Guides to the university

2024-2025 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Educational objectives

The Master of Science in Economics and Management of Government and International Organizations has the following educational objectives:

  1. provide advanced studies on public management, analysis of public policies and their application in order to work in professional sectors, both public and private, to improve public services at international, national, and local levels;
  2. promote the development of a unitary vision of government methodologies of public administration and international organizations, relations management between these institutions and companies operating in their sector;
  3. complete your business and economics preparation providing competences in subjects as economics, quantitative and juridical, so as to develop problem analysis skills in interdisciplinary areas;
  4. develop behavioral skills via ad hoc seminars and via in / out of class activities related to courses, namely skills in communication, in interaction, in addressing complex issues, including through exposure to experiences and talks by important guest speakers; develop key skills for working in public institutions and international organizations;
  5. promote fluency in English to work effectively and efficiently; proficiency in a second EU language (Italian for non-Italian native speakers). Finally, to foster a wide-ranging culture to develop critical thinking and to delve into cutting-edge topics.

Last change 01/06/2023 08:00