2009-2010 A.Y.

Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)


2.1. Students initially enrolled starting from the 2009-2010 academic year


Università Bocconi's School of Law offers, as part of the Economics Faculty, a five-year Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG) program.
In the 2009-2010 academic year there will be the first, second, third and fourth year of studies.

The CLMG program is taught in two class groups made up of an average of 150 students each.

The study plan is expressed with credit points.
A credit point is the unit of measurement which determines the workload students are required to fulfil. It is assumed that students are adequately prepared from the start to carry out the educational activities required by the degree program. The workload includes both classroom activities (lessons, exercises, seminars) as well as group work and individual study.

Credit points are given for all educational activities which are part of the program requirements.

In accordance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), on average one credit point is equivalent to 25 hours of work, about 8 of which are spent in the classroom.

The average workload for a full-time student is set at 60 credit points per year, as per agreement.

In order to receive the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree, students must gain at least 300 credit points.

The credit points assigned to each educational activity are earned when students pass an exam or its equivalent .

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2.1.2. Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG)


Program Director:
Prof. Emanuele Lucchini Guastalla

Assistant to the Program Director:

Dott.ssa Stefania Boffano 

Field of study:
Law LMG/01 (DM 25/11/2005)

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2.1.3. Educational objectives


While respecting the educational objectives of the field of study the program belongs to, the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG)has the following goals:

  • during the first part of the program, to provide knowledge of the legal "method" and the basic cultural and technical concepts needed to work in the legal profession as a legal expert for, or in, a company;
  • during the second part of the program, to provide an in-depth knowledge by completing the cultural background of the jurist with an in-depth monographic study of specific institutions or disciplinary areas which were briefly covered during undergraduate studies. This is done by extending the area of inquiry to certain sectors that were omitted previously because they were sectorial, or because of the high technical complexity of the issues at hand;
  • to develop the legal knowledge required to work in European and international contexts. This is achieved by attending the compulsory courses of comparative private and international law, elective courses, (some of which are held in English) and through international mobility opportunities in which students study abroad in partner universities;
  • to integrate students' legal education with the basic economic, corporate and quantitative knowledge needed to facilitate a smooth entry into the work world as modern legal experts in any economic context;
  • to provide the cognitive tools and methods which enable legal experts to articulate, both verbally and in writing, complex legal arguments and, thanks to their background, lead them to the correct solution of problems for which specialist competency is required. Special attention is given to topics typically dealt with by legal experts working in firms or in public and international institutions;
  • to develop skills and know-how, as well as knowledge through educational activities which encourage students' active participation in the classroom and in interactions with the teacher, as well as through acquiring in-the-field skills during internships and clinics (case study analysis with the aid of legal experts);
  • to develop the skills and expertise needed to effectively use IT tools and the English language in order to work efficiently in the legal profession.

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2.1.4. Career opportunities

Career opportunities open to CLMG graduates include:
  • the legal profession;
  • the magistracy;
  • notaio;
  • corporate lawyers in firms, banks and insurance companies;
  • legal experts for independent bodies;
  • managerial positions in public administrations;
  • officials in EU institutions and/or international organizations;
  • diplomatic careers.

The program requirementscomprise a total of 300 credit points divided as follows:

Educational activities

Credit points

25 compulsory courses


Activities chosen by the student, of which:


- 4 elective courses

- Internship or similar activities/Clinics/elective no. 5/second foreign language





English language


Computer Skills




The 30 credit points related to the activities chosen by the students are divided into 4-5 courses and are geared to a personalized academic major (free track) or one of the following recommended majors:

Company Law, Financial Markets and Competition;

International/Public Institutions;

Litigation and Negotiation;

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2.1.5. Program structure


First year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6244 Diritto romano modulo 1 (Vedi nota)

Roman Law Module 1 (See note)



6017 Istituzioni di diritto privato

Principles of Private Law



6015 Metodi quantitativi

Quantative Methods



6021 Inglese (solo didattica)

English (lessons only)


II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6018 Diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo

Italian and European Constitutional Law



6245 Diritto romano -  modulo 2 (Vedi nota)

Roman Law Module 2 (See note)



6019 Filosofia del diritto

Philosophy of Law



6014 Principi di economia (micro e macroeconomia)

Principles of Economics



6021 Inglese (didattica ed esame)

English (lessons and exam)



Total credit points for first year of studies



Second year of studies

I semester


Educational Activities

English translation

Credit points

Diritto processuale civile  modulo 1(Vedi nota )

Civil Procedure Law Module 1 (See note)


Economia aziendale e bilancio modulo 1(Vedi nota)

Management and accounting - Module 1 (See note)


Scienza delle finanze

Public Economics


Storia della codificazione

History of Codification


Informatica per Giurisprudenza

Computer Skills for Law


Inglese (solo didattica)

English (lessons only)


II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Credit points

Economia aziendale e bilancio  modulo 2(Vedi nota)

Management and accounting - Module 2 (See note)


Diritto commerciale

Company and Business Law


Diritto tributario

Tax Law


Storia giuridica delle istituzioni economiche

Legal History of Economic Institutions


Inglese (didattica ed esame)

English (lessons and exam)


Total credit points for second year of studies





Third year of studies

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Credit points

Diritto comparato privato oppure Diritto comparato pubblico

Comparative Private Law or Comparative Public Law


Diritto del lavoro  modulo 1 (Vedi nota)

Labour Law Module 1(See note)


Diritto penale - modulo 1(Vedi nota)

Criminal Law Module 1 (See note)


International law



II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Credit points

Diritto ed economia dei mercati finanziari

Financial Instiutions and Markets Law and  Economics


Diritto processuale civile  modulo 2(Vedi nota)

Civil Procedure Law - Module 2 (See note)


Diritto processuale penale modulo 1 (Vedi nota)

Criminal Procedure - Module 1 (See note)


Filosofia del diritto (Teoria dell'argomentazione giuridica e analisi economica del diritto

Philosophy of Law (Legal Argumentation and economic analysis of Law)


Inglese giuridico (solo didattica)

Legal English (lessons only)


Total credit points for third year of studies



Fourth year of studies

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Credit points

Diritto amministrativo -  modulo 1 (Vedi nota)

Administrative Law Module 1 (See note)


Diritto commerciale c.p. (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto)

Advanced Company and Business Law (variable according to the Major chosen)


Diritto costituzionale c.p. (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto)

Advanced Constitutional Law (variable according to the Major chosen)


Diritto processuale penale -  modulo 2(Vedi nota)

Criminal Procedure Module 2 (See note)


Inglese giuridico (didattica ed esame)

Legal English (lessons and exam)


II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Credit points

Diritto civile -  modulo 1 (Vedi nota)

Civil Law Module 1 (See note)


Diritto del lavoro -  modulo 2 (Vedi nota)

Labour Law Module 2 (See note)


Diritto penale -  modulo 2 (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota)

Criminal Law - Module 2 (variable according to the Major chosen) (See note)


Diritto U.E.

