In case an exam taken abroad is recognized as without Bocconi correspondence, as regards to the major compulsory courses, students can keep the same major, provided that the course recognized has the same SSD (subject group) and the same number of credit points as the compulsory course chosen by the student referring to the major. The exam taken abroad recognized as without Bocconi correspondence and the major must be approved by the Integrated Master of Arts in Law Program Director before departure.
As part of the recognition procedure of the exams taken abroad a student can:
- include courses without Bocconi correspondence (up to 4 courses) either in place of elective of the restricted group, either in place of elective courses of the broad group as long as they refer to the IUS sector;
- include exams without Bocconi correspondence by respecting, when making the replacement, the majors rules and the list of the courses of the restricted group (penultimate point of the program structure of one’s major).
Bocconi students participating in International programs can modify their study plan when they come back (and in the periods scheduled for all students: 26 July to 31 August 2017 and from 8 to 19 January 2017) one extra time (see Electives allocation) through the yoU@B>Punto Blu.
Once the conversion procedure has been completed and the exams taken abroad have been recorded in the study plan, students receive a message on their yoU@B informing them on the possibility to change the study plan via yoU@B>Punto Blu. In addition to the change to enter the courses taken abroad in the study plan, students can also include the 2nd semester courses to be taken at Bocconi as long as they have still places available.