Guides to the university

2016-2017 A.Y.

World Bachelor Business (3-y)



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4.1. Campus Abroad

Campus Abroad Programs - generally held during the period in which lessons are suspended, in the summer - are organized by Università Bocconi in collaboration with foreign partner schools and last about three weeks.

The programs aim to expose students to an international context by combining a Bocconi course with a series of "country specific" activities (seminars and visits to local companies and institutions). It is compulsory, for the student, to get a health insurance for the period of studies abroad.

For detailed information on students who can be eligible to apply to the two editions see

Students are admitted to the program after a selection based on merit requirements and language skills.

Exam recognition
The exam is fully a Bocconi exam, follows all the univerisity rules and regualtion relating to the program structure and no "recognition procedure" is required. To have exams and program credit points registered in the academic career, students must pass the final exam and participate in both lessons and related activities.
Students are reminded that their participation in all activities and presence for the entire period of the program are compulsory.

Detailed information on the Campus Abroad Program, any updated information on eligible students, requirements, selection procedures and deadlines is published on the website

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4.2. Documents for the participation in the Campus Abroad Program

For the document of admission requested by the foreign Consulate for obtaining the visa, contact the Study Abroad Office.

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4.3. Certifications and documents

To request certifications specifying the admission and/or participation in the Campus Abroad programs you can use the cert@B procedure available on the yoU@B Diary (see Certifications, self-declarations and Diploma Supplement).

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