European Union Law


Total credit points for fourth year of studies



Fifth year of studies

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Credit points

Diritto amministrativo  modulo 2 (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota)

Administrative Law Module 2 (variable according to the Major chosen) (Vedi nota )


Diritto civile. -  modulo 2 (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota)

Civil Law - Module 2 (variable according to the Major chosen) (See note)


Opzionale 1-2-3-4 (*)

Elective 1-2-3-4 (*)


Stage o attività assimilabili/Clinics/opzionale n. 5/seconda lingua straniera

Internship or similar activities/Clinic/elective no. 5/second foreign language





Total credit points for fifth year of studies



(*) Please note that the positioning of the elective courses in the first or second semester is only an indication; this will depend on choices made by the student. This educational path was designed for students who have a basic knowledge of English and Computer Science. For detailed information see "Foreign Languages" and "Computer Skills"


  • Code 6244 Diritto romano modulo 1 [Roman law module 1] and code 6245 Diritto romano modulo 2 [Roman law module 2] are respectively the first and second module of Diritto romano [Roman law] course code 6243;
  • Economia aziendale e bilancio  modulo 1 [Management and Accounting Module 1]and Economia aziendale e bilancio  modulo 2 [Management and Accounting Module 2]are respectively the first and second module of the Economia aziendale e bilancio [Management and Accounting]course;
  • Diritto processuale civile modulo 1 [Civil Procedure Law Module 1] and Diritto processuale civile  modulo 2 [Civil Procedure Law Module 2] are respectively the first and second module ofthe Diritto processuale civile [Civil Procedure Law] course;
  • Diritto penale  modulo 1 [Criminal Law Module 1] and Diritto penale  modulo 2 [Criminal Law Module 2] are respectively the first and second module ofthe Diritto penale [Criminal Law] course;
  • Diritto del lavoro  modulo 1 [Labour Law Module 1] and Diritto del lavoro  modulo  2 [Labour Law Module 2 ] are respectively the first and second module ofthe Diritto del lavoro [Labour Law] course;
  • Diritto processuale penale  modulo 1 [Criminal Procedure - Module 1] and Diritto processuale penale  modulo 2 [Criminal Procedure - Module 2] are respectively the first and second module ofthe Diritto processuale [Criminal Procedure] course;
  • Diritto amministrativo modulo 1 [Administrative Law Module 1]and Diritto amministrativo modulo 2 [Administrative Law Module 2]are respectively the first and second module of the Diritto amministrativo [Administrative Law] course;
  • Diritto civile  modulo 1 [Civil Law Module 1] and Diritto civile  modulo 2 [Civil Law Module 2] are respectively the first and second module of the Diritto civile [Civil Law]course.

The course subdivided in modules is considered passed, and may be certified, only after passing both exams of which it is made up. The final grade is obtained by the grade point average of the two marks compared to the credits and rounded up if decimals are equal or higher than 5, rounded down if they are lower than 5.

It is furthermore specified that the credit points and the grades earned for the single modules passed will be taken into account for rankings within the University (e.g. ISU Scholarship, selection for International Programs...) and they can be viewed by printing the unofficial academic transcript at the Punto Blu.

Notice that the study plan may undergo limited changes as decided upon by the bodies responsible.
According to an agreement with a network of Partner Universities (Themis), some students selected on merit may obtain an international diploma awarded by the 4 institutions which make up the network. Program procedures and participation information are included in the Studying abroad.


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2.1.6. Compulsory courses


The program structure is made up of compulsory courses which correspond to exams which all students must pass. In order to reach the degree program's educational goals and receive the combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree, students must pass the exams related to these courses.

According to current regulations, such educational activities are classified as: "basic", "characteristic" of the degree's field of study and "independently decided upon by the University" (D.M. 25 November 2005).

The compulsory courses, whose credit points and subject areas satisfy ministerial requirements, are divided into two categories:

  • basic compulsory courses, which are the same for all Combined Bachelor and Master of Science students;
  • advanced compulsory courses (a.c. - advanced courses), positioned in the third, fourth and fifth years of studies, which expand on topics dealt with in the basic courses taken in the first years of the program. Each advanced course has a specialized profile related to each major.

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2.1.7. Elective courses


Students must select elective courses in order to complete the program requirements regarding activities chosen by the student. An elective course is worth 6 credit points.

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2.1.8. Majors

In accordance with the program requirements, at the beginning of their fourth year of studies students must choose a personalized academic major (free track) or one of the following guided majors:
  • Company law, Financial markets and Competition: an in-depth study of the issues inherent in private enterprise law, with a focus on the rules governing companies, extraordinary financial operations, operations of financial markets, financial intermediation, as well as regulation of competition and industrial law;
  • International and Public Institutions: an in-depth study of the legal disciplines related to the functioning of public and international institutions.
  • Litigation and Negotiation: an in-depth study of subjects and core issues which specifically involve a judicial or out-of-court process and deal with negotiation.

For each of the guided majors, students may choose their elective courses from a selection of courses.

Students who choose the free track can select their elective courses from the elective courses which all CLMG students may choose from. The free track is subject to approval by the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program Director.


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2.2. Students initially enrolled up to the 2008-2009 academic year


Università Bocconi's School of Law offers, as part of the Economics Faculty, a five-year Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG) program.
In the 2009-2010 academic year there will be the first, second, third and fourth year of studies.

The CLMG program is taught in two class groups made up of an average of 150 students each.

The study plan is expressed with credit points.
A credit point is the unit of measurement which determines the workload students are required to fulfil. It is assumed that students are adequately prepared from the start to carry out the educational activities required by the degree program. The workload includes both classroom activities (lessons, exercises, seminars) as well as group work and individual study.

Credit points are given for all educational activities which are part of the program requirements.

In accordance with the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), on average one credit point is equivalent to 25 hours of work, about 8 of which are spent in the classroom.

The average workload for a full-time student is set at 60 credit points per year, as per agreement.

In order to receive the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree, students must gain at least 300 credit points.

The credit points assigned to each educational activity are earned when students pass an exam or its equivalent .

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2.2.1. Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG)

Program Director:
Prof. Emanuele Lucchini Guastalla

Assistant to the Program Director:

Dott. Lorenzo Bertino

Field of study:
Law LMG/01 (DM 25/11/2005)

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2.2.2. Educational objectives

While respecting the educational objectives of the field of study the program belongs to, the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG)has the following goals:

  • during the first part of the program, to provide knowledge of the legal "method" and the basic cultural and technical concepts needed to work in the legal profession as a legal expert for, or in, a company;
  • during the second part of the program, to provide an in-depth knowledge by completing the cultural background of the jurist with an in-depth monographic study of specific institutions or disciplinary areas which were briefly covered during undergraduate studies. This is done by extending the area of inquiry to certain sectors that were omitted previously because they were sectorial, or because of the high technical complexity of the issues at hand;
  • to develop the legal knowledge required to work in European and international contexts. This is achieved by attending the compulsory courses of comparative private and international law, elective courses, (some of which are held in English) and through international mobility opportunities in which students study abroad in partner universities;
  • to integrate students' legal education with the basic economic, corporate and quantitative knowledge needed to facilitate a smooth entry into the work world as modern legal experts in any economic context;
  • to provide the cognitive tools and methods which enable legal experts to articulate, both verbally and in writing, complex legal arguments and, thanks to their background, lead them to the correct solution of problems for which specialist competency is required. Special attention is given to topics typically dealt with by legal experts working in firms or in public and international institutions;
  • to develop skills and know-how, as well as knowledge through educational activities which encourage students' active participation in the classroom and in interactions with the teacher, as well as through acquiring in-the-field skills during internships and clinics (case study analysis with the aid of legal experts);
  • to develop the skills and expertise needed to effectively use IT tools and the English language in order to work efficiently in the legal profession.

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2.2.3. Career opportunities

Career opportunities open to CLMG graduates include:

  • the legal profession;
  • the magistracy;
  • notaio;
  • corporate lawyers in firms, banks and insurance companies;
  • legal experts for independent bodies;
  • managerial positions in public administrations;
  • officials in EU institutions and/or international organizations;
  • diplomatic careers.

