Guides to the university

2024-2025 A.Y.

Master of Science Programs (2-y)

  Career opportunities

The main career opportunities for Accounting, Corporate Finance and Control graduates are described below.

Management, finance and management control expert

Role in a work setting:
Graduates write and analyze the main business reports, in particular reports for internal communication (management reporting) and reports for external communication (financial statements). They also manage the most important management control and planning, manage the company’s financial management, assess business investments, manage leading administrative processes and complete auditing activities. When carrying out their functions, graduates collaborate with the most important managers of divisions and functions, as well as top management.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge in the field of accounting and financial statements and related regulations, management control and planning, corporate finance and corporate governance.

Career opportunities:
Graduates will work in any type of industrial, commercial or services company, with administration, finance and control organizational units, as well as auditing companies.
To practice as an auditor and chartered accountant, a state exam must be passed. (An agreement with the Ordine Territoriale di Milano dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili [Chartered Accountants and Accountants Territorial Council of Milan] is in force for the program, which exempts students from the first written exam and allows for a 6-month traineeship during the last year of the MSc.)

Expert in corporate restructuring and corporate financial advisory

Role in a work setting:
Graduates work on corporate restructuring processes (redesign of processes, review of information systems, designing management control and planning systems and external and internal reporting), develop business plans, follow corporate financial advisory and apply corporate asset and corporate evaluation methods and instruments. They also work on evaluation and redefinition of corporate governance assets in compliance with existing legislation.
They collaborate with entrepreneurs and members of top management in companies and with legal professionals and representatives of financial institutions.

Skills associated with the role:
Graduates possess qualified knowledge of financial reporting and related legislation, the criteria for designing systems and management control and planning and the motivations and models of financial management and company evaluation. They also possess skills related to the criteria for designing and assessing corporate governance structures.

Career opportunities:
Graduates will work in consulting firms, financial institutions and qualified professional firms.
To practice as an auditor and chartered accountant, a state exam must be passed. (An agreement with the Ordine Territoriale di Milano dei Dottori Commercialisti e degli Esperti Contabili [Chartered Accountants and Accountants Territorial Council of Milan] is in force for the program, which exempts students from the first written exam and allows for a 6-month traineeship during the last year of the MSc.)

Last change 29/06/2023 11:10