2023-2024 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

2.14.2. Career opportunities

Artificial Intelligence Specialist
Role in a work setting 

Graduates advance the science and technology of intelligent systems, and design, develop, test and deploy AI models. Responsibilities may include performing or supporting the following activities:

  • manage the AI development process and create software infrastructures to facilitate the building and deployment of AI models
  • design, prototype, train and evaluate machine learning systems
  • encapsulate existing AI models into Application Programming Interfaces that other applications can interact with

Skills associated with the role:

  • Proficiency in AI modelling techniques and Machine Learning frameworks and models
  • Ability to develop, test, and debug software systems using modern programming languages and frameworks
  • Ability to abstract and model a real-world problem
  • Creative problem solving


Work places:

  • Research and development divisions of public or private firms and institutions in diverse industries
  • Business Intelligence units of public or private firms and institutions
  • Technology consulting companies

Last change 29/06/2023 16:25