Course 2005-2006 a.y.



Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 17
DIEM (6 credits - I sem. - CC)
Course Director:

Classes: 17 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

A firm's ability to survive and succeed in an increasingly competitive global arena depends on its ability to understand competitive dynamics and to enact strategic responses. The main objectives of this course are to sharpen students' understanding of the dynamics of competition in the extended industry environment in which firms operate, and of the processes through which firms develop and implement strategies in an effort to compete effectively in that environment. The course provides analytical tools and mental models that aid students' understanding and decision-making.  
The course aims at identifying, analysing and understanding the impact of the key structural elements and characteristics of industries and the manner in which firms in those industries compete (and cooperate) with each other in terms of pricing, differentiation, market segmentation, technology and innovation. Students should gain a better understanding of the relationship between industry structure and overall industry profitability, the firm's position within the industry and its profitability vis-a'-vis the industry average, and the processes through which strategy is enacted.

Course Content Summary

Strategy and performance

  • Business strategy: concepts and definitions
  • Assessing firms' strategic assets
  • The determinants of performance
  • Describing the firm's business strategy: goals, scope, logic
  • Developing strategy: the strategy process

Strategy analysis: a static perspective

  • Industry analysis
  • The value chain analysis
  • Position, capabilities and the RBV of the firm
  • Differentiation advantage strategies
  • Cost advantage strategies

Strategy analysis: a dynamic perspective

  • The evolution of industry organization
  • Resources and capabilities in a changing environment
  • Strategies for technology-intensive industries

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Written exam.

Further details will be given at the beginning of the course and indicated in the course syllabus available from both the ISEA (Institute of Strategic Management) office and website.


  • C. A. CARNEVALE MAFFE' (edited by), Course Package - Cases and Readings,  available on Bocconi Web Learning Platform.
  • G. SALONER, A. SHEPARD, J. PODOLNY, Strategic Management, Wiley, 2001.

 Additional required readings (for non attending students): 

  • A. MINTZBERG, B. AHLSTRAND, J.B. LAMPEL, Strategy Safari, Prentice Hall, 1998.

For further and updated information consult the course syllabus available at ISEA office and website.

Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 12/05/2005 00:00