Course 2008-2009 a.y.



Department of Legal Studies

Course taught in English

Go to class group/s: 31
MM-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - AFC-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLAPI-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLEFIN-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLELI-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - DES-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - CLG-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - M-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - IM-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - ACME-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI) - EMIT-LS (6 credits - I sem. - AI)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (I sem.)

Course Objectives

The course aims at analysing the legal, economic and managerial profiles of the third sector, which nowadays is strongly growing up in Italy and abroad. At an international level the third sector employs 4% of economically active population, produces the 5% of Western Countries combined GDP and, only in Italy, counts 220.000 organizations, with about 630.000 employees and a global business volume of 40 billions. These few figures justify the claim for legal and managerial competencies by nonprofit organizations. Lawyers and consultants in law firms are in fact frequently asked to advise non-profit corporations, to solve their juridical-administrative and managerial problems, to follow and sustain the incorporation process and to further advise them for the drafting of the commercial as well as the personnel contractual agreements. Given the fragmented and particular structure of the Third sector, consultants are required to know the inner workings and managerial processes of nonprofit organizations as well. For this reason the course deals not only with legal specificities of nonprofit organizations but also with nonprofit management and economics. The course develops switching from traditional lectures to case discussions about nonprofit governance and strategy, inviting nonprofit italian managers as guest speakers, visiting nonprofit organizations and enabling the development of field projects for nonprofit organizations by students. An international perspective is put side by side an Italian one.

Course Content Summary

  • The nonprofit world: a comparative perspective
  • Economic and political theories on the third sector
  • The legal framework: associations, foundations and committees;
  • The process incorporation of a nonprofit organization
  • The role of cooperatives in the non-profit area
  • Some fiscal aspects: Onlus
  • Other forms of nonprofit organization: social enteprise, trust, fondazioni di partecipazione
  • Nonprofit management and governance
  • The role of the board
  • Organizational lifecycles in nonprofit organizations
  • Human resource management
  • Fundraising: strategies and managerial techniques
  • Financial management: how to read a financial statement
  • Social marketing and communication: how to develop a campaign

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Oral exam. Students can realize a project in a non-profit organization. 


  • Teaching aids about non-profit organization's law. 
  • WOLF, T. Managing a Nonprofit Organization in the Twenty First Century, last edition.
  • The exam's preparation must include some teaching aids, that will be available to the students during the lesson period.
Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 23/04/2008 09:29