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2.2.4. Program requirements breakdown


The program requirementscomprise a total of 300 credit points divided as follows:

Educational activities

Credit points

33 compulsory courses


Activities chosen by the student, of which:

- 4 elective courses

- Internship or similar activities/Clinics/elective no. 5/second foreign language





English language


Computer Skills




The 30 credit points related to the activities chosen by the students are divided into 4-5 courses and are geared to a personalized academic major (free track) or one of the following recommended majors:

  • Company Law, Financial Markets and Competition;
  • International/Public Institutions.
  • Litigation and Negotiation;

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2.2.5. Program structure

First year of studies 2008-2009 academic year

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6017 Istituzioni di diritto privato

Principles of Private Law



6016 Istituzioni di diritto romano

Institutions of Roman Law



6015 Metodi quantitativi

Quantative Methods



6021 Inglese (solo didattica)

English (lessons only)


II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6018 Diritto costituzionale italiano ed europeo

Italian and European Constitutional Law



6020 Diritto romano Fondamenti di diritto europeo

Roman Law Principles of European Law



6019 Filosofia del diritto

Philosophy of Law



6014 Principi di economia (micro e macroeconomia)

Principles of Economics



6021 Inglese (didattica ed esame)

English (lessons and exam)



Total credit points for first year of studies



Second year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

I semester


Educational Activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6075 Diritto processuale civile

Civil Procedure Law



6001 Economia aziendale




6061 Scienza delle finanze

Public Economics



6073 Storia della codificazione

History of Codification



6034 Informatica per Giurisprudenza

Computer Skills for Law



6022 Inglese (solo didattica)

English (lessons only)


II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6068 Diritto commerciale

Company and Business Law



6076 Diritto tributario

Tax Law



6086 Fondamenti di contabilità e bilancio

Basic Financial Accounting



6074 Storia giuridica delle istituzioni economiche

Legal History of Economic Institutions



6022 Inglese (didattica ed esame)

English (lessons and exam)



Total credit points for second year of studies



Third year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6078 Diritto comparato privato oppure 6079 Diritto comparato pubblico

6078 Comparative Private Law or 6079 Comparative Public Law



6080 Diritto penale

Criminal Law



6081 International law




6082 Istituzioni di diritto del lavoro

Labour Law



II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6077 Diritto ed economia dei mercati finanziari

Financial Instiutions and Markets Law and  Economics



6083 Diritto processuale civile c.p.

Advanced Civil Procedure Law



6085 Diritto processuale penale

Criminal Procedure



6084 Teoria dell'argomentazione giuridica e analisi economica del diritto    

Legal Argumentation and economic analysis of Law



6041 Inglese giuridico (solo didattica)

Legal English (lessons only)


Total credit points for third year of studies



Fourth year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6258 Diritto amministrativo

Administrative Law



6251 Diritto commerciale c.p. (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota)

Advanced Company and Business Law (variable according to the Major chosen) (See note)



6248 Diritto costituzionale c.p. (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota)

Advanced Constitutional Law (variable according to the Major chosen) (See note)



6259 Diritto processuale penale c.p.

Advanced Criminal Procedure Law



6041 Inglese giuridico (didattica ed esame)

Legal English (lessons and exam)



II semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

6261 Diritto civile

Civil Law



6257 Diritto del lavoro c.p.

Advanced Labour Law



6254 Diritto penale c.p. (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota in calce)

Advanced Criminal Law (variable according to the Major chosen) (See note below)



6260 Diritto U.E.

European Union Law



Total credit points for fourth year of studies



Fifth year of studies 2010-2011 academic year

I semester


Educational activities

English translation

Language of instruction

Credit points

Diritto amministrativo c.p. (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota)

Advanced Administrative Law (variable according to the Major chosen) (See note)



Diritto civile c.p. (variabile a seconda del percorso scelto) (Vedi nota)

Advanced Civil Law (variable according to the Major chosen) (See note)



Opzionale 1-2-3-4 (*)

Elective 1-2-3-4 (*)



Stage o attività assimilabili/Clinics/opzionale n. 5/seconda lingua straniera

Internship or similar activities/Clinic/elective no. 5/second foreign language







Total credit points for fifth year of studies



the course code will be changed according to the course chosen, as reported in paragraph 2.4 Majors

(*) Please note that the positioning of the elective courses in the first or second semester is only an indication; this will depend on choices made by the student. This educational path was designed for students who have a basic knowledge of English and Computer Science. For detailed information see "Foreign Languages" and "Computer Skills".

Notice that the study plan may undergo limited changes as decided upon by the bodies responsible.

According to an agreement with a network of Partner Universities (Themis), some students selected on merit may obtain an international diploma awarded by the 4 institutions which make up the network. Program procedures and participation information are included in the Studying abroad.


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2.2.6. Compulsory courses

The program structure is made up of compulsory courses which correspond to exams which all students must pass. In order to reach the degree program's educational goals and receive the combined Bachelor and Master of Science degree, students must pass the exams related to these courses.

According to current regulations, such educational activities are classified as: "basic", "characteristic" of the degree's field of study and "independently decided upon by the University" (D.M. 25 November 2005).

The compulsory courses, whose credit points and subject areas satisfy ministerial requirements, are divided into two categories:

  • basic compulsory courses, which are the same for all Combined Bachelor and Master of Science students;
  • advanced compulsory courses (a.c. - advanced courses), positioned in the third, fourth and fifth years of studies, which expand on topics dealt with in the basic courses taken in the first years of the program. Each advanced course has a specialized profile related to each major.

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2.2.7. Elective courses

Students must select elective courses in order to complete the program requirements regarding activities chosen by the student. An elective course is worth 6 credit points.  

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2.2.8. Majors

In accordance with the program requirements, at the beginning of their fourth year of studies students must choose a personalized academic major (free track) or one of the following guided majors:

  • Company law, Financial markets and Competition: an in-depth study of the issues inherent in private enterprise law, with a focus on the rules governing companies, extraordinary financial operations, operations of financial markets, financial intermediation, as well as regulation of competition and industrial law;
  • International and Public Institutions: an in-depth study of the legal disciplines related to the functioning of public and international institutions;
  • Litigation and Negotiation: an in-depth study of subjects and core issues which specifically involve a judicial or out-of-court process and deal with negotiation.

For each of the guided majors, students may choose their elective courses from a selection of courses.

Students who choose the free track can select their elective courses from the elective courses which all CLMG students may choose from. The free track is subject to approval by the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program Director.

The Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program Director is available, during the office hours published on the Intenet website, to give more information on the study plan.

Notice that the study plan may undergo limited changes as decided upon by the bodies responsible.


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The study plan includes:

Fourth year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

a) 0ne course to be chosen from the following:


Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction




Diritto commerciale (c.p.) - Antitrust law

Advanced companies and business law - Antitrust law





Diritto commerciale (c.p.) - Società quotate e mercati finanziari

Advanced company and business law - Listed companies and financial markets law




b) the 2 courses listed below:



Educational activity


English translation


Language of instruction








Diritto costituzionale (c.p.) - Diritto pubblico dell’economia

Advanced constitutional law - Regulation in economics






Diritto penale (c.p.) - Focus su criminalità economica

Advanced criminal law - Focus on corporate and business crimes





Fifth year of studies 2010-2011 a.y.

c) the 2 courses listed below:

 Educational activity

English translation


Language of instruction






Diritto amministrativo (c.p.) Diritto dell’ambiente e del territorio

Advanced administrative law - Environmental law




Diritto civile (c.p.) Contratti bancari e finanziari;
Diritto civile (c.p.) - Garanzie del credito
(ad anni alterni)

Advanced civil law - Banking and financial contracts

Advanced civil law -Securities

(on alternate years)







d) at least 3 optional courses chosen from the following:

Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction

Banking law



Comparative business law



Comparative industrial relations law






Diritto degli enti no profit

No profit organization law


Diritto delle assicurazioni

Insurance law


Diritto fallimentare

Bankrupticy law


Diritto industriale

Intellectual property


Discipline giuridiche del bilancio e dell’informazione contabile finanziaria

Financial accounting regulation


International and comparative Taxation



e) one or two elective courses to be freely chosen from among the electives included in the Department of Law or from among the compulsory courses to be chosen from the other Majors or from the elective courses of the Master of Science Programs related to Economics and Management.

At least one elective course must be chosen from among those taught in English.

