Guides to the university

2024-2025 A.Y.

Bachelor of Science Programs (3-y)

  Educational Objectives

The Bachelor of Science in International Economics and Finance (BIEF) has the following specific objectives:

1.   provide a solid grounding in business, economics, quantitative and legal topics in order to understand the economic and legal context of the companies, public bodies and financial institutions;

2.  define the educational path with a broad grounding in economics or finance, depending on the student’s interests, in keeping with an international and global perspective according to a comparative approach;

3.  to promote knowledge acquisition and applied skills relating to:

  • theoretical models and policy analysis in the international and monetary fields;
  • (finance major) the techniques of financial analysis, financial instruments, the functioning of financial markets and financial intermediaries in the international context;
  • (economics major) advanced techniques and instruments of macroeconomic analysis;

4.  develop skills through learning activities in and outside the classroom encouraging interaction between students and teacher-student interaction (ability to present their opinion, to work in groups, to negotiate) and problem setting and problem solving ability;

5.  develop skills aimed at mastery in the field of business management, using computer tools and two EU languages in order to be efficient from a professional point of view;

6.  stimulate the students to evaluate the consequences of their decisions in a professional context.

Last change 11/07/2023 15:53