Guides to the university

2021-2022 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y) Costs and payment methods

The issue of certifications costs:

  • €16.00 (stamp duty ‘imposta di bollo’ for the request of certifications);
  • €16.00 (stamp duty ‘imposta di bollo’ for the issue of each certification included on the request);
  • €2.00 (for administration fees to be applied, where applicable, to each certification issue).


Delivery costs


  • National postal service - no additional costs for the applicant;
  • DHL courier delivery upon payment by the applicant.The cost depends on the place of delivery and can be viewed by the applicant when making the certification delivery request.



Payment methods for certifications requested through the cert@B procedure changes depending on the applicant profile:


  • students (who have at least an active career): the total amount to be paid for issuing certifications will be charged upon authorization given through cert@B by the interested party, on his/her financial status-payments. Once they have received or collected the certification/s, students can proceed with payment through MAV available on Punto Blu.
    NOTE: Students who select certification delivery through DHL courier must pay the corresponding total fee (duty stamps, administration fees and cost for document delivery) when completing the request by paying by credit card.
  • Students who have already made the graduation reservation: the amount must be paid through cert@B through payment procedure with credit card integrated into the procedure itself.


The above methods are the only methods available to students and graduates who have the credentials to access the yoU@B Diary. Alternative payment methods will not be accepted.

*For cases of exemption in accordance with Italian law, certifications exempt from the payment of duty stamps must be requested directly at the Desk of the office of reference for the issue of certifications.

Last change 13/07/2022 16:15