2021-2022 A.Y.
Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)
Studying Abroad
Internationalization at Bocconi University has been a strategic priority pursued since 1974, the year in which the first international agreements were put into place. Over the years, these programs have developed an extensive network of affiliations and exchanges with prestigious academic and cultural institutions all over the world, including the recent formation of a special network of partner institutions in the field of law. Constant collaboration between Bocconi and foreign universities on research and joint teaching projects provide Bocconi students and teaching staff with invaluable international experience also in prestigious networks like Themis -The Joint Certificate in International Business Law- and APELIA - Asia-Pacific and Europe Law Institutes Alliance Thanks to its network of international affiliations, Bocconi University is able to offer law students opportunities on a global scale.
The study abroad opportunities promoted by the University are presented in detail during ad hoc initiatives throughout the academic year.
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Long programs
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Exchange program
The Bocconi University "Exchange Program" (including the LLP-Erasmus Program) deals with student exchanges under bilateral agreements with many universities around the world, giving students the opportunity to attend courses for which they can receive credit as part of their Bocconi degrees.
The Exchange Program is incompatible with participation in the Themis and Double Degree Law programs and the Free Mover Semester experience. In addition, during the year of participation, the experience is not compatible with the Moots offered. Application and deadlines Exam recognition
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Free-Mover Semester
Students interested in attending a semester abroad outside the Exchange Program can enroll at a number of universities abroad where they can study just one time during the last year of their degree as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program (fee-paying Visiting Students or Independent Students).
For the credit approval procedure, see Credit for exams passed in foreign Universities Abroad. Students should check the detailed information and requirements published on the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu. In addition, in the restricted area of the website you can find the reports from students who spent a study period abroad in the previous years as part of the Exchange program. Last change 16/06/2021 16:51 |
Themis Program
Opportunities offered to students enrolled in the last years of studies include the Themis Program Joint Certificate in International Business Law promoted within the Themis network. Bocconi is a founding member of the network.
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Double Degree Law Program
The Double Degree Law allows 5th-year students to attend an academic year abroad, receiving both an Italian Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza and a Master-level degree issued by a foreign partner university at the end of studies. The program is based on bilateral agreements that allow students from both institutions to complete a study abroad period without paying any kind of university tuition to the host institution. Eligibility and requirements Students can participate in the program only once, during the fifth year of the degree program. Students who are duly enrolled in the fourth year of the program can apply. The Double Degree Law program is incompatible with participation in the Exchange Program, the Themis Program and the Free-Mover Semester experience abroad. In addition, during the year of participation, the experience is not compatible with the Moots offered.
Exam recognition
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Short programs
The short programs offered by Bocconi University give students the opportunity to spend a brief period of time abroad, combining educational activities with the exploration of new cultural, social and economic environments. Last change 01/06/2021 08:00 |
Free-Mover summer
Bocconi University has identified a number of its international network partner schools that offer Summer Programs which can be interesting and valid from the educational point of view. Summer Programs last 2/3 weeks and are held in the summer months, during which students can follow curricular courses which can then be recognized at Bocconi. The list of foreign universities specified on the website is the only valid list in terms of recognition of courses offered in the Summer Program at foreign institutions. Other options will be examined in advance, on a case by case basis, by the Study Abroad office; applications must be submitted before enrollment in the Free Mover Summer. We recommend that you review the requirements and methods of participation on the website www.ir.unibocconi.eu
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International Commercial Arbitration Moot Vienna (Vis Moot)
This moot is a law arbitration and international commerce competition in which teams coming from universities around the world simulate a process of arbitration on a dispute relating to a contract of international sale. Last change 17/06/2021 15:16 |
European Law Moot Court
The European Law Moot Court is an international competition involving university teams of students interested in European Union Law topics. It is addressed to graduate law students and consists in the simulation of legal proceedings before the Court of Justice of the European Union.
