Course 2008-2009 a.y.



Department of Management and Technology

Course taught in English

Insegnamento riservato agli studenti CEU

Go to class group/s: 31
DIEM (6 credits - II sem. - AI)
Course Director:

Classes: 31 (II sem.)

Course Objectives

The course provides tools for the design and governance of entrepreneurial activities, through the founding of new firms, the growth through interfirm networks and the promotion of entrepreneurship within established firms (corporate entrepreneurship). Structures and strategies based on networks are central in firms' practices on all those grounds. The entrepreneurial process issues are treated through a series of simulations, followed by rationalizations and models, reproducing the salient moments of the development of entrepreneurship: from opportunity recognition and idea generation, to the assembling of  human and financial resources, to the use of various types of networks. Structural issues are treated trough the presentations of analytical models and case studies for applications and class discussions.

Course Content Summary

  • Nature and forms of entrepreneurship. The role of networks for all of them
  • The foundation and development of new firms. Opportunity recognition, the entrepreneurial team, forms of financing and types of investors, governance and organizational structure of the new firm
  • Interfirm networks and alliances: social (e.g. industrial districts), contractual (e.g franchising, consortia) and proprietary (e.g. joint ventures)
  • Corporate entrepreneurship and strategic innovation. The large firm as a bundle of strategic initiatives. Entrepreneurial behavior and strategic discipline
  • Network organization within large firms (Network forms, Internal corporate ventures, spin-offs, M&A)

Detailed Description of Assessment Methods

Attending students
Students are evaluated on a written exam based on theory and case analysis.The exam will be structured into three parts according to course structure.  For the second and the third part the grade obtained in the written exam may be increased up to 2 points assigned for class participation.The exam is held in an ‘intermediate test’ session reserved to attending student at the end of the course.
Non attending students
Written examination consisting of questions on the readings and cases included in the Course Package.


Selected articles and parts of books will be available at the beginning of the course.

Exam textbooks & Online Articles (check availability at the Library)
Last change 26/07/2008 12:20