2023-2024 A.Y.

World Bachelor Business (3-y)

  Description of the Educational Path

The World Bachelor in Business is an international program, entirely taught in English, which provides student’s attendance of the first, second and third year respectively at USC, HKUST and Bocconi.
The last year can be attended by the student in one of three universities in order to allow the choice of the labor market (the US, Europe and Asia) in which the student prefers to start his/her own career path.
The program is focused on business and economics, with the possibility of examining specific issues depending on the location of study. The program also provides a well-rounded education, giving an opportunity for students, especially during the first two years of the program, to integrate business studies with humanities subjects.

The first year at USC is introductory: training activities are planned for the achievement of foreign qualifications (General Education and activities for the development of the main soft skills) and basic activities for the achievement of the Italian title (knowledge of mathematics and economics).

During the second year of studies, in Hong Kong, students come into contact with the Asian market context; most of the courses provided (in the fields of economic, business, quantitative studies) is aimed at achieving all three academic qualifications and only some training activities are linked with the fulfillment of the requirements of the partner universities (General Education).

The third year, at Bocconi, is characterized by courses of business, financial, economic and legal field (aimed at achieving all three academic qualifications) with a focus on the Italian and European context.

The fourth year, attended the university chosen by the student, includes majors in parallel with the three universities. There are compulsory courses in business and legal fields, aimed at achieving all three qualifications.

In addition to the basic courses, characteristic and related courses, the study plan to achieve the Italian degree includes the following educational activities:

  • Courses chosen by the student (in the last year of studies)
  • For the knowledge of two languages of the European Union (first language in the 1st year at USC, second language in the 3rd year at Bocconi)
  • For developing skills for entering the world of work:
    • Computer skills and Chinese language and culture (2nd year HKUST)
    • Seminars to understand the European, American and Asian markets (1st, 2nd and 3rd year)
  • For writing the final paper (last year).

Last change 03/07/2023 14:30