Guides to the university

2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs in joint with Politecnico di Milano

2.2.3. Description of the educational path

The MSc in Transformative Sustainability (in English) is run in partnership (corso interateneo) by Università Bocconi and Politecnico di Milano; it involves mobility of students; moreover, in some specific cases, instructors move and teach at partner university.

The study plan includes:

  • courses (compulsory and electives, with limited or open choice), seminars and workshops,
  • a work experience lasting approximately 3 months (internship or similar activity);
  • one EU language (for non-Italian native speakers: Italian is compulsory; for Italian native speakers: another EU language among those listed in “Guide to the University”);
  • the thesis, which significantly characterizes the student’s academic curriculum.

Courses, seminars and workshops are organized in educational blocks, namely:

  • Fundamentals of sustainability management and economics
  • Fundamentals of key enabling technologies for sustainability transition
  • Key tools and methods for innovation for sustainability
  • Deeper /wider competences on key enabling technologies for sustainability transition as well as on theoretical methods and practical tools for sustainability management and entrepreneurship.

As far as courses (compulsory and limited choice electives), seminars and workshop (first and/or second year) are concerned, students attend at Bocconi in the first semester and at Politecnico di Milano in the second semester.

As far as the open choice elective (second year, semester to be chosen by the student) is concerned, students attend at Bocconi or at Politecnico depending on the elective they chose. Actually, both Universities offer open choice electives in both semesters and there will be an overall balance between electives offered in the two semesters to give students equal opportunities in the choice and to allow them to balance their workload in relation to the period of their internship.

Some academic activities are taught by Bocconi instructors only, some others by Politecnico instructors only and some others on a shared basis in order to foster a truly hybrid education. Credits of all courses, seminars and workshop are equally distributed between Bocconi and Politecnico di Milano.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00