2018-2019 A.Y.
World Bachelor Business (3-y)
Last change 01/06/2018 08:00 |
Class attendance at lectures is not compulsory however it is strongly recommended as it meets the proposed educational model designed to favor gradual learning, the active participation of students in class and the creation of a dialog between students and teachers. For some courses, there may be different methods for attending students and non-attending students. In some cases, faculty members may adopt a procedure to record student attendance online. Regarding continuous innovations in the teaching methods adopted, using personal computers might be a condition essential to attending lectures of some courses, therefore each student should be equipped with a personal laptop. Last change 01/06/2018 08:00 |
Class Groups
Class groups for each course are allocated before the start of lectures. Last change 01/06/2018 08:00 |
Course profiles
The general course profiles are published on the Bocconi website at www.unibocconi.eu/courses. Last change 01/06/2018 08:00 |
Class timetable
The class timetable has been planned so that educational activities are mainly concentrated in either the morning or the afternoon, in order to make it easier for students to dedicate the other part of the day to individual study. The timetable slot 1-2:30 pm on Friday, in both the first semester and the second semester, is reserved for student group activities. The general class timetable and any changes are published on the yoU@B student Diary and on the University's website www.unibocconi.eu/classtimetable. The teaching activities for the 2018-2019 academic year will follow the schedule below:
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Suspension of lectures
During the graduation days listed below, lectures for all courses and all programs (Bachelor of Science programs, MSc programs, Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza [Law]) are suspended as follows:
During the partial exam periods listed below, lectures in all courses are suspended:
In addition, lectures are also suspended on the following days:
Last change 01/06/2018 08:00 |
Office hours
During office hours, students have the opportunity to consult with teachers. This gives students the chance to seek further explanations or clarifications of topics not fully understood during lectures. The office hours timetable can be found on the website at http://www.unibocconi.eu/officehours or in the yoU@B student Diary. If decided by the professor, the office hours may be carried out only upon reservation by the student: in this case the reservation can be made exclusively through the yoU@B student Diary. At the professor’s discretion, students are invited to check in advance the office hours methods. Last change 01/06/2018 08:00 |
Teaching assistants
Faculty members may be assisted by teaching assistants, who provide assistance to faculty and students. This includes assisting students to understand the main topics of the course, case studies, projects and exercises and managing the online community. Teaching assistants can also provide assistance in class during lectures including the use of software or discussion of cases. For information about courses and teaching assistantship (teaching assistants), the following document can be consulted:
Information regarding the 1st semester will be available by the end of September and information regarding courses offered in the 2nd semester will be available by the end of February. Last change 01/06/2018 08:00 |
For many years, Bocconi has used a detailed evaluation system designed to monitor the educational quality of each course which is based on the student's direct active input. This includes:
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