2016-2017 A.Y.
Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)
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Current regulations
Article 15 (law 183/2011), which entered into force on 1 January 2012, modifies the DPR (President of the Republic's Decree) 445/2000, containing the TU (unified code) of the laws and regulations regarding administrative documentations. Specifically it provides that "Le certificazioni rilasciate dalla pubblica amministrazione in ordine a stati, qualità personali e fatti sono valide e utilizzabili solo nei rapporti tra privati. Nei rapporti con gli organi della pubblica amministrazione e i gestori dei pubblici servizi i certificati e gli atti di notorietà sono sempre sostituiti dalle dichiarazioni di cui agli articoli 46 e 47" (autocertificazioni). (The certifications issued bypublic administration offices as regards status and personal information are valid and can be used only in relations between private parties.In relations with the public administration and public services managerscertifications and official deeds (notarial deeds) are always substituted by statementsas stipulated in articles 46 and 47 (self-declarations). Last change 01/06/2016 08:00 |
Documents available to students and graduates
In accordance with the regulation, Università Bocconi issues the following document typologies, based on specific use: · for students:
· for graduates
Before requesting or printing out a document make sure you know what it will be used for, i.e. whether the document is to be submitted to Public Administration offices or for private companies managing public services in Italy, or for private bodies in Italy or abroad or for immigration use. (See Table) Last change 01/06/2016 08:00 |
How to obtain the documents: self-declarations, certifications and Diploma Supplement
Self Declarations
Self-declarations are issued in Italian only on white paper free of charge (no duty stamp is to be paid). Last change 01/06/2016 08:00 |
Certifications cannot be printed through the Punto Blu function (online nor terminals located at the University). They are issued on headed paper with Bocconi logo and they are subject to the payment of the imposta di bollo ‘stamp duty’ (for details check Costs and payment methods). In case of exemption in accordance with the Italian law, the certifications exempted from the payment of the duty stamps can be requested Desk of the office responsible for the certification issue. Requests and the different types of certifications are outlined according to the applicant's specifications, and differ according to one's academic path as follows:
Graduates who graduated in previous years and who cannot access the yoU@B Diary must make reference to the indications published on the Bocconi website http://www.unibocconi.eu/certifications.
Typologies of certifications available in cert@B
The certifications that can be requested via yoU@B are the following ones:
**For the purposes of the application or participation in international mobility programs Exchange,AEEP, Campus Abroad, Themis, CEMS, Double/Joint Degree, the certification of admission and/or official academic transcript must be requested via e-mail to the offices of reference Study Abroad/Global Alliances. For further details check chapter 4 Study Abroad. All typologies of certifications will be issued only if the applicant has the requirements certified in the selected document: any requests submitted by an applicant without having the requirements will not b taken into consideration.
All typologies of the certifications are available in Italian and in English.
If the certification to be requested is not included in the above list: the interested party should contact the respective office (Study Planning; Graduation, Degree Diplomas and Certifications Office; Study Abroad;ISU; TCA) to inquire about the feasibility, timelines for its issue andto forward the request according to the methods provided by the service. (see Certifications requested to the service of reference). We remind you that in compliance with Italian current regulations, all certifications to be submitted to private bodies will contain the following wording (without which it will be null and void): "This certification is not valid for use in public administration officesor to private firms managing public services in Italy". Special certifications requested to the Desk of the service of reference
Only when a specific typology is not included in the list available on the yoU@B Diary, the applicant can go to the Desk of the service of reference to submit his/her application. Applications procedure differ according to the applicant’s academic path. In case of exemption in accordance with the Italian law, the certifications exempted from the payment of the duty stamps can be requested Desk of the office responsible for the certification issue. Students who have already made the graduation reservation and graduates who have not an active academic career must contact the service of reference in advance to obtain the specific indications on the submission of the request.
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Collection timelines and procedures
The certification issue by the appropriate office cannot be made when forwarding the cert@B request: timelines and certification collection methods are different depending on the requested certification typology. However, as a general guide, for certifications listed in cert@B you should consider approximately at least 4 working days for the issue. As soon as the certification is prepared, the interested party receives appropriate communication through the yoU@BDiary and via Bocconi email account and he/she can, depending on the method selected through the Cert@B:
The timelines for receiving the certifications depend on each single service provider. Last change 01/06/2016 08:00 |
Costs and payment methods
The issue of certifications costs:
Delivery costs
The payment methods for the certifications requested through the cert@B procedure change depending on the applicant profile:
The above methods are the only ones available to students and graduates who have the credentials to access the yoU@B Diary. Alternative payments methods will not be accepted. Graduates in previous years who cannot access the yoU@B student Diary must make reference to the information published on the Bocconi website http://www.unibocconi.eu/certification. Last change 01/06/2016 08:00 |
Collection through delegating authorization
a) Collection of certifications requested through the cert@B by an authorized party When the interested party canot go to collect the certifications requested throuh cert@B he/she can authorize a person of his/her trust to collect them at the Desk/Office of reference. To collect the certifications issued by the Academic Affairs Division he/she can use the Delegating authorizations procedure available on the yoU@B student Diary. For all other cases (i.e. the collection of certifications issued by other Divisions) the authorized party must go to the university to collect the certification/s on production ofsigned authorization, copy of the ID document of the applicant and his/her own ID document. b) Request and collection of certifications at the Desk of the service of reference by an authorized party
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Diploma Supplement
The Diploma Supplement is a supplementary report of the official title obtained at the end of a course of studies in a university or in an institute of higher education.It conforms to a European model created as an initiative of the European Commission, European Council and UNESCO-CEPES. It contains only official data on the student's academic career excluding discretionary evaluations, declarations of equivalence or suggestions on recognition; and describes the nature, level, context, contents and status of studies carried out and completed by the student. It is divided into 8 sections that contain the following information:
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