a) Collection of certifications requested through the cert@B by an authorized party
When the interested party canot go to collect the certifications requested throuh cert@B he/she can authorize a person of his/her trust to collect them at the Desk/Office of reference. To collect the certifications issued by the Academic Affairs Division he/she can use the Delegating authorizations procedure available on the yoU@B student Diary. For all other cases (i.e. the collection of certifications issued by other Divisions) the authorized party must go to the university to collect the certification/s on production of signed authorization, copy of the ID document of the applicant and his/her own ID document.
b) Request and collection of certifications at the Desk of the service of reference by an authorized party
- Methods to request and collect certifications by a person authorized by a student regularly enrolled in a degree program and not graduating student
When the request of issue of certifications is submitted by third parties by the Desk/Office of reference, the authorized party must go to the Desk upon showing delegating paper signed by the interested party along with his/her ID document. In the delegating paper the interested party must subscribe the fees charged in the financial status for the certifications’ request and issue: without this specification the requested certification cannot be issued. The student/graduate must specify the number must specify the number of copies, the use and the language for the certification/s needed.
We remind you that only for certifications issued by the Academic Affairs Division it is possible to use the Delegating Authorizations procedure available on the yoU@B student Diary: if subscribed by the interested party it is valid as delegating paper and authorization for the fees charged.
- Methods for request and collect the certifications by an authorized party bystudents who have already carried out the graduation reservation and graduates who have not an active career
In this case the interested parties must contact the service of reference to obtain the specific indications on the request submission and on the methods for the certifications collection by an authorized party.