Last change 22/07/2009 08:51 International and Public Institutions (code 103)

Fourth year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

a) the 3 courses listed below:


Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction




Diritto costituzionale (c.p.) Diritto regionale

Advanced constitutional law - Regional law





Diritto commerciale (c.p.) Antitrust law

Advanced companies and business law - Antitrust law





Diritto penale (c.p.) Focus su pubblica amministrazione, ordine pubblico, incolumità pubblica e patrimonio

Advanced criminal law - Focus on the main offences of the italian penal code




Fifth year of studies 2010-2011

b) the 2 courses listed below:

Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction






Diritto amministrativo (c.p.) Diritto dei contratti delle amministrazioni pubbliche

Advanced administrative law - Contracts and public administration law




Diritto civile (c.p.) Contratti internazionali/ Joint ventures

Advanced civil law - International contracts /joint ventures




c) at least 3 elective courses chosen from the following:

Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction


Advanced European law



Comparative business law



Comparative industrial relations law



Diritto dell’arbitrato e dei metodi alternativi di risoluzione delle liti

Arbitration law and alternative dispute resolution


Diritto internazionale privato e processuale

Private International law


Ermeneutica giuridica

Legal hermeneutics


Human rights



International and comparative taxation



International trade law



d) one or two elective courses to be freely chosen from among the electives included in the Department of Law or from among the compulsory courses chosen from the other Majors or from the electives of the Master of Science Programs related to economics and Management.

At least one elective course must be chosen from among those taught in English.


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The Major study plan includes:

Fourth year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

a) the 3 courses listed below:


Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction




Diritto costituzionale (c.p.) - Giustizia costituzionale

Advanced constitutional law - Cconstitutional justice





Diritto commerciale (c.p.) Società quotate e mercati finanziari

Advanced company and business law - Listed companies and financial markets law





Diritto penale (c.p.) Focus su pubblica amministrazione, ordine pubblico, incolumità pubblica e patrimonio

Advanced criminal law - Focus on the main offences of the italian penal code




Fifth year of studies 2010-2011 academic year

b) the 2 courses listed below:

Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction



Diritto amministrativo (c.p.) Diritto processuale amministrativo

Advanced administrative law - Administrative procedure law




Diritto civile (c.p.) Monografico (da definire)

Advanced civil law - Focused course (to be defined)




c) at least 3 elective courses to be chosen from the following:

 Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction


Comparative industrial relations law






Diritto degli enti no profit



Diritto dell’arbitrato e dei metodi alternativi di risoluzione delle liti

Arbitration law and alternative dispute resolution


Diritto dell’informazione e della comunicazione

It and communication law


Diritto delle assicurazioni;

Insurance law


Diritto fallimentare

Bankrupticy law


Diritto internazionale privato e processuale

Private international law


Ermeneutica giuridica

Legal hermeneutics


one or two elective courses to be freely chosen from among the elective courses included in the Department of Law or from among the compulsory courses to be chosen from the other Majors or from the Master of Science Programs related to Economics and Management.

At least one elective course must be chosen from among those taught in English.

Last change 22/07/2009 08:54 Piano libero (Free track) (Code 105)

The Major study plan includes:

Fourth year of studies 2009-2010 academic year

a) 0ne course to be chosen from the following:


Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction




Diritto costituzionale (c.p.) - Diritto pubblico dell’economia

Advanced constitutional law - Regulation in economics





Diritto costituzionale (c.p.) Diritto regionale

Advanced constitutional law - Regional law





Diritto costituzionale (c.p.) - Giustizia costituzionale

Advanced constitutional law - Constitutional justice




b) 0ne course to be chosen from the following:


Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction






Diritto commerciale (c.p.) - Antitrust law

Advanced companies and business law - Antitrust law





Diritto commerciale (c.p.)- Società quotate e mercati finanziari

Advanced company and business law - Listed companies and financial markets law





c) 0ne course to be chosen from the following:


Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction






Diritto penale (c.p.) - Focus su criminalità economica

Advanced criminal law - Focus on corporate and business crimes





Diritto penale (c.p.) Focus su pubblica amministrazione, ordine pubblico, incolumità pubblica e patrimonio

Advanced criminal law - focus on the main offences of the italian penal code




Fifth year of studies 2010-2011 acadeemic year

d) 0ne course to be chosen from the following:

Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction



Diritto civile (c.p.) Contratti bancari e finanziari
Diritto civile (c.p.) - Garanzie del credito
(ad anni alterni)

Advanced civil law - Banking and financial contracts
Advanced civil law -Securities
(on alternate years)







Diritto civile (c.p.) Contratti internazionali/ Joint ventures

Advanced civil law - International contracts /joint ventures




Diritto civile (c.p.) Monografico (da definire)

Advanced civil law - Focused course (to be defined)




e) 0ne course to be chosen from the following:

 Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction



Diritto amministrativo (c.p.) Diritto dei contratti delle amministrazioni pubbliche

Advanced administrative law - Contracts and public administration law




Diritto amministrativo (c.p.) Diritto dell’ambiente e del territorio

Advanced administrative law - Environmental law




Diritto amministrativo (c.p.) Diritto processuale amministrativo

Advanced administrative law - Administrative procedure law




f) at least 3 elective courses to be chosen from the following:


Educational activity

English translation

Language of instruction


Advanced european law



Banking law




Comparative business law




Comparative industrial relations law






Diritto degli enti no profit




Diritto dell’arbitrato e dei metodi alternativi di risoluzione delle liti

Arbitration law and alternative dispute resolution



Diritto dell’informazione e della comunicazione

It and communication law


Diritto delle assicurazioni

Insurance law


Diritto fallimentare

Bankrupticy law


Diritto industriale

Intellectual property



Diritto internazionale privato e processuale

Private international law


Discipline giuridiche del bilancio e dell’informazione contabile finanziaria

Financial accounting regulation



Ermeneutica giuridica

Legal hermeneutics



Human rights




International and comparative taxation




International trade law




one or two elective courses to be freely chosen from among the elective courses included in the Department of Law or from among the compulsory courses chosen from the other Majors or from elective courses of the the Master of Science Programs related to Economics and Management.

At least one optional course must be chosen from among those taught in English.

The free track is subject to the approval of the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program Director

Notice that the study plan may undergo limited changes as decided upon by the bodies responsible.


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2.3. Foreign languages

2.3.1. The Common European Framework

To classify language competence levels, Università Bocconi conforms to the Common European Framework established by the Council of Europe.

Basic User





Independent User





Proficient User





Language skills for each level are available at in >Language Teaching >Curricular activities.

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2.3.2. Program structure position

The Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] includes in its program structure two European Union foreign languages: a compulsory first foreign language and an elective second foreign language (which is part of the elective courses chosen by the student).

The objective of first foreign language courses is to provide students with the language skills for the general use of the language for the specific area of law. The objective of the second foreign language courses is to provide students with the language skills needed for an appropriate general language use.

First foreign language (compulsory)

The first foreign language includes:


Language use



Credit points

1st year


I and II semester

II semester


2nd year


I and II semester

II semester


3rd year


II semester

not present


4th year


I semester

I semester


The first-year exam is a prerequisite to the second-year exam, and the second-year-exam is preparatory to the fourth-year exam.

Credit points are awarded once students pass the exam.

The credit points given for passing the first-year exam form part of the first-year credit points needed to access second year (see "Administrative Procedures Regulations and Deadlines").

The language learning path for the first foreign language begins in the I semester of the first year of studies.

Second foreign language (elective)
The second foreign language includes:


Language use



Credit points

5th year


I and II semester

II semester


In addition a partial exam (optional) is scheduled in the I semester of the fifth year of studies.

Credit points are not awarded for the partial exam, but any extra points achieved will be added to the final exam mark (see the language course profiles and syllabuses published on the website respectively at and in Language Teaching> Curricular activities).

The language learning path for the second foreign language begins in the I semester of the fifth year.

For both the first and second foreign language courses, the grade out of thirtywhich assesses foreign language skills is included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA).

As an alternative to sitting the Bocconi exam, students may register the results of any foreign language international certifications, among those recognized by Bocconi, in their academic career (see "Method of Assessing Foreign Language Knowledge").

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2.3.3. Method of choosing languages

The choice of foreign languages follows the same criteria for both first and second languages,  depending on:

  • the languages chosen must be different from the student's native language;
  • English is the compulsory first language for all non native English speakers.

