2014-2015 A.Y.

Integrated Master of Arts in Giurisprudenza (5-y; Law)

2.4.4. Internship recognition

All internship experiences must be previously approved so as to guarantee the quality and consistency with educational objectives of the Program. Internships are validated when completed, so that students may receive academic recognition for the experience.
In order to obtain the recognition of the internship and the recognition of the credit points please follow the instructions below described in the following paragraph.

Authorization in advance
After having viewed the internship on the JobGate and having confirmed it formally, the student must request the in-advance authorization, by accessing the area ‘My internships’ and clicking on ‘Request advance authorization’. The request is automatically made viewable to the Program Director who can give his/her approval, reject it or, for more information, ask the student, through a messaging procedure available on the yoU@B Diary, to schedule a meeting or through chat. The student views the request outcome in the yoU@B in the ‘My internships’ area.
Notice: without advance authorization is not started as curricular internship.

Before the internship the student must request and obtain via email the in-advance authorization of the Dean of the School of Law. Such request must compulsorily include: year of enrolment, company name and type, location and duration of the experience, weeks, description of the activities, tasks, educational objective . This must be done also for internships to be carried out at university premises (offices or Departments). The request to the Dean must be exclusively sent by one's Bocconi email account. The Dean authorizes the internship except from checks of requirements which are made by the Internship Office. The answer of the Dean (which must be in written form only) along with student's request, must be copied by the student in the appropriate section of the Home page Trainee on the Jobgate, dedicated to his/her training project.

Final validation

Once the internship is ended, the Program Director takes note of the end of internship and views the evaluation sheets filled out by the trainee and company tutor respectively. The evaluation sheets will be analyzed carefully; for more information, the Program Director can ask the student, through a messaging procedure available on the yoU@B Diary, to schedule a meeting or through chat. Once the final recognition has been obtained, the student can check the credit points recording in his/her academic career via the Punto Blu. Students within 2 months after the end of the internship (for those students who are carrying out study programs abroad this deadline is not applied) go to the Internship Office for the check on the experience and bring the internship certification along with the evaluation sheet made by the student. The Internship Office checks the documentation, prints the evaluation sheet made by the company tutor and gives the recognition form to the student which must be submitted, along with the end-of-internship documentation, to the Dean during office hours. The recognition form will be signed by the Dean for the final validation of the experience and returned by the student to Welcome Desk of the One-Stop Service Center for recording it in the student's academic career.

The University carries out checks during the internship of the student in order to verify the real running of the internship. In case the student is repeatedly not found the internship is annulled. Such communication will be forwarded urgently to the student and to the host company/professional office.

In case of behavior contrary to the Honor Code or University regulations during the internship, students can be reported to the Disciplinary Board by the Internship Office.

Registration: the internship is registered by the deadline for the completion of the exams provided for in the program structure set for the graduation. Generally, the internship must have been finished by that date.
Any uncompleted internships which have satisfied the minimum duration of time indicated above will still be recognized and can be registered in the student's academic career. The recognition can be possible only if the student has to graduate before the end of the internship. In this case, the end-of-internship documents must be completed and submitted within the time needed to record the internship in the student's academic career, as the set deadline for the completion of the study plan approaches., by considering the last useful date of the Dean's office hours.

Withdrawal and Interruption
The withdrawal/interruption of an internship, that must be communicated urgently to the Internship Office, is possible only for serious and/or certified reasons. Without serious reasons there will be limitations for accessing to a new internship (the new internship cannot be started before a month from the date of interruption of the previous internship).

For curricular internships, in case of the early interruption,if not authorized in advance by the Dean, even if the requirement of the minimum duration has been met, the internship may not be recognized. The early authorization is given on the basis of assessment of all internship characteristics, including the duration.

Last change 22/07/2014 12:33