Department of Economics
Course taught in English
Course Director:
Suggested background knowledge
The course is built on prior knowledge of econometric methods, statistics and economic modelling.
Mission & Content Summary
The course aims at introducing students to empirical research methods and data analysis. The course brings two sets of skills, practical skills to analyze data but also an introduction to how research is being done and evaluated. The first part of the course reviews common econometric methods and introduce students to a widely used statistical software (Stata) through examples and case studies. The second part of the course lets the students elaborate their own research idea and guide them through its implementation and final presentation in class.
- Overview of common econometric methods such as ordinary least squares, difference-in-difference and regression discontinuity.
- Implementation of those methods using Stata, a statistical software.
- Work on group specific projects to develop a research question, derive a related empirical model and statistical analysis of data.
- Write a research paper that holds up to the scrutiny of peers. Present the results in a scientific conference style way.
Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)
At the end of the course student will be able to...
- Capacity to define a relevant research question.
- Capacity to derive a relevant econometric model and tools.
- Capacity to apply those tools to economic data.
- Capacity to interpret the results and express a critical view on them.
At the end of the course student will be able to...
- Formulate a relevant research question.
- Devise a strategy to investigate this question with data.
- Understand the difference between different econometric methods.
- Apply the relevant method to answer a particular question.
- Master common econometric and data handling commands.
- Present the research output in a clear way that can be discussed by peers.
- Offer critical views on research produced by others.
Teaching methods
- Face-to-face lectures
- Online lectures
- Exercises (exercises, database, software etc.)
- Group assignments
- Interactive class activities (role playing, business game, simulation, online forum, instant polls)
- Online lectures to gain deeper knowledge of the statistical software and econometric methods.
- Exercises to gain deeper knowledge of the statistical software.
- Group assignments to work on a research project (definition, statistical analysis and report).
- Interactive class activities to discuss and offer critical views on other groups work.
Assessment methods
Continuous assessment | Partial exams | General exam | |
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The final grade will be a weighted sum of different assessments.
- Students will take a written exam at the end of the course, that accounts for 40% of the grade with both open-ended and closed-ended questions. It will cover all parts of the course and require substantiated answers related to econometric techniques, research and data analysis. It will test the ability to use and interpret research methods with a critical view.
- Group assignment to formulate a research question and to do statistical analysis. The students will be required to hand in a research paper of approx 15 pages that contains an original research question, an argued methodological section that describes the way the research question can be addressed, as well as a result section that provides a test of the research question. This paper is then presented oraly to the class in a conference style presentation to evaluate their ability to present and communicate research results. The paper corresponds to 20% of the final grade and the oral presentation to 20%.
- Throughout the class, students will be required to take on-line tests and hand in exercises and peer-reviews to evaluate how they the effectively interact within a team, their ability to provide a valid and constructive contribution to the work requested. This part carries a weight of 10%.
- Written exam on all parts covered in the course that accounts for 100% of the grade with both open-ended and closed-ended questions. It will cover all parts of the course and require substantiated answers related to econometric techniques, research and data analysis. It will test the ability to use and interpret research methods with a critical view. .
Teaching materials
Slides provided on Blackboard.
Videos provided on Blackboard.
ANGRIST, PISCHKE, Mostly Harmless Econometrics: An Empiricist's Companion, 2009. 1st Edition.
Online video tutorials on Stata on BBoard (many are also available on YouTube).
Empirical research articles to be communicated during the class.
Last change 08/06/2022 11:36