2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Professional and Work Opportunities for Graduates

Most graduates in Economic and Social Sciences are likely to go on to second-level studies. Nevertheless, they can access the job market directly, typically starting in:

Junior positions in the analysis of micro and macroeconomic systems

(e.g. antitrust policies, risk assessment of countries, economic regulations, government policies effects).


Skills associated with the position:

Graduates holding the above positions are able to:


  • analyze and interpret the distinctive features and dynamics of the economic system, both domestic and international;
  • contribute to socio-economic analyses, applying the most suitable quantitative methods (mathematical-statistical and econometric) and the appropriate techniques of data management and analysis;
  • address economic phenomena with a multidimensional approach, considering the psychological, organizational and social elements that may affect them.

Career opportunities:

  • second-level studies;
  • junior positions in national or international institutions dealing with the analysis of the economic system, research centers, financial firms and institutions, consulting firms.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00