The method of choosing languages is as follows:

First language

Second language



(*)Starting from the 2010-2011 academic year the Portoguese language will no longer be included in the educational offer.
Students who have included Portoguese in their study plan can take the Bocconi exam until December 2011; starting from this date students can only register in the study plan one among internationally recognized certifications recognised by the Language Center.

Students who are native English speakers, must choose the first language from the other curricular languages.
Students who aren't native Italian speakers, can choose Italian as their second language.

If a student has more than one mother tongue (e.g. coming from or residing in a multilingual country or living with parents from 2 different nationalities) the student must choose one language as his mother tongue for the whole duration of his studies.

The course codes are as follows:

  • for English as the first language

 First-year exam

Second-year exam

Fourth-year exam




  • for the second language (5th year exam)










First-year students have English assigned automatically as their first compulsory language.

The choice of the second foreign language is done when enrolling for the fifth year.

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2.3.4. Exit levels

Minimum exits levels are:



Exit level

First language

(general language and specialized language)



Second language (general language)





Higher exit levels are possible,only if established by international foreign language certifications.

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2.3.5. The language learning path

The method for learning foreign languages offered by the Language Centre is as follows:

A. lessons
B. guided independent study

A. Lessons
The Language Centre organizes lessons and provides curricular courses for both first and second foreign languages.
Generally courses run only if enough students are enrolled in.

First foreign language - general language (first and second year of program)
Lessons for the first foreign language last two years.

For English (exit level B2), path 1 or path 2 is assigned according to the students's initial preparation (see "Evaluation of the initial knowledge of English and Italian")

The different language paths generally require a certain amount of classroom hours per year, specified as follows:

Year of studies

 Path 1

Path 2

First year

144 hours

96 hours

Second year

96 hours

96 hours

First foreign language - specialized language (third and fourth year of studies)
Lessons for the first foreign language include a single path lasting 2 semesters (II semester of the third year and I semester of the fourth year) for a total of 72 classroom hours.

Second foreign language
Lessons for the second foreign language in the fifth year last one year and include a single path assigned automatically to each student when he/she selects the foreign language. Each path includes a total of 144 classroom hours.

Attendance to first and second language courses is strongly recommended; attending courses is the most effective way of learning the language and preparing for the final exam. Active  participation in a course and certain self-study activities can add 2 extra points out of thirty to the final exam mark (more detailed information is available on the Internet site at in Language Teaching >Curricular activities ).

First year students who have finalized their enrolment can check their first and secon language class timetable at Punto Blu. Second year students can check after enrolment in the following years.
The summarized course programs (course profiles) of the language courses are available at

The detailed programs (course syllabuses and exam requirements) are available at in Language Teaching > Curricular activities> Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza (Law).

B. Guided independent study

Learning a foreign language requires not only attending lessons regularly but also consistent efforts in independent study, carried out during the student's entire university experience.
The Language Center offers students information and consulting services for language study. Its language laboratory provides a variety of preparatory materials (multi-media library) and other material is available online for different languages at in Language Laboratory.

Guided independent study consists of a variety of activities which the student carries out, based on specific indications given by the teacher. Activities may involve teaching materials, (e.g. exercises in books) support from the language laboratory (e.g. multimedia courses) and other material available online. 

The course syllabuses available at in Language Teaching provide information concerning lessons as well as guided independent study. For each subject dealt with during lessons, there are corresponding activities which can be carried out.

The following table shows the total amount of hours which should be dedicated to independent study per week according to the language learning path assigned to the student (Path 1, Path 2, Single Path).


Program year

Path 1

Path 2

First foreign language-general language

1st year

5 hours

3 hours

2nd year

5 hours

5 hours

First foreign language- specialized language

3rd and 4th year

2 hours (single path)

Second foreign language

5th year

5 hours (single path)

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2.3.6. Evaluation of the initial knowledge of English and Italian

In order to have the correct learning path assigned (Path 1 or Path 2), all non English native speakers enrolled in class groups taught in Italian, must assess their initial knowledge of English as follows:

  • when finalizing enrolment students must show that they have at least one of the language requirements stated when they applied for admission online and indicated by the University (see the website or
  • when making the selection "Italian candidates", students take the aptitude test entirely in English, or
  • when making the selection "Italian candidates", together with the aptitude test (in Italian) students take an initial language evaluation test.

To attend English courses Università Bocconi requires a minimum basic preparation, of at least A2 (pre-intermediate)of the Common European framework for languages (see "European Framework" in the section Bachelor Programs, see "Educational Activities").
For more detailed information on language knowledge and competence required, and self-study paths to obtain the levels based on the student's initial preparation check the website at in Language Laboratory.

Students who are not native Italian speakers or non-EU citizens with no Italian residency must take the online Italian language test (in accordance with Ministerial regulations).

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2.3.7. Method of assessing foreign language knowledge

Assessment is carried out by:

  • taking an exam in Bocconi, or
  • international certification from among those recognized by the University.

Bocconi exam
The assessment is carried out by taking an exam which tests comprehension skills and knowledge of written and spoken language depending on the level of competence to be achieved.

The first-year exam for the first foreign language is a prerequisite of the second-year exam and the second-year exam is a prerequisite of the fourth-year exam.
For fourth year exam (first language) students can apply for having the curricular exam exempted i.e. having the grade achieved in the second year exam recorded in the student academic career (exam grade or grade of the recognised international certification expressed out of thirties according to the appropriate tables defined by the Language Centre) only for the following exam (English first language first year of studies) exit levels: B2 legal, C1 general, C1 legal, C2 general, C2 legal. If students who meet the above necessary requirements apply for the exemption must hand in the request form to the Teaching Services and Organization Desk from 3 August to 4 September 2009 and from 7 January to 1 February 2010.
The second foreign language includes a partial exam (optional) to be taken in the I semester and a final exam to be taken in the II semester of the fifthyear of studies(for information on partial exam check the website at in Language Teaching in Curricular activities)

Exams follow the same standards as those set for international certifications.

Assessment of foreign language knowledge depends on the final exam result as well as other means of evaluation to check progress made during the course of studies:

  • for the first foreign language
    - positive results each year for active classroom participation and guided independent study; 
  • for the second foreign language
    - active classroom participation and guided independent study; 
    -  passing partial exam. 

The grade achieved is included in the calculation of the Grade Point Average (GPA).

The level of competence achieved is recorded on the official exam report and on the official academic transcript.

Exit levels which are higher than those foreseen for curricular exams of first and second languages are only possible through the registration in the student's academic career of any international certifications recognized by the University.

International certifications
As an alternative to the Bocconi exam students may only choose to take one of the international certifications exams indicated by the University. The registration of the achieved result in the academic career, after being converted into a number grade out of a possible thirty is made by the Secretary’s Office of the Language Centre under presentation of the original certification.

The level of the certifications presented must be for each language equal to or higher than the exit levels (in accordance with the criteria indicated in "Exit levels").

International certification is registered in the student's academic career and it is valid for 3 years (except for some international tests which are valid for less time, see in Exams-Certificates.

The list of international certifications recognized for the different exams is published on the internet site at /languagecentre , in Exams-Certificates .

For both the first and second foreign languages, international certifications may be presented starting with the first year of studies. In any case, the related credit points and marks are attributed to the year of studies of the course

With respect to the first foreign language exam (general use) it should be noted that in order to be registered in the student's academic career, an international foreign language certification should respond to the following:  

  • if the certification is presented during the first year of studies: 1 credit point will be registered in the student's academic career for the first year of studies and 2 credit points will be registered for the second year of studies; in this case only the first year credit is calculated to pass from the first to the second year of studies and only if the certification is  presented by 15 July 2010;
  • if the certification is presented during the second years of studies or later, the student will be lacking the credit points necessary for the exams of each year until these are registered.

With respect to the first foreign language exam (general use) there are two possibilities regarding the registration of an international certification in their academic career:

  • student has not taken the Bocconi exam: the grade expressed out of thirty will be given as the result of both the first and second exam;
  • student has already taken the first Bocconi exam and has it registered in his/her academic career: the grade expressed out of thirty will be given as the result of the second exam.

