2021-2022 A.Y.
Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)
Credit for exams passed at universities abroad
Students enrolled in BSc programs can obtain credit recognition (grade and credit points) for exams passed abroad in the Exchange and Double Degree Programs, which are promoted and coordinated by the Study Abroad office and the Global Alliance office, the Free-Mover Semester and Free-Mover Summer.
the following exams, if taken abroad, cannot be recognized:
*Please note: Starting in the 2019-2020 academic year, foreign language exams take abroad as part of the Exchange Program and Free Mover Semester can also be converted: credits for language exams are part of the maximum limit of 5 courses that can be recognized. Please note that languages indicated in the Transcript with the number of foreign credit points equal to "0" will not be recognized. The minimum exit level required by the student's program structure will be automatically assigned to the language course recognized in the academic career. Last change 22/07/2021 17:59 |
Credit approval procedure for exams taken as part of Exchange, Free-Mover Semester and Free-Mover Summer Programs
Credit recognition for exams taken as part of Exchange, Free-Mover Semester and Free-Mover Summer Programs is not usually automatic and depends on the following credit approval procedure. The courses can be:
Students participating in a mobility program as a Free Mover Summer student can have 1 exam recognized with Bocconi correspondence only.
Last change 27/07/2021 10:21 |
Exam recognition procedures as part of the Double Degree Peking-Bocconi Program
Credit recognition for exams taken as part of the Double Degree Program with Peking University requires several steps the student must take before and after departure, following the guidelines of the Global Alliances office. After admission to the Double Degree during the second year of the BIEM program, the student will receive instructions from Peking University on the program structure they will need to attend abroad during the two following years. With the courses taken at the partner school, the student can validate the courses from the third year of BIEM, upon approval from the Program Director (or his/her delegate). In any case, the recognition procedure for courses taken abroad is subject to the Global Alliances office receiving the transcript from Peking University. Last change 01/06/2021 08:00 |