP)
Founded in 1960, each year the Philip C. Jessup International Moot Court Competition welcomes participants from hundreds of Law Schools from all over the world. This year, a team of Bocconi students participated for the first time in this prestigious initiative.
The competition has two phases. In the first phase, each participating team is required to submit two memorials relating to a case of public international law communicated at the beginning of each edition. In each memorial the team supports the two parties of the hypothetical dispute, generally nations.
The second phase consists of several rounds, during which the various teams debate in cross-examination in front of a panel made up of judges, professors or attorneys.
All activities (writing briefs and oral presentations) are held in English.
The requirements and selection process are available on the website: https://www.ilsa.org/about-jessup/
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Moot Competition in Public Comparative Law
The Moot Competition in Public Comparative Law is an international competition between teams from the most prestigious European and US universities, who discuss a case before judging panels that simulate the European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court. The panels of both courts are made up of preeminent scholars and judges from the two jurisdictions. Depending on the year, the competition is held in Italy or abroad.
Requirements and selection procedures are available on the website: https://www.europeanacademyofreligion.org/
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Milano Moot Court Competition in Criminal Law
The Milano Moot Court Competition in Criminal Law is an innovative competition that aims to offer students the opportunity to focus on substantive and procedural criminal law issues, highlighting not only theoretical but also practical problems of the matter. Students are required to deal with the challenges of legal writing and written and oral argumentation on legal issues.
During an initial phase in April, 12 participating teams are required to examine the outline assigned at the beginning of the month by the organizing body and draw up a prosecution or defense brief in about three weeks.
In the next phase, the semifinals between the top four teams (the two best prosecutions and the two best defenses) take place at the beginning of May at the Moot Court. There, oral discussion of the case will take place, assigned before a judging panel to be composed of criminal law faculty from the participating universities that have selected the four teams. At the end of May, the final takes place with oral discussion of the assigned case between prosecution and defense before a panel of magistrates at the Moot Court.
All activities (drafting of briefs, oral discussion) are held in Italian.
Requirements and selection procedures are available on the website: https://www.elsa-italy.org/competizioni/
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Competizione Italiana di Mediazione (Italian Mediation Competition)
The Italian Mediation Competition has been held between Italian university teams on the subject of mediation for the past 8 years at the Arbitration Chamber of Milan. The competition, held in Italian, mainly deals with issues related to the resolution of civil law cases through the use of mediation and reconciliation techniques between opposing individual interests. The goal is to apply negotiation techniques and obtain a satisfactory result for the claimant and the mediation party.
The teams entered in the competition face off in a series of mediation sessions relating to a case lasting 70 minutes. The case is described by the organizing body through General Information communicated to both teams in the session and Confidential Information communicated to the individual teams only.
The competition ends with the announcement of the team that has received the highest score at the end of all sessions.
The Bocconi team has been participating in the Italian Mediation Competition for several years with impressive results and excellent rankings.
Requirements and selection procedures are available on the website: https://www.camera-arbitrale.it/it/mediazione/cim.php?id=499
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Comparative Law in Action: International Competition in Comparative Law and Technology
An innovative competition, the Comparative Law in Action Moot, aims to offer students the opportunity to focus on issues related to comparative law and new technologies, highlighting how the law adapts to the new challenges created by technology and, at the same time, how technology can be used to solve problems at a global level.
During an initial phase from January to March 2021, participating teams are required to attend webinars, tutorials and field projects. In the next phase, an active experience lasting 3 days in Madrid will follow, during which teams will have the opportunity to attend specific workshops on legal design, technology trends and global comparative law and discuss the case in front of a panel made up of members from the public and private sectors. All activities (drafting of briefs, oral discussion) are held in English.
Requirements and selection procedures are available on the website: https://www.ie.edu/university/comparative-law-action/#
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Scholarships for international programs
To encourage participation in the international mobility programs organized by the University, Erasmus Plus scholarships are available from the European Union for students chosen for the Exchange Program, Themis and Double Degree Law who attend one semester of study at universities that are part of the Erasmus Program. For details, see www.ir.unibocconi.eu/erasmus.
Need- and merit-based integrations to the ISU Bocconi scholarship are also available (subject to availability of funds to be verified annually – www.unibocconi.eu/funding).
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Certifications and documents
To request certifications specifying the admission and/or participation in an international mobility program, the cert@B procedure available on the yoU@B Diary must be used (see chapter 8 Certifications, Self-Declarations and Diploma Supplement), except for the documents described in the paragraphs below.
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Documents for the participation in the exchange program, Themis and Double Degree Law
The Study Abroad Office (Exchange program) or the Global Alliance Office (Double Degree and Themis programs) must be contacted by the selected student if, as part of enrollment in the semester (application) or participation, the foreign partner university requests a document for admission to the program and/or information relating to enrollment at Bocconi along with the student's academic career. The same procedure is applicable in case the document of admission to the program is required to obtain a visa. Any procedure changes will be communicated to the interested students.
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