Course 2016-2017 a.y.



Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 25
BEMACS (8 credits - I sem. - OB  |  SECS-P/07)
Course Director:

Classes: 25 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

The course introduces to the broad field of economics and management of firms; the basic concepts and theories of modern management are presented and discussed. The educational goals of the course can be summarized as follows:
  • make students aware of the complementary roles that different actors (individuals, organizations, institutions) play in modern economic systems;
  • develop a critical attitude regarding the objectives and the behaviour of people engaged in economic activity;
  • provide students with the fundamental concepts required for the economic analysis of firms' processes, as well as the ability to use them in basic situations;
  • provide a systematic picture of the wide range of decisions faced by managers and of the underlying economic analyses.
The course is designed in such a way to combine concepts and theory with the richness of firms' real life. For this reason, students are strongly encouraged to take an active part in the learning process.

Intended Learning Outcomes
Click here to see the ILOs of the course

Course Content Summary

Introduction, theory of the firm and corporate governance:
  • the economic activity: organizations, firms, and economic specialization;
  • theories of the firms: stakeholder versus shareholder view;
  • behavioral assumptions: ethics and bounded rationality;
  • protecting shareholders’ interests: corporate governance mechanisms.
Strategic analysis and managerial decisions:
  • strategic analysis: diagnosis, formulation, and implementation;
  • strategic diagnosis: scale, scope, learning and network economies;
  • strategy formulation: resources and competences;
  • strategy implementation: Expanding scope, acquiring resources, strategic partnerships.
Organization choices and management of people at work:
  • organizational structures, mechanisms, and culture;
  • aligning organization and people;
  • managing groups and individual behaviors;
  • leadership.

Teaching methods
Click here to see the teaching methods

Assessment methods
Click here to see the assessment methods

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

For Attending students:
Attending students will be evaluated based on the following two parts:
  • A written exam: 80% of the final grade;
  • A field project (realized in teams of 5-6 students): 20% of the final grade.
Important: the field project is an essential condition to be qualified as attending student. The distinction between attending and non-attending students is indeed determined by the participation in a teamwork.

For Non-Attending students:
Non-Attending students will be evaluated based on a general written exam only (100% of the grade), which can be made either in December or in January/February, or in any of the future exam sessions.


  • There is no textbook but only readings listed in the syllabus and available through Course Reserve.
  • Cases discussed in class and available through Course Reserve.
  • All other materials distributed during classes or made available on the course e-learning space, unless otherwise specified.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 26/05/2016 09:34