Guides to the university

2021-2022 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

9.3.2. Electives allocation and numerical limit

After enrolling in the academic year students are allocated the elective courses chosen for both the first and the second semester. The courses chosen are therefore immediately viewable in the students’ study plan.

The allocation of elective courses is made on the basis of the sign-up positions when students made the course choice/change.

As a general rule, each course class group must not have more than 110 students.

Except for:

  • third year CLEACC workshops whose maximum limit of 35 enrolled students is set;
  • the modules relating to the course Method and research in arts of the CLEACC second year program structure. The limit of 60 participating students is set;
  • very rare cases of elective courses for which a different limit is set.

In the limit of 110 students, the following categories of students are not included:


  • students participating in international programs who come from foreign universities;
  • students who opt to change from a four degree system to the three-year one;
  • students who have already graduated from Bocconi and have been admitted to the third year of studies.

Bocconi students participating in international programs may include courses that at Bocconi have reached the maximum number of students enrolled in their academic career only with the purpose of recording exams passed abroad in their academic career.

Students who enroll in the academic year after 30 August 2021, and especially during the period from 31 August to 31 December 2021(*), can choose their first- and second-semester electives from the list of electives still available at the time of enrollment in the academic year.

(*) Since 31 December 2021 is a holiday, the deadline is extended to the next working day (3 January 2022).


Last change 01/06/2021 16:20