2023-2024 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Professional and Work Opportunities for Graduates

After the three-year BEMACS program, most students continue their studies with a MSc program. This BSc may be, therefore, the most appropriate choice for students who wish to continue their studies, in Italy or abroad, with a master program focused on business analytics, data science, technology, innovation.

Students who have completed their Bachelor studies can also access the job market directly, in which case their typical professional profile is data analyst - junior positions involving the collection and processing of data and the prompt delivery of relevant information needed for decision-making in:

- companies (various staff units, e.g. marketing, planning etc.), in support of market analysis, planning activities strategic choices;

- research departments of public and private institutions or consultancies, analyzing and studying various aspects of the economic system and of the market;

- financial institutions, analyzing and managing financial data.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00