International foreign language certifications can be received by sitting an exam with an official examination centre, both in Italy and abroad.

Students are responsible for any costs related to exams certification.

For students who are interested in the Bocconi exam or certification exams, the Language Centre provides information and guidance on exam assessment methods. Specific materials for exam preparation and past exam papers are also available at the language laboratory.


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2.4. Computer Skills

2.4.1. Program structure position and credit points

The program requirements of all Bachelor programs offered at Università Bocconi include a computer skills course, aiming to provide students with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in IT.

The computer skills course, code 6034 Informatica per Giurisprudenza [Computer skills for legal studies], is positioned in the first semester of the second year; the course is assigned 3 credit points.  

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2.4.2. Assessment of knowledge

There are 2 types of assessment methods according to whether students attend the course or not.

  • Attending students
    Students may choose to take partial exams or a general exam.  
  • Non-attending students
    Only general final exam.

In both cases, the exams are written.

Please note that in order to be admitted to the exam students must have one of the following certifications: a complete ECDL certification (seven modules), ECDL advanced (all four modules), MOS Master, IC3 2005 Plus or other equivalent certifications recognized by SEDIN. The certification must be completed and forwarded to SEDIN through automatic procedure in the yoU@B student diary within the deadlines published on the website
It is strongly recommended that students gain the ECDL license before attending the computer skills course.


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2.4.3. ECDL Bocconi test center service

Students who do not yet possess the complete ECDL certification, which is a prerequisite for the exam code 6034 "Informatica per Giurisprudenza" [Computer Skills for legal studies], may take it at Università Bocconi. ECDL exams are held each week according to a calendar which is updated regularly. Students may view the exam calendar and enrol through their yoU@B student diary, using the special ECDL box.

If students do not possess the Skills card, the official document needed to sit the exam, they may purchase it at SEDIN at a cost of 45,00. Each exam module costs 12,00.

For further information refer to the website at


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2.5. Internships

The Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] (CLMG) allows students to include an educational internship experience or similar activity in their study plans. An internship is worth 6 credit points, and as an alternative students can include  an elective course or a second foreign language course (see chapter "Program structure and Educational Activities").

It is possible to participate in other internship experiences during your studies or after graduation, which do not have curricular value and for which the information in the following paragraphs does not apply:Duration, Positioning,Approval and validation of internships, Registration, Other activities recognized in lieu of internships.


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2.5.1. Curricular Internship characteristics

Internships must satisfy the following characteristics involving duration, objectives and contents, location and positioning.

Minimum 12 weeks, if in Italy;
Minimum 10 weeks, if abroad.

Objectives and contents
The main objective of internships is to educate. They allow students to gain real work world and professional experience while developing professional skills. They help students get their bearings in these areas and facilitate their professional choices. Students acquire direct knowledge of the continuously evolving world of work.
Internships are more than a mere practical application of academic studies; they give individuals a real opportunity to grow both personally and professionally.
The contents of internships must be aligned with the educational objectives of the Program.   During the internship each student is assigned a company and university tutor.
For Themis students the internship held as part of the Themis program, if completed by a clinic experience (see "Other activities recognized in lieu of internships"), is recognized as a curricular internship.

Internships may be taken - In Italy and abroad in professional studies, in firms, public and private institutions, professional studios, international organisms, diplomatic agencies, cultural institutions and other organizations. 
Students may participate in internships during their fifth year of studies.
Students may participate in an internship only after completing fourth-year lessons.
Internships are registered in students' academic careers as a fifth-year educational activity.

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2.5.2. Organizational aspects

Finding internships

Università Bocconi recognizes internships organized by any of the following parties:

  • Degree Program Direction
  • the Career Service (see "Internship in Italy and abroad organized by the Career Service);
  • International Relations Service (SRI) - International Internship Office (see "International Internship with the International Relations Service");

The Career Service and the International Internship Office (SRI) work together with the Program  Director to make the internship characteristics uniform (host company and activities to be carried out) and ensure that they meet the educational objectives of the Program.

Whatever channel is used to find an internship, the host company or organization and Bocconi sign an internship agreement and a training and orientation project on the objectives and contents of the training period. As the promoter of the initiative the University will prepare all the necessary legal documentation, check the quality of the training projects, and provide insurance coverage.

Approval and validation of internships

All internship experiences must be previously approved so as to guarantee the quality and consistency with educational objectives. Internships are validated when completed, so that students may receive academic recognition for the experience.


The interruption of an internship is possible only for serious and/or certified reasons and due to force majeure such as: absence of the tutor or insufficient support and participation or educational contents that are not consistent with the training project, or for serious personal reasons.



The internship must be recorded in the student's academic career by the deadline for the completion of the exams provided for in the program structure set for the graduation. Generally, the internship must have been finished by that date. Any uncompleted internships which have satisfied the minimum duration of time indicated above will still be recognized and can be registered in the student's academic career. In this case, the documents must be completed in time to record the internship in the student's academic career by the deadline date for the  completion of the exams provided for in the program structure set for the graduation.
Contributions for internships in Italy and abroad
For students taking part in internships offered by public authorities in Italy, or through international organizations, institutions, authorities and companies abroad promoted by the Career Service and the International Internship Office (SRI) for which no compensation is provided, contributions are available from Università Bocconi: for allocation criteria and application forms see the website at> Download Area

Contributions for internships in the European Union

Erasmus Student Placement: the LLP/Erasmus program offers students scholarships for curricular internships in companies and research and training centers located in one of the countries participating in the Program.   Information regarding duration, place, amount of contribution, eligibility, requirements, and participating institutions/companies are available on and  The scholarships are not cumulative with contributions indicated in the preceding title.

Other activities recognized in lieu of internships
Internships are the principal and priority educational activities aimed at aiding students in the choice of a profession, however there are also other activities which are defined as "similar activities" to internships including:

  • specialized work experiences which have contracts that are different from those of internships. For example, temporary and permanent work positions, apprenticeships, traineeships, and limited-time work ("lavoro a progetto") positions. The rules regarding duration, positioning and individuals who may provide contracts which have already been established for internships, are adaptable to these experiences.
    The experience must be authorized in advance to make the quality and consistency uniform with the educational path. Once the experience is finished it is validated to obtain academic recognition;
  • in-the-field projects (clinics and Moot) administered by Program Direction. The clinics are promoted by a Professor and approved by the Program Director following specific agreements with a company, an institution or professional office. Currently for the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] program an example of a field project is provided by the Moot, which is an international competition on the "arbitration" topic.     

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2.5.3. Internships in Italy and abroad organized by the Career Service

The Career Service Internship Office is the University's point of contact for all internship activities, with the exception of  programs organized by the International Relations Service - International Internship Office.

The Career Service promotes internship opportunities both in Italy and abroad with public and private organizations:

  • consulting and auditing firms, professional (e.g. accountants) and legal studios;
  • industrial and commercial companies, service providers, banks, financial institutions;  
  • government sector, public agencies and non-profit organizations;
  • cultural and artistic institutions;
  • authorities and companies operating in the tourism, communication and media industries.

The Service organizes all administrative procedures required by current regulations.

Furthermore the Career Service gives useful information to identify other opportunities based on specific needs and interests. It also helps students make their applications more effective through individual consultations and seminars.

In addition to what has already been said in terms of its characteristics, an internship - known also as traineeship - is an experience which offers in-the-field training, whose regulations are valid in Italy, and are set by law (24 June 1997 no. 196 art. 18 and the decree of 25 March 1998, no. 142 ministerial circular no. 52/99 and decree of 22 March 2006 on internship for non UE citizens and al parere del Ministero del lavoro-Risposta ad interpello n.30/08).  An internship is not a labour contract.

By law internships are not paid. At their discretion, companies can grant a monetary contribution that would go towards a student's studies.

