2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

2.14.5. Second year of studies

At beginning of their 2nd year, students will be required to choose:

  • 3 insegnamenti obbligatori tra una lista di 4 (da 6 cfu; I o II semestre);
  • 1 insegnamento tra una lista ristretta (6 cfu; I o II semestre);
  • 1 insegnamento opzionale (6 cfu; I o II semestre).

The list (together with courses’ profile) will be published in good time before the end of the first year.

The MSc Program Director will schedule specific office hours to provide students with information about the second year program structure and to discuss their electives. In addition the MSc Program Director is available regularly during office hours to provide more information concerning the program structure.

Office hours are published on the website at

Last change 29/06/2023 16:56