Course 2005-2006 a.y.



Department of Decision Sciences

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
DES-LS (3 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLEMIT-LS (3 credits - I sem. - AI)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

In this course, students learn how to construct and administer questionnaires to gather data that meets their research goals. They also learn how to interpret and evaluate questionnaires developed by other researchers. The course deals with both interview and self-administered questionnaire surveys. By the end of the course, students are able to write questionnaire survey items, score and code questionnaire responses, write complete questionnaires, and know how to administer questionnaires using face-to-face and telephone interviews, mail and the Internet. They are also able to define questionnaire structure, evaluate validity and reliability, and know how SPSS can be used in questionnaire construction. The course is conducted bi-lingually, in English and Italian, and students deal with the construction of questionnaires to be administered in both languages.

Course Content Summary

  • Types of survey. Sources of bias.
  • Sources of surveys and survey questions.
  • Questionnaire structure. Item structure. Item types.
  • Levels of measurement.
  • Using questionnaires: national and organizational surveys.
  • Validity and reliability. Item definitions.
  • Language and translation issues.
  • Measurement theory.
  • Relationship between survey items, research goals and theory.
  • Writing survey items for self-administered questionnaires.
  • Writing survey items for interviews.
  • Scoring and coding of questionnaire responses.
  • Completing a questionnaire: instructions, pilot testing, etc.
  • Survey administration in practice.

The course consists of 12 classroom lessons and 6 online activities. In the online activities, students participate in structured group work.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Student evaluation consists of:

  • An individual assignment to be developed as part of the online activities (70%)
  • A final project that requires the realization of a complete questionnaire


  • L. FRAZER, M. LAWLEY, Questionnaire Design and Administration: A practical guide, John Wiley & Sons, 2001.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 09/05/2005 00:00