Course 2015-2016 a.y.



Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
CLMG (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - M (6 credits - I sem. - OP) - IM (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - MM (6 credits - I sem. - OP) - AFC (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - CLAPI (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - CLEFIN-FINANCE (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - CLELI (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - ACME (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - DES-ESS (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10) - EMIT (6 credits - I sem. - OP  |  SECS-P/10)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)
Class 31: BURAK OC

Course Objectives

Leadership models of the last century have been products of top-down, bureaucratic paradigms. These models are extremely effective for an economy premised on physical production but are not well-suited for a more knowledge-oriented economy. Surely, the context is changing but so are the people.
Today’s students encounter a world that demands a new level of intellectual sophistication, intercultural literacy, and social engagement from college graduates. They face technological revolution, pressing societal problems, and unparalleled opportunities. This course postulates that leadership is not self-serving, but is a responsibility of everyone in an effort to positively impact the communities within which we belong. Thus, it becomes increasingly important to understand the emerging trend in theory and practice of leadership of the 21st century.
In this course, students are expected to :
  • understand a variety of recent leadership theories, models, paradigms, and approaches.
  • Explore their leadership and/or followership identities, develop an expanded awareness of diversity and social change.
  • Understand the complex underlying mechanisms of leader-follower relationships.
  • Examine leadership from a holistic, inclusive, sustainable, and ethical perspective
  • Integrate theoretical leadership perspectives through applied and researched writing assignments.

Course Content Summary

  • Introduction: What is leadership?
  • Historical views on leaders and leadership.
  • The romance of leaders and leadership.
  • The overlooked role of followers (e.g., upward influence, shared leadership).
  • Power as the underlying mechanism of leadership.
  • Gaining power (e.g., 12 bases of power; characteristics of power holders).
  • Maintaining power (e.g., exogenous and endogenous factors).
  • Using power (e.g., influencing tactics, persuasion, social influence, downward influence: conformity, obedience).
  • Losing power (e.g., exogenous and endogenous factors).
  • Consequences of power (e.g., positive vs. negative outcomes).
  • Ethics in Leadership.
  • What are the ethical issues facing leaders (e.g., moral disengagement, moral licensing, moral values).
  • Fairness in Leadership.
  • Leader humility vs. leader narcissism.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For attending students:
No final exam. Cumulative assessment (CA) constitutes 100% of the final grade, consisting of:
  • Mid-Course Surveys 10 %
  • In-Class Participation 30 %
  • Case Analyses 20 %
  • Individual paper 40 %
For non attending students:
Cumulative assessment of non-attending students constitutes 100% of the final grade, consisting of a final exam. The exam will include only multiple-choice questions.


For attending and non-attending students:
  • D. Day, J. Antonakis, The Nature of Leadership, 2012,  2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
  • J. Pfeffer, managing with Power. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.1992.
  • R.B. Cialdini, Influence: Science and Practice,2001 (4th ed). Allyn and Bacon.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 24/06/2015 13:15