Course 2003-2004 a.y.



Department of Marketing

Go to class group/s 16
DIEM (6 credits - I sem. - CC)
Course Head:

Classes: 16

Introduction to the course:

As competition quickly moves for all sectors from a local and niche perspective to the global background, virtually all companies need to get a solid theoretical and technical portfolio of tools for competing in this increasingly difficult environment.
The course will take participants deep inside the major market forces that have been changing the market scenario: deregulation, hypercompetition, globalisation, and in some cases, the start-up of new, modern forms of protectionism.
In the second part, the course will present the main strategic weapons firms can put into practice for a better management of the international arena. With these tools, proactive firms may try to build a first solid base for a long-term competitive advantage.
In the third part, operational devices, like the international marketing mix tools, will be provided for a day-by-day market management of the company in the international arena.
The course objective is, first, to give students a wide view of the major market drivers in the international arena. Later on, the course present and put into practice the main international marketing tools firms may implement as to get a solid competitive advantage in the global market. At the end of the course, participants will be given all competences for preparing a marketing plan for the international firm.

Course Content :

The course will analyse the following contents:

  • Marketing in the age of globalisation. The drivers of globalisation of markets;
  • The international competitition;
  • The international firm: drivers of growth in global markets;
  • The importance of attractiveness analysis in country portfolio strategies;
  • Strategic marketing issues: how to apply macro and micro segmentation in international arenas;
  • International positioning issues; 
  • Entry strategies in foreign markets; 
  • Product, price, promotion and place strategies in foreign markets; 
  • How to build an international marketing plan.


  • Will be communicated at the beginning of the course


Written exam only