Course 2010-2011 a.y.



Language Center

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 1 - 2
CLMG (2 credits - I sem. - OP)
Course Director:

Classes: 1 (I sem.) - 2 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

English is the compulsory first foreign language for all students enrolled in CLMG program who are not themselves English mother-tongue speakers.
Teaching activities are structured as follows

  • 1st year: general English, lessons and exam (code 6021)
  • 2nd year: general English, lessons and exam (code 6022)
  • 3rd year: legal English, lessons only (code 6305)
  • 4th year: legal English, lessons and exam (code 6041).

The teaching activities concerning the Legal English are aimed to prepare the students for the B2 Legal exit level.
The English classes are automatically assigned to the CLMG students at the beginning of the second semester of the third year. The course runs until the end of the first semester of the fourth year: there is an exam at the end of the course worth two credits in the final average for the degree course.

Course Content Summary

In the classroom, instruction focuses on giving the students exposure to the vocabulary they need to operate – in English – in professional settings. This exposure comes from a variety of sources: listening passages; video clips; reading passages taken from authentic sources; and from the students themselves.
In addition, classroom and self-study activities offer the students the opportunity to work with the forms and structures of English, giving them the experience which is necessary for developing the control and range needed for effective communication in a foreign language. 

  • Reading comprehension: develop the ability to read authentic articles in English, identifying details and offering clear explanations on what has been read. 
  • Listening comprehension: develop the ability to understand authentic listening passages, identifying details and main ideas. Particular attention is paid to working with numbers and other specific information. 
  • Written production: develop the ability to organize tests and using simple cohesive devices. particular attention will be paid to describing graphs and tables. 
  • Oral production: develop the ability to interact in English, and discuss both business-oriented and personal subjects. 
  • Mechanics & Structure: reinforce the appropriate use of the common forms and structures of English during written and oral production.
  • Vocabulary: increase the student’s active vocabulary to a functional level, focusing attention on the use of common Legal English vocabulary.

A complete curriculum for the B2 level can be found on-line at in Teaching. 

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

L'esame si compone di una prova scritta e di una prova orale. L'accesso alla prova orale e' subordinato al superamento della prova scritta con valutazione pari o superiore a 18/30. La validita' della prova scritta e' estesa ai tre appelli orali immediatamente successivi. La partecipazione allo scritto con consegna dell'elaborato annulla la prova scritta eventualmente sostenuta in precedenza.
Si ricorda inoltre che gli esam di prima lingua cod. 6021 e 6022 (primo e secondo anno) sono propedeutici a questo esame. L'esame di Legal English (quarto anno) sostenuto nel mancato rispetto di tale regola e' annullato automaticamente. Non e' consentito l'uso del dizionario monolingue o bilingue.
Maggiori indicazioni relative agli argomenti trattati e alle modalita' d'esame sono riportate nel programma d'aula e d'esame pubblicato nel sito internet dell'Universita' all'indirizzo in Didattica > Attività Curriculari.


Testi Adottati

  • Krois-Linder & FLIRTH, Introduction to International Legal English, Cambridge University Press
  • Legal English self-study program provided by the teacher 
  • Materiale fornito dal docente in aula.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)


 In order to attend the Legal English courses it is strongly recommended a B2 level as proficinecy requirement.
A complete curriculum for the B2 level can be found on-line at
Materials supplied by the professor are also available at the Language Laboratories of the Language Centre.

Last change 28/04/2010 09:12