Participation in internships
Internship opportunities in Italy and abroad are available through:

  • JobGate: the online platform updated daily offering internship and work opportunities reserved to Bocconi students;
  • Curricular Internship Special:semi-annual publication containing internship opportunities at companies belonging to the Partners for Development and Associated Companies Programs at the University;
  • Bocconi & Jobs: the semi-annual career fair allows Bocconi students to meet company representatives from all sectors;
  • Company presentations in the University: companies present themselves and describe their programs for hiring potential candidates; the calendar for presentations is fixed every six months;
  • Placement Library:the Career Service's library dedicated to the world of work. Students can organize the search and retrieval of information which is useful for finding internships and jobs.

These tools help to balance the supply and demand for internships. Securing an internship offer is not necessarily linked to academic qualifications.  The desired curriculum and personal characteristics of the candidates are decided each time by the companies, which are directly involved in the selection, based on the educational project.

Moreover, the Career Service collaborates with the Program Director in support of internships procured by Program Direction.

The Internship Office of the Career Service is the contact point within the University that is responsible for formalizing the training experience (unless they are arranged by the International Internships Office (SRI), see "International Internship with the International Relations Service"), regulating internships, (agreements, training projects, and orientation) and providing  the necessary documentation to ensure the training experience is recorded in the student's academic career.

Before starting an internship, students must collect the Educational and Orientation Project form at the Career Service - Internship Office and give it to the host organization.

Information and support
For further information, to sign up for seminars and individual consultation sessions contact the Career Service:

Career Service
Piazza Sraffa 11

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2.5.4. International Internship with the International Relations Service

The International Relations Service (SRI) - International Internship Office of Università Bocconi offers 3 different international internship programs at institutions/organizations that are part of its network:

  • International Organizations Program: Secretariat, agencies and field offices of the United Nations, the European Commission and other international institutions and non-government organizations throughout the world;
  • Field Projects Program: companies active in international markets (excluding the European Union), Italian Chamber of Commerce abroad  and Foreign Consulates in Milan;
  • Embassies Program: Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rome and each Office abroad: Embassies, Consulates, Italian Cultural Institutes, Italian Permanent Representatives belonging to international institutions.

To view the network institutions and internship availabilities, check the website at

Participation in the programs
All students may take part in International Internship programs as long as they satisfy the necessary language requirements of the host institution .
Based on specific agreements, the Embassies Program requires an academic average  (27/30) and credits earned.

For further information on requirements consult the website:


Students who would like to take part in the above programs must send the following documents in Word format (in one file) via e-mail ( by the set deadlines:

  • curriculum vitae and motivation letter in Italian (one for each institution you are applying for);
  • curriculum vitae and motivation letter written in the language required by the institution (one for each institution you are applying for), except for Embassies Program.

To complete the application, students must hand in the following items by the set deadlines:

  • written application form (to be collected from the International Internship Office or downloaded from;
  • copy of any language certifications;
  • 1 passport photo, signed on the back;
  • Official academic transcript or Official Graduate academic transcript certification(printed at Punto Blu terminals), for both undergraduate degree and MSC programs or Combined Bachelor and MSc in Giurisprudenza [Law].

Only for the International Organizations Program students need:

  • special forms from the individual institutions; ask at the International Internship Office - SRI (if required).

Only for the Embassies Program:

  • online printout of the application ( - Italian version available)

After the International Internship Office (SRI) has carried out the pre-selection based on language skills and, if required, academic merit (for the Embassies Program), student profiles will be sent to the institutions which will make the final decision. Students who withdraw from the internship except for good reason, evaluated by the International Relations Service, will be excluded from future pre-selections of all International Internship Programs (Field Projects, International Organizations and Embassies).

Periods and deadlines
Internship opportunities on offer by SRI - International Internship Office are promoted in the International Internships bulletin published on the website at

As a general guide pre-selection generally takes place every 3 months, according to the deadlines below: 

Module 1
Internship period: January - March 2010
Application deadline: 9 October 2009

Module 2
Internship period: April - June 2010
Application deadline: January 2010 (date to be fixed)

Module 3
Internship period: July - September 2010
Application deadline: March 2010 (date to be fixed)

Module 4
Internship period: October - December 2010
Application deadline: June 2010 (date to be fixed).

Each week, "Last Minute" internship opportunities are publicized on the website.

Embassies Program

3rd announcement 2009

Internship period: January April  2010
Publication: 9 September 2009
Online application deadline: 28 September 2009

1st announcement 2010
Approximate internship period: May-August 2010
Publication: January 2010 (date to be fixed)
Online application deadline: February 2010 (date to be fixed)

2nd announcement 2010
Approximate internship period: September-December 2010
Publication: April 2010 (date to be fixed)
Online application deadline: May 2010 (date to be fixed).

For updates and further information on the programs described above, consult the website of the International Internship Office (SRI) at  Law School section. The website includes:

  • the "International Internships"bulletin and "Last Minute" internship offers;
  • reports from former internship participants;
  • deadline changes and information indicated above.

For further information

International Relations Service (SRI)
International Internship Office 
piazza Sraffa, 11 - 20136 Milan
fourth floor, room 408
tel. 02 5836.2253
fax 02 5836.2207

Last change 23/03/2010 16:06

2.6. Clinics

Credit points and program structure positioning

Clinics are worth 6 credit points, and can be undertaken as an alternative to internships, elective course or second foreign language courses.
Clinics are positioned in the fifth year of the program structure.

Clinics are promoted by Bocconi instructors, upon approval of the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program Director, and include specific agreements with a firm, institution or professional study.
Clinics are important educational experiences in which students can gain firsthand legal experience by applying purely theoretical concepts to real situations. The expert guiding the student will choose real-life cases which are particularly relevant to the scientific and educational goals of the project.

Clinics are educational activities which encourage "learning by doing", and include the following activities:

  • classroom work - an expert (judge, lawyer, notary, company lawyer, etc) explains the "clinical" case and retraces the main factors which characterize the controversy together with the students, who are divided into small groups;
  • group or individual in-depth analysis - under the guidance of the expert and the Bocconi instructor, students write essays and briefs which verify and analyze the basic legal concepts they have acquired;
  • written report in which the student explains and illustrates the cases, with reference to doctrines and jurisprudence.

Credit points
Validation of the experience is given only upon the instructor's positive evaluation. Instructors base their evaluations on the expert's final evaluation and on the student's individual report. Marks expressed out of 30 are not given.

Procedure details

  • The Bocconi instructor proposing the Clinic provides the Career Service with a list of students who wish to participate in the Clinic.
  • The instructor provides the Career Service with validation of the student's Clinic experience; the Career Service sends this documentation to the Student Administration Centre for registration in the student's study plan .

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2.7. Studying Abroad

Internationalization at Università Bocconi has been a strategic priority pursued since 1974, the year in which the first international agreements were put into place. Over the years these programs have developed an extensive network of affiliations and exchanges with prestigious academic and cultural institutions all over the world, including the recent formation of a special network of partner institutions in the field of law. Constant collaboration between Bocconi and foreign universities on research and joint teaching projects provide Bocconi students and teaching staff with invaluable international experience. Thanks to its network of international affiliations, Università Bocconi is able to offer law students opportunities on a global scale.

Study programs abroad:

  • Long programs (Exchange Programs , Themis Program and Free-Mover Semester Programs);
  • Short programs (Campus Abroad Programs).

All the international programs will be presented in detail during the "International Week".


Exchange Program

The Università Bocconi "Exchange Program" (including the Erasmus Program-LLP) deals with student exchanges under bilateral agreements with many universities in the world, giving students the opportunity to attend courses for which they can receive credit as part of their Bocconi degrees.

There are about 25 Faculties of Law included in the network which are specially addressed to the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza [Law] and they are some of the most renowned institutions in the field of law.

The agreements are based on reciprocal arrangements that allow students from both institutions involved to complete a period of study abroad without paying extra university fees and tuition to the partner institution. Students are, however, responsible for travel, board and lodging expenses.

Eligibility and requirements
Students can take the semester abroad just one time during their fourth and fift years. Therefore students regularly enrolled in the third or fourth year of the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program can apply.

