2021-2022 A.Y.
Master of Science Programs in joint with Politecnico di Milano
Curricular Internship: Extraordinary measures for students enrolled in the second year of a program in the 2021-2022 academic year
Due to possible difficulties finding or completing internship experiences during the contingent health situation, the University has adopted extraordinary measures to safeguard internship experiences for students enrolled in the 2nd year in 2021-2022 academic year. Duration
How they can be carried out Provided that internships may take place - in Italy and outside Italy - at companies, public and private institutions, professional firms, international organisms, diplomatic agencies, cultural institutions and other organizations (hereinafter ‘company’), in addition to at the facilities of the host company ("in person" mode), after evaluation and authorization by the University and the host company, internships can be carried out in "mixed mode" (in person/remotely) or remotely ("remote" mode). The course can be:
Please note: the grade of the elective course replacing the internship will not be included in the calculation of the GPA. * The 2 credits for the Career Starter Pack can be recorded in the academic career after a test has been passed. In the case of option 1: the choice must be made when enrolling in the second year of the program, according to the methods and timelines indicated in paragraphs 8.2.2. Administrative procedures and deadlines for enrolment in the second year and 8.2.3 Choice of Electives. In the case of option 2: students, after the internship recognition procedure has been completed, enter the elective course in their study plan via Punto Blu >Study Plan > Study Plan change. The other activities similar to an internship described in paragraph 4.8. Activities Similar to Internships and recognition are still valid and can be recognized as an alternative to an internship experience. Procedure for changing the choice after it has been made Students who have entered an elective course + the Career Starter Pack in the study plan, but then decide to complete and recognize a curricular internship should do the following:
Last change 14/07/2021 12:15 |