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Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition (HS MCC)
The Hugo Sinzheimer Moot Court Competition (HS MCC) is an initiative created by five labor law experts. The aim of the HS MCC is to deepen and improve the knowledge of employment and labor law at the European level. It offers an opportunity to experience the operation of the European labor law in an as realistic setting as possible. It is yearly returning event hosted in a different country every year. The first HS MCC took place in Amsterdam in 2016. In the 2018 the competition took place on 14-16 June 2018 and was hosted by the University of Cassino, Italy. The 2019 edition was held in Hasselt, on 13-15 June 2019. During the moot, teams from various European countries compete before a board composed of experts in Labor Law at an international level, who listen to the two sides and then ask a few questions. The competition is highly engaging and educational. Information Last change 17/06/2021 15:19 |
International Commercial Mediation Competition (ICC)
The ICC International Commercial Mediation Competition is a globally-renowned moot that each year brings together more than 350 students and coaches, along with 130 professional mediators and mediation trainers from all over the world. During the competition, the teams (representing 66 universities) aim to resolve commercial and international disputes. Teams are led by professional mediators and competitions are judged by some of the leading experts in dispute resolution at a global level who participate in the moot as judges. During the week of the competition, around 150 mock mediation sessions are held, along with educational programs and social events.
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Moot Competition in Public Comparative Law
The Moot Competition in Comparative Public Law is an international competition between teams from the most prestigious European and US universities, who discuss a case before judging panels that simulate the European Court of Human Rights and the US Supreme Court. The panels of both courts are made up of preeminent scholars and judges from the two jurisdictions. Depending on the year, the competition is held in Italy or abroad. Last change 01/06/2021 08:00 |
Moot Court in Diritto Penale (Moot Court in Criminal Law)
The Moot Court in Criminal Law is an innovative competition that aims to offer students the opportunity to focus on substantive and procedural criminal law issues, highlighting not only theoretical but also practical problems of the matter. Students are required to deal with the challenges of legal writing and written and oral argumentation on legal issues. Last change 21/07/2021 11:55 |
Competizione Italiana di Mediazione (Italian Mediation Competition)
The Italian Mediation Competition has been held between Italian university teams on the subject of mediation for the past 8 years at the Arbitration Chamber of Milan. The competition, held in Italian, mainly deals with issues related to the resolution of civil law cases through the use of mediation and reconciliation techniques between opposing individual interests. The goal is to apply negotiation techniques and obtain a satisfactory result for the claimant and the mediation party. Last change 21/07/2021 11:55 |
IE International Competition in Comparative Law and Technology
The Moot Competition in Comparative Public Law is an international competition between teams. An innovative competition, the Comparative Law in Action Moot aims to offer students the opportunity to focus on issues related to comparative law and new technologies, highlighting how the law adapts to the new challenges created by technology and, at the same time, how technology can be used to solve problems at a global level. Last change 21/07/2021 11:54 |
Scholarships for international programs
To encourage participation in the international mobility programs organized by the University, Bocconi contributions and integrations to the ISU Bocconi scholarships are available, addressed to students meeting the financial parameters published (www.unibocconi.eu/funding). Last change 01/06/2021 08:00 |
Certifications and documents
To request certifications specifying the admission and/or participation in an international mobility program, the cert@B procedure available on the yoU@B Diary must be used (see chapter 8 Certifications, Self-Declarations and Diploma Supplement), except for the documents described in the paragraphs below. Last change 01/06/2021 08:00 |
Documents for the participation in the exchange program, Themis and Double Degree Law
The Study Abroad Office (Exchange program) or the Global Alliance Office (Double Degree and Themis programs) must be contacted by the selected student if, as part of enrollment in the semester (application) or participation, the foreign partner university requests a document for admission to the program and/or information relating to enrollment at Bocconi along with the student's academic career. The same procedure is applicable in case the document of admission to the program is required to obtain a visa. Any procedure changes will be communicated to the interested students. Last change 16/06/2021 17:10 |