Course 2008-2009 a.y.



Department of Finance

Course taught in English

Insegnamento offerto anche in modalità e-learning (cl. 32)

CLEAM (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLES (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLEF (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - BIEM (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLEACC (6 credits - I sem. - AI)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

This course teaches the foundations of project finance, an innovative and timely financing technique that has been used on many high-profile corporate projects. Project financing is emerging as the preferred alternative to conventional methods of financing infrastructure and other large-scale project worldwide. This course takes the students through the process step by step. It covers the rationale for project financing, how to prepare the financial plan, assess the risks, design the financing mix and raise the funds.

Course Content Summary

The course has the goal to analyse the reasons why some project financing have succeeded while others have failed. Along with this presentation, the course gives detailed information on:

  • issues for the host government -legislative previsions, public/private infrastructure partnerships, public/private financing structures
  • credit requirements of lenders and how to determine the project's borrowing capacity
  • how to prepare cash flow projections and use them to measure expected rates of return
  • tax and accounting considerations
  • detailed case studies.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

The exam will be written.


Our class notes, slides and other information are available in the class learning space. Students are strongly recommended to scan over the class notes and slides before class.

The main textbooks will be:

  • P.K. NEVITT, F. FABOZZI, Project Financing, Wiley, 2001
  • E. BORGONOVO, Financial Modelling for International Investment Evaluation, Egea, 2005.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 26/05/2008 10:33

E-learning class-group

Course Objectives

This course teaches the foundations of project finance, an innovative and timely financing technique that has been used on many high-profile corporate projects. Project financing is emerging as the preferred alternative to conventional methods of financing infrastructure and other large-scale project worldwide. This course takes the students through the process step by step. It covers the rationale for project financing, how to prepare the financial plan, assess the risks, design the financing mix and raise the funds.

Course Content Summary

The course has the goal to analyse the reasons why some project financing have succeeded while others have failed. Along with this presentation, the course gives detailed information on:

  • issues for the host government -legislative previsions, public/private infrastructure partnerships, public/private financing structures
  • credit requirements of lenders and how to determine the project's borrowing capacity
  • how to prepare cash flow projections and use them to measure expected rates of return
  • tax and accounting considerations
  • detailed case studies.

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

The exam is written.


Our class notes, slides and other information will be available in the class learning space. Students are strongly recommended to scan over the class notes and slides before class.

The main textbooks will be:

  • P.K. NEVITT, F. FABOZZI, Project Financing, Wiley, 2001
  • E. BORGONOVO, Financial Modelling for International Investment Evaluation, Egea, 2005.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 26/05/2008 10:35