2017-2018 A.Y.
Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)
The program structure includes the choice, at the beginning of the fourth year, of one of the following majors:
Last change 01/06/2017 08:00 |
Litigation law track
The major program structure includes:
b) the 2 following courses:
Upon enrollment in the fifth year the student must choose 4 elective courses structured as follows: c) at least 1 elective courses to be chosen from among the following ones (restricted group):
d) 3 elective courses freely chosen from among (broad group):
At least one elective course (compulsory course chosen by the student or elective) must be chosen from among those taught in English. If students participate in Exchange, Themis, Free Mover Semester programs, the requirement can be fulfilled through the recognition of compulsory, compulsory courses chosen by the student or electives taken in English. This is not applied to those students participating in Exchange or Free Mover Semester Program at universities not offering courses taught in English, but they must have recognized at least 1 course. For the Themis, they must satisfy all program requirements. Last change 25/09/2017 16:06 |
Business law track
The program structure includes: Fourth year of studies for students initially enrolled in the 2014/2015 academic year a) the following courses
Fifth year of studies for students initially enrolled in the 2013/2014 academic year b) the two following courses:
Upon enrollment in the fifth year, the student must choose 4 elective courses divided as follows:
d) 3 courses freely chosen from among (broad group):
Last change 25/09/2017 16:06 |
International Track
The program structure includes:
Fourth year for students initially enrolled in the 2014/2015 academic year
b) the 2 following courses:
Upon enrollment in the fifth year the student must choose 4 elective courses divided as follows: c) at least 1 elective courses to be chosen from among the following ones (restricted group):
d) 3 elective courses freely chosen from (braod group):
Students enrolled in the International track major who participated (4th year) or will participate (5th year) in international programs (exchange, free mover, themis, summer program), in order to ensure the recognition of the exams taken abroad, the possibility, after the international experience, to change the study plan entering, from among the others, courses taught in Italian at Bocconi, only if they have been taken abroad. Last change 22/08/2017 16:13 |
Free track
Passing towards the free-track major is permitted only in very exceptional cases (only upon recognition of courses taken abroad - Exchange, Themis, Free Mover Semester - when the rules of the major previously chosen are not respected). The application must be submitted at the Academic Affairs Division (location and opening hours available at www.unibocconi.eu/academicaffairs). the free track major is subject to approval of the Program Director. Last change 20/07/2017 15:15 |