Students are allowed to enrol in a semester abroad at one of the partner universities only if they pass the selection which is based on merit and language skills.

Application and deadlines
Students are advised to check the application procedures and deadlines released in successive International Relations publications and on the website

For Exchange Program details, to check comments and reports by students who have been abroad in the past, and the dossier of each university, visit the website

Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.

The credit approval procedure is to be finalized and will be available later.


Free-Mover Semester Program

Students interested in attending a semester abroad outside the Exchange Program can enrol at a number of universities abroad where they can study just one time during the last year of their degree as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program (fee-paying Visiting Students or Independent Students). Università Bocconi has identified a number of schools, mainly members of its international network, that are willing to accept such students. The list of universities abroad will be published on the webpage at This is the only list considered valid for the recognition of exams taken in schools abroad as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program.

Any other applications for alternatives must be examined individually beforehand by the International Relations Service (SRI). The application, accompanied by a motivational letter and information about the chosen university, must be submitted to the International Relations Service before enrolling at the foreign university for a Free-Mover Semester Program.


Application procedure
Students who meet the requirements should contact their chosen institution to ask for programs and  start the enrolment procedures.
Once students have been admitted by a school of the Free-Mover Semester network, they must contact the International Relations Service and request the green form to have courses taken abroad recognized.

Students are responsible for travel, board and lodging expenses for the period abroad, as well as fees and tuition for both Bocconi and the institution abroad. Students are advised to take out health insurance for the entire period of study abroad.


Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.

The credit approval procedure is to be finalized and will be available later.

For Free-Mover Semester Program details, (eligibility, list of universities, application procedure, exam recognition, program compatibility, etcetera), visit the website  and consult the International Relations Service publications.

Students are reminded that, in any case, receiving credit for exams taken abroad in the Free-Mover Semester is incompatible with other long-programs abroad.

Themis Program

Among the opportunities offered to students enrolled in the last years of studies we outline the Themis Program. This program allows students to acquire an international certification released by the Themis network which, in addition to Università Bocconi, includes also Esade (Barcellona, Spain), Freie Universität (Berlin, Germany) and Université de Paris XII (Val de Marne - Paris, France).

The programme curriculum includes also an exchange experience at one of the partner institutions, a joint seminar realised at one of the network universities and an international internship.

Short programs

 The short programs offered by Università Bocconi give students the opportunity to spend a brief period of time abroad, generally during summer, combining educational activities with the exploration of new cultural, social and economic environments.


Campus Abroad

Campus Abroad Programs - generally held during the period in which lessons are suspended - are organized by Università Bocconi in collaboration with partner schools abroad and last about 1 month. The programs aim to expose students to an international context by combining a Bocconi course with a series of "country specific" activities (seminars and visits to local companies and institutions).

Further information on timelines. requirements and application procedures are published on the website

Scholarships for international programs

Students taking part in international programs can apply for scholarships from ISU Bocconi (Student Assistance and Financial Aid) and the TCA - University Fees Office (for information about scholarships and application forms, download the pdf file "Conditions for awarding scholarships" which is available on the ISU website in the download area).

Students chosen for the Exchange Program for one semester of study at a European institution which has signed a bilateral Erasmus agreement will receive an Erasmus scholarship from the European Union.

For information:
ISU Bocconi

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2.7.1. Long programs

Exchange Program

The Università Bocconi "Exchange Program" (including the Erasmus Program-LLP) deals with student exchanges under bilateral agreements with many universities in the world, giving students the opportunity to attend courses for which they can receive credit as part of their Bocconi degrees.

There are about 30 Faculties of Law included in the network which are specially addressed to the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science in Giurisprudenza[Law] and they are some of the most renowned institutions in the field of law.

The agreements are based on reciprocal arrangements that allow students from both institutions involved to complete a period of study abroad without paying extra university fees and tuition to the partner institution. Students are, however, responsible for travel, board and lodging expenses.

Eligibility and requirements

Students can take the semester abroad just one time during their fourth and fift years. Therefore students regularly enrolled in the third or fourth year of the Combined Bachelor and Master of Science Program can apply.

Students are allowed to enrol in a semester abroad at one of the partner universities only if they pass the selection which is based on merit and language skills.

Application and deadlines
Students are advised to check the application procedures and deadlines released in successive International Relations publications and on the website

For Exchange Program details, to check comments and reports by students who have been abroad in the past, and the dossier of each university, visit the website

Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.

See Recognition of exams taken in universities abroad for exam recognition procedures.

Free-Mover Semester Program

Students interested in attending a semester abroad outside the Exchange Program can enrol at a number of universities abroad where they can study just one time during the last year of their degree as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program (fee-paying Visiting Students or Independent Students). Università Bocconi has identified a number of schools, mainly members of its international network, that are willing to accept such students. The list of universities abroad will be published on the webpage at This is the only list considered valid for the recognition of exams taken in schools abroad as part of the Free-Mover Semester Program.

Any other applications for alternatives must be examined individually beforehand by the International Relations Service (SRI). The application, accompanied by a motivational letter and information about the chosen university, must be submitted to the International Relations Service before enrolling at the foreign university for a Free-Mover Semester Program.

Application procedure
Students who meet the requirements should contact their chosen institution to ask for programs and  start the enrolment procedures.
Once students have been admitted by a school of the Free-Mover Semester network, they must contact the International Relations Service and request the green form to have courses taken abroad recognized.

Students are responsible for travel, board and lodging expenses for the period abroad, as well as fees and tuition for both Bocconi and the institution abroad. Students are advised to take out health insurance for the entire period of study abroad.

Exam recognition
Students can receive credit for a maximum of 30 credit points.

See Recognition of exams taken in universities abroad for exam recognition procedures.

For Free-Mover Semester Program details, (eligibility, list ofuniversities, application procedure, exam recognition, program compatibility, etcetera), visit the website and consult the International Relations Service publications.

Students are reminded that, in any case, receiving credit for exams taken abroad in the Free-Mover Semester is incompatible with other long-programs abroad.

Themis Program

Among the opportunities offered to students enrolled in the last years of studies we outline the Themis Program. This program allows students to acquire an international certification released by the Themis network which, in addition to Università Bocconi, includes also Esade (Barcellona, Spain), Freie Universität (Berlin, Germany) and Université de Paris XII (Val de Marne - Paris, France).

The programme curriculum includes also an exchange experience at one of the partner institutions, a joint seminar realised at one of the network universities and an international internship.

Further information on requirements, timelines and application procedures are published at

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2.7.2. Short programs

The short programs offered by Università Bocconi give students the opportunity to spend a brief period of time abroad, generally during summer, combining educational activities with the exploration of new cultural, social and economic environments.

Campus Abroad

Campus Abroad Programs - generally held during the period in which lessons are suspended - are organized by Università Bocconi in collaboration with partner schools abroad and last about 1 month. The programs aim to expose students to an international context by combining a Bocconi course with a series of "country specific" activities (seminars and visits to local companies and institutions).


Student are admitted to the program for the proposed destinations at graduate level starting from the summer between the fourth and the fifth year of studies and after a selection based on merit requirements and language skills.

Exam recognition

The exam is fully a Bocconi exam, follows all the univerisity rules and regualtion relating to the program structure and no "recognition procedure" is required. To have exams and program credit points registered in the academic career, students must pass the final exam and participate in both lessons and related activities.
Students are reminded that their participation in all activities and presence for the entire period of the program is compulsory.

Further information on timelines. requirements and application procedures are published on the website

Scholarships for international programs

Students taking part in international programs can apply for scholarships from ISU Bocconi (Student Assistance and Financial Aid) and the TCA - University Fees Office (for information about scholarships and application forms, download the pdf file "Conditions for awarding scholarships" which is available on the ISU website in the download area).

Students chosen for the Exchange Program for one semester of study at a European institution which has signed a bilateral Erasmus-LLP agreement will receive an Erasmus-LLP scholarship from the European Union.

For information:
ISU Bocconi

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