2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y) Professional and Work Opportunities for Graduates

Junior profile, expert in mathematical, computational, modelling and Artificial Intelligence methods

Position in the workplace:

The graduate will mainly work in a team (as an internal resource or an external consultant), possibly supporting senior managers. 

The graduate will carry out activities such as:

- collection of large amounts of data, basic data processing and analysis of the information resulting from data;

- choice and use of mathematical, computational, and modelling methods for the advanced analysis of data;

- use of Artificial Intelligence methods (for example machine learning and artificial neural networks).

These activities can be carried out in different fields such as physics and other fields of natural sciences, and economics and other fields of social sciences (e.g. finance, management, marketing, accounting, etc.).

Skills associated with the position:

The graduate has a solid mathematical and computational knowledge, a solid knowledge in modelling sciences (physics and economics), and the ability to analyse problems of various levels of complexity and to develop and creatively use methods for the understanding and modelling of complex realities. Moreover, the graduate has the necessary soft skills to promptly fit in a work context and to interact in a constructive way with the other professional profiles composing the team.

Thanks to an academic education that focuses on the critical and methodological aspects, the graduate will build on his/her multidisciplinary  background to easily adapt to new problems, rapidly acquire further specific knowledge and become capable of playing a key role in many evolving and innovative fields which require continuous knowledge update.

Career opportunities:

- Second-level studies in Artificial Intelligence, Applied Mathematics, Statistics, Data Science, Computer Science, Physics, Economics, Finance, and Business, both in Italy and abroad. Due to its methodological nature, the program allows to access also second-level studies in different fields, in which the analysis of large amounts of data and modelling play an important role.

- Main job opportunities: companies, institutions, research groups, both local and international, of various size, industry and setting (private/public), characterized by the need of using the above professional profile.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00