Guides to the university

2016-2017 A.Y.

World Bachelor Business (3-y)



Last change 11/07/2016 11:48

12.1. Other costs

Contributions for administrative services

Starting with 29 July, 2015, contributions for enrolment in final exams and fees for administrative services are defined as follows:

  • for each duplicate or replacement of Bocconi ID card: 26 euros (service is free if card has demagnetized)
  • for certification issue:
    • € 16.00 duty stamp 'imposta di bollo' for certification request
    • € 16.00 duty stamp 'imposta di bollo' for each certification included in the request;
    • € 2.00 for administrative fees to be applied, where applicable, to each certification issue

Last change 01/